Saturday, December 27, 2008


Every man and woman contemplates at one time or another where they actually came from and why they were seemingly thrust into world with precious few answers about their origins and purpose for their life. It can be a lonely universe at times as you gaze into the vast expanse of the night sky, viewing countless galaxies, stars, comets and other prhnomonen, wondering where you fit in. One of my purposes in writing these articles is to clear up some of the misunderstandings and try to pare down some of the very difficult concepts so they can be clearly understood by everyone who even has a spark of curiosity in their bones. In order to do this, I will begin before the beginning in your terms, not the beginning of the universe, but the beginning of you.

To get any real feeling of this we must understand a few fundamentals about energy and the soul. The energy of the universe that we so often speak of is pervasive, it is everywhere and everything that exists is the result of this generalized universal energy. The soul however is a somewhat different kind of energy; it is a potent, concentrated and individualized energy essence that is aware of its being as an identity. The soul, any soul, no matter how developed, is a concentrated gestalt of energy in motion, action enfolding back on itself, resulting in the recognition of identity, an identity that is immortal in your terms, which can never be diminished, destroyed or annihilated. You are part of your soul that has created you with your own independent and individual identity, for the purpose of reality exploration in one of many purposeful systems/worlds, and the characteristics of your soul are also your characteristics, your birthright as well.

The soul itself cannot fully materialize itself in any system other than in its own prime reality. The power of the soul simply could not be materialized in a physical body, since it would overwhelm any one identity. So it does the next best thing, it separates small portions of itself, giving it individual identity, then projects it into any one of many possible worlds in order to achieve a new kind of experience not otherwise available in non-physical, basic, prime reality. In essence, the soul fragments itself, but in so doing, it gains in the process and is not itself diminished in the process. Your individuality was created as the soul partitioned a small portion of itself to create a new personality. This was not done unbeknownst to you, but with your full consent and agreement, both you and your soul seeking new experience, in other words, you were a full participant from the beginning. The soul partitions itself, but does not become less as a result since his energy is self perpetuating and as energy is expended, it is instantly replaced and increased. So the soul loses nothing as far as its abilities and potentiality by releasing portions of its own self.

Of course, the choices of appropriate worlds available to the soul and to you to some extent are limited in the first few incarnations to the more elementary systems of reality. Your world is in essence a training ground for the newly emerging personality as it learns from its experience in that system until it evolves out of it and then more options become available for future experience in other more advanced systems. Your main challenge, apart from your personal challenges, is to finally come to the realization that you are creating your reality through the mental manipulation of energy. Not only are you bound to learn that lesson sooner or later, but when you finally begin to link what is thought with what happens, you must also learn to handle and channel this energy and create responsibly. As an aside; your world is the only system that creates war, you must learn how not to create war among other challenges.

Life is inevitable, it is enduring and continues on and it follows that each succeeding life should get easier and better as you accumulate knowledge along the way. You must die out of this life, but on death, even then, you will never cease to be, and your identity moves on to other challenges. For those who are lazy and looking forward to kicking back and resting on a cloud playing a harp, forget it. All future incarnations will include challenges appropriate to the nature of the system, in fact you will choose future lives based on what challenges are available.

The soul has specific goals in mind when creating a new identity; it is not a haphazard process and is not taken lightly. Knowing the souls intent, you plan and write the script for your new life to come somewhat like a playwright would do This does not mean that you plan ahead every minute experience in this story of your life, but it does mean that you select specific overall challenges that you will encounter and hopefully confront and learn from the experience. You do not set challenges to defeat you, but for you to triumph over them and then move on to the next challenge. That should not infer that every future life will be filled with difficulties. If you have finished with a very challenging life, filled with disappointments and defeats, you may then opt for your next life or a series of lives with relative few difficulties, abundance and pleasures, a life of rest.

In designing the circumstances for the story of your coming life, just as in a movie or play, you choose the background environment, in other words, you choose the area, continent, city, village, setting the overall tone that will offer the best chance of a certain kind of experience that you may want to try out in your coming adventure. You did that in this life, you just don’t consciously remember it. There are portions of your self that are quite aware of the choices you made in planning this life.

It will then not come as a surprise when I tell you that you also choose your parents beforehand, and this of course is a mutual arrangement struck in advance where all parties are attempting to create favorable circumstances that will benefit all concerned. The parents that you choose may or may not have been included in your immediate family before, but not necessarily. Your newly chosen future parents then would be born into earth reality many years before you make your appearance. They would wait around until the agreed upon time for the pregnancy to occur, appointments being made in advance, and you, yet unborn, psychically, would begin to hover around the agreed upon physical location, being well aware that impregnation had indeed occurred. You would enter the fetus sometime between fertilization and physical birth, the exact time depending on your own personal affinity with and desire for new earth existence. There is no set rule about the time where consciousness enters the fetus except that it must be by the time of birth.

Hypothetically speaking, you could skip a lifetime or two with past favorite parents in order to create a new story of your life that could be better experienced with new parent personalities more in tune with your new direction. You could come back to family members again in the future.

While we are on the subject, you also choose the general direction and challenges in your coming life. This is the part that some have trouble in accepting, that you would intentionally in some cases, choose a life of poverty over a life of wealth, a life with permanent physical disabilities over a life of a esthetically pleasing and highly functioning body, a life of mental deficiencies over a life of superior intellect. But this is sometimes the case when the choices are made, simply because it creates the circumstance where much can be learned through confronting these situations and getting beyond them. As I said, a life or relative ease can be chosen after a difficult life experience.

This is the play of your life, you write the script outline for yourself and the other actors, they can of course, choose to act in your play or not. One of the rules of the game is that you must then conveniently forget that you wrote the play, you jump in feet first, so to speak and act out your part in the play for better or worse. In a sense, you are the producer, director and main actor in the play of your life. Here’s the good part, you cannot do it wrong because even though from your physical viewpoint, you may have failed in certain aspects of the play, but from the viewpoint of the soul, you learn as much from what you perceive as failure as you do from success. What you fail at teaches you how not to fail the next time around. The soul perceives every scintilla of experience that you perceive by a process of what I like to call psychic osmosis, and that is the point to the whole exercise in living consciousness. All experience defies physical gravity and trickles UP or down if you prefer, to the soul or entity, through various, innumerable layers of consciousness to the divine, Prime Identity occupying the exalted pinnacle of this pyramid gestalt of knowingness.

Your mission in acting out the story of your life is to simply “BE”. You have no other demands made on you and no grand expectations set for you by an omnipotent grand God on high that you must placate. What you don’t finish or accomplish this time around, you will have another go at it in the next life. There is actually no rush as you have as much time as you need and as many lives as you choose to live on your earth. You will never be recriminated for failures and you will never be judged no matter what you do. After death, you will review the past life in order to understand what is needed in your next life.

There is one irrevocable rule, and that is, when you have made the decision to enter the reincarnation cycle with a life on earth, you must follow through and live as many lives as is necessary to become responsible co-creators before you will be allowed to graduate to more complicated and advanced systems. Remember, you made the choice to live, no one forced you to enter the reincarnational system, so in essence, you must finish what you started.

By the way, there is no set number of lives you can or will live in earth reality, but generally speaking, you must live one life as female having given birth, one as male experienced as a father, and one full life from childhood to maturity. Usually, three lives would not be considered the norm because some more adventurous personalities may also choose to live in different races in new locations and experiment with different variations other than the required minimum of lives. The circumstances are limitless as you can see, but so you know what I am talking about here; the average of number of lives lived by most personalities would be between five and ten.

If you have been reading these discussions, I can tell you in case you are curious; this is not YOUR first life. No personality would be interested in this material in a first lifetime. Its validity would totally escape them.

Lastly, after leaving the reincarnational system, some more advanced personalities with abilities beyond anything you can presently imagine, choose to return to help others. They return with full knowledge of who they are and what they hope to accomplish. They return again and again, in your time terms. They are inspired by the needs of civilizations and societies of the time and draw much of their energy and impetus from the people themselves. The populations are made aware of their coming through prophesies and illuminations given in advance. You are familiar with them.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


The question as it is posed; I have read many of your articles and you often mention “reality”. Exactly what do you mean by reality, and if we actually create it, how do we do it?

I have talked about reality in many previous articles and have been asked to explain. This can be a very complicated topic, but in order to explain I must also cover some material on the actual creation of matter itself. I have explained before in some articles that your illusion of time and space are peculiarities of your particular type of consciousness and its perceptions. Perceptions can vary and will vary to some extent in other inhabited worlds and dimensions and those varied perceptions are responsible for the multitude of ways in which time is experienced in what you would consider alien worlds. In other words, the perceptions of the inhabitants of those worlds that would seem alien to you create their reality just as you do and they possess their own unique kinds of perceptive senses that will enable them to detect meaningful electromagnetic data that would identify their own specialized reality. Their particular systems of reality would be invisible to other beings with different perceptive abilities not tuned to their precise frequencies and rhythms of actuality.

Your senses of smell, sight, taste, sound and touch deliver to your brain the necessary information needed to create a somewhat meaningful picture of the reality that you create and then encounter. They are specifically equipped to interpret patterns of energy that they have been formed into objects and events within your system; they would be totally inadequate to detect even entire systems that were created by other beings alien to you with different senses that are constantly swirling throughout your universe and even through your world. If you did not possess the necessary same perceptive abilities of the inhabitants of those worlds, the worlds could intersect and flow through your own world and they could never collide.

A system of reality then, is everything that falls within your range of perceptions, even including perceptions aided by physical instruments such as your telescopes, microscopes, radar, and other such devices. The farthest star that you can detect in your universe would then be included in your system of reality by virtue of its being perceived by you. That star may well be perceived entirely differently by inhabitants of another system.

There are alien civilizations within your galaxy and your universe, but most are beyond your ability to detect them. There are countless planes, dimensions, fields and systems of meaningful historical significance that exist and intermingle very close to your earth, but you will never meet them. These are probable systems and are in your own cosmic neighborhood. They are not physical planets as you know them and will not be detected with your instruments. In other words, there are many different dimensions and planes close to and within the same space occupied by your earth, they are as simple as I can explain, not on the same wave length as your world and a house in their world could occupy the same space as your bedroom and they would never wake you up from a good nights sleep. Of course, they would not detect your planet either.

Since each unique reality system creates its own environment and time system that is relevant only to them, some experiencing past, present and future in totally different ways than you. To some, cause and effect makes no sense because their past, present and future is contained in one expanded present and time as you know it, in consecutive minutes, hours and days does not exist. Any one particular event does not lead then to a completed ending. Experience is measured in intensities of values and not in consecutive events.

You could theoretically land a space ship in YOUR “present” on an occupied planet in your solar system in the midst of a bustling city, detecting nothing, because you would be arriving in THEIR “past” historically speaking, to you their civilization would have not yet arrived and to you it would be their past. To them of course, they would exist in their present, their present being invisible to your perception because you would perceive only their past before they existed. You would find only a barren, vacant planet. Your time system does not predominate in your universe; it only applies to your earth system. Other beings have other time systems that apply only to them, so your presents may not coincide.

Reality is created by the inhabitants of a given, field of activity. Planets exist within dimensions and the number of dimensions is countless. Planes and fields also exist within dimensions. Reality is everything that you can perceive and everything you experience within your field of perception. There is much more to be perceived, but it escapes your present abilities to perceive what surrounds you. Your reality is only valid to your civilization and everything it encompasses. Even the reality of plants, animals, insects, fish, etc. is entirely different than your own because they do not perceive what you perceive of available patterns of energy. What you should know is that a bird does not perceive the same tree that you see. It creates its own version utilizing the “tree energy”. What it creates is close enough to your version of tree reality so that some agreement can be reached psychically.

You look quite different to the reality of your pet cat or dog, and they do not see the same “you” that you see in the mirror in the morning. They also create their own reality and it is quite different than yours, so different you would wonder why they didn’t inhabit their own dimension.

Finally, you are all dealing with available fields of energy that have been formed into relevant patterns of objects and events by consciousness, yours and others, to create a reality that is perceivable by everyone. Everyone psychically creates their own version of reality. So if you are in a room containing one other person, one cat and one table, there would be two tables created, one by you and one by the cat. If there were six people, one cat and one table in the room, each person, using his or her available preceptors, would create their own version of the table and the cat from the energy pattern, so there would actually be six tables and six cats. This is how you create your reality and we will discuss it in depth in future articles. As far as agreement as to color, size, and placement of the table within the room, there would be a general agreement reached through unconscious telepathic processes. From this objectified field of energy, through an ever-present undercurrent of psychic telepathy, what we get is a remarkable similarity of each person’s versions of the objectified energy patterns. A general agreement is reached by each participator in that event as to the overall appearance and properties of the table and the cat. In other words, each person present creates his or her own version of the table. It might help if you consider the creation as a picture that the brain paints from information picked up by the senses.

Remember, solidity is an appearance, not a reality. Nothing in the universe is really solid or concrete. You live in a world and universe of appearances. The Rock of Gibraltar is not solid even though it may appear that way. Consciousness learned early on the neat little trick of channeling thought through a myriad of non-physical processes before it finally took on the physical properties of atomic structure that burst forth and created a physical universe of appearances of solidity. It follows that the physical universe is not solid either. It is certainly real and if you want to call it solid, that’s ok too, because here we get into semantics, but remember, there are many evolved entities that are not even aware that a physical universe exists.

Something can be real and not solid. If you look at your dictionary definition of “solid”, it appears that they too are not quite sure how to define solid either, inasmuch as some of the characteristics they list is having height, width and thickness, but who could deny that your dream personalities also have those attributes and they are not solid in your terms.

Physical structure is not a universal norm; on the other hand, there are many different spectrums of physical matter. There are some systems of reality where physical objects and events are far more dense than yours, and some more transparent and might appear as a shadow reality. Just as there are spectrums of sound and light and color, there are spectrums of matter, some of which your perceptive abilities can detect and some which will remain unknown to you while you are in a physical body. I am sure it will not come as a surprise to you if I tell you that each of you do at some times in the dreaming state, view and experience some of these unknown realities and you actually have counterparts there that we shall soon discuss.

There is no real barrier keeping you from perceiving some of the aspects of these unknown realities except the limitations you place on yourselves. As you grow and evolve psychically, you will be able to experience more and more phenomenon that is now invisible to you and these other counterparts of your identity will eventually become known to you.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

PERSONAL MUSINGS 3 - Sickness, Illness and the trouble with support Groups.

Many people get sick, many don’t get sick. Some get sick and quickly recover, some don’t. The subject has been discussed here before and we will discuss it much more in the future articles. But in these short musings I will sometimes comment on current events, thoughts and other relevant subject material that I intend to discuss in more detail at some future date.
Many people, especially those with serious illness such as cancer, attend support groups to aid in their recovery. Of course the theory behind this approach is that you will learn what others are doing to cure their affliction and recover. I almost cringe saying this but in a way it’s like the saying “misery loves company”. Groups of sick people finding mutual comfort and sometimes helpful suggestions about their sickness.

In theory, it sounds like a great idea, getting together with others who are in the same boat, so to speak. In practice there can be inherent problems with such an approach. Any time you think about an illness, you unconsciously lend it your energy and strengthen the impetus behind the illness. In practice, it would be better if you did not think about it at all. That is very difficult. What you ignore will begin to fade as you withdraw your energy. What you concentrate your attention on, you will strengthen. If you look for cancers, worry about cancers and explore your body in a search for cancers, your body will not disappoint you; it will give you the cancer you expect. Fear is one of the most important accelerators to help illness achieve reality.

Would you go to see a stock broker for investment advice who always loses money? Would you go to a doctor who has a bad track record with patient survival after surgery? Well of course, the answer is no. Then why would you be found associating with groups of people who obviously know how to get sick? I am not trying to be funny here, but this is a serious subject and it needs to be addressed. Illness, sickness and other afflictions that you were not born with, all have something to do with mental conditions preceding the emergence of the illness. If you want to learn how to be well, make it a habit to associate with people who know how to be well, not people who know how to be sick. You do not ordinarily find healthy, well people in support groups, but that type of group would make more sense than a gathering of sick people.

It is like the idiocy of placing expectant healthy mothers who are usually in excellent physical condition and expecting healthy vibrant babies, in a hospital in the midst of hundreds of sick people, where the air is full of countless viruses and other pesky, harmful critters. Expectant mothers are not sick! Hospitals are not even a good place for people who are sick and we all know that hospitals are the unhealthiest places you can be, exacerbating any existing illnesses. Doctors and hospital staff are usually carriers of discordant beliefs about illness and for that reason; they are per capita, the most likely to get sick.

Anyway, if you are a member of a support group, be very careful that you are not learning sickness by osmosis. It would be better to create and then once a day, repeat a simple affirmation stating your improving health and then drop it for the day. Spend more of your time with people who know how to be healthy and prove it every day by living in a state of wellness..

Sickness is not a normal condition of the human body. The body seeks a natural equilibrium and left alone it will usually, in time, cure itself and recover its balance and its health.

Monday, December 15, 2008

THE GREATEST THREAT TO MANKIND / How it is affected by probabilities.

We have talked before about the “End of Times” and I have said that there is no actual end of times in terms of a pre-determined ending to the world as we know it. There simply is no such thing as pre-determination. For every action or event there are multiple possible endings and we will call them probabilities, that exist in a vast field of probable actions, and from them you will choose the best suited events to actualize into physical materialization. This field of probabilities is constantly being added to exponentially. You dip into this field constantly when you are trying to decide what course you should take in regards to your daily life’s events.

Probable events exist for both individual and for mass world events so with that in mind there is no one act that leads to an inevitable conclusion. All probabilities are open ended but they do tend to follow certain paths of similar sympathetic actions. Mediums, at least good mediums, have the knack of peeking into the universe of probabilities and assessing the likelihood of certain probabilities to materialize over others. All future probable acts exist now in psychological fact and can be delved into, examined and tried on for size by the dreaming self, so to speak.

You experiment and play with your own future probable actions and events in your dream state and that is one of the main purposes of dreaming, to allow you the freedom of trying them out before actualizing them into your own physical life. No probability is chosen in advance, but your actions today will establish certain trends and will influence which probabilities will best suit your needs in the future. If your present actions are along the lines of scientific exploration, it is not likely that you would activate a probable future where you would become a virtuoso concert violinist. On the other hand, if you were interested in mathematics, then it would be more likely that you would select and actualize a line of probability that took you into the field of science.

Having now gone into that, there are mass probabilities that exist now just as there are lines of probabilities that will affect only your personal future, and even that is not exactly correct in that your life will always touch others in some way, but to some extent personal probable lines of development will point in the general direction that your world will move in the future. So if you want to know what major challenges your world will face in future years, you must examine current trends and challenges to see if they even the slightest possibility of affecting the world in a negative way.

I said that you have total freedom of action and no god, entity, soul or any other personality will remove or negate the choices you make even though they may result in dire consequences or even in your actual physical death. You are free to live and you are free to die, but if you choose to live on the edge, so to speak, you are steering your ship of life into treacherous waters. God will not swoop down out of the heavens to save you and he will not swoop down to save your world either. In other words, you will be allowed to fail personally and your civilization will be allowed to fail, as it has done in the past. That is the beauty of your system over others, the choices are free and open, acute, vivid, and the results can be extremely damaging or even lethal if you make the wrong choices.. Because of this intense type of training, when you evolve out of your system, you will be well prepared to move on to other more advanced systems.

Now as you survey your world landscape, you see that you are facing many challenges and they are elucidated quite clearly on your media every day. You are told of global warming, carbon emissions, rising sea levels, air pollution, water quality degradation, crop failures, wars, disease, pestilence and yet your most renowned scientists, religious institutions, think tanks and others do not show responsibility by discovering and mainstreaming the one underlying problem that can devastate and destroy civilization as you know it. Just as no god will swoop down and save you, no god will swoop down and save your civilization from mass disaster. I am not speaking of local disasters such as floods, hurricanes or plagues but world disasters.

The one problem that underlies all of your possible future difficulties is the problem of OVERPOPULATION. Why in the world would you let your political and religious leaders convince you that it is a sin to regulate population in light of the fact that you can’t even now, grow enough food to feed them, and the lack of potable water and basic nourishment for great expanses of your continents results in millions of deaths annually. Where have you left your brains, why have you not used them to decipher what is just common sense from the rhetoric of misguided leaders. It’s almost as if you have said; “I vow not to use my brain and intuitions to help me navigate in perilous times and these times are indeed perilous for mankind.

You have a pope and other religious leaders tell you to keep creating more babies when it is quite obvious that the people that are the biggest contributors to unfettered population increases are the ones who are least likely to be able to care for even a most minimum of a families needs. You have a president who bull headedly plows ahead, following totally false religious doctrine, with a ludicrous formula of abstinence for population reduction, when it has been proven over and over again by the facts that it simply doesn’t work. Telling people to practice abstinence and not to have sex is like telling the not to use their eyes to see.

Your earth now cannot adequately support six billion people, can’t you clearly see that? In order to insure a good quality of life for all, your world should support no more than three billion people. Here I must tell you something that you already know, that you owe it to all other species to insure that they have ample habitat of their own, and you have no right to keep destroying other species in order to support your own. Animals in zoos are animals dead. You will learn nothing from studying an animal in a cage.

There are many more practical methods to reduce the earth’s population. Your American president tells you that he will not participate in global efforts to reduce carbon emissions because it might cause some loss of jobs. I ask you, is that the level of mentality that is the result of thousands of years of evolution? Is that the best you can do? If this kind of thinking is not reversed, then you are establishing a trend leading to the probability that your world will become uninhabitable by life as you now know it. You may have jobs, but if you keep moving in the direction you are moving, you will have no one alive to fill them. Fortunately there are many more evolved personalities waiting in the wings that are not hampered by such lack of intellect and foresight.

There is an actual probability that exists now, not yet made physical, but just as real, where the earth collapses under the weight of unfettered population expansion. There is one other thing that must be considered and that there is an inherent need latent within the genetic structure of all living species, not just human beings, and that is the pursuit of value fulfillment. It is not all just about living; it is about living a quality life of ample opportunity to express creativeness, joys, and happiness and enjoy life’s pleasures. Your species has no right to develop your societies to the point that it detracts from the potential for other species to exist in a quality environment. To extinct even one species diminishes the quality of life for all other species.. There was from what you consider the beginning, a tapestry of life on your earth, a large pattern of existence made up of an exquisite balance of smaller life patterns. As you begin to unravel some of the smaller life patterns, you begin to destroy the integrity of the overall tapestry of life itself.

Your world is not UN-DESTROYABLE from your physical viewpoint. It can be brought to its knees, become unlivable and brought to the point where humanity as you know it must either mutate or adopt new form that can exist in such a degraded environment or exit this system entirely and emerge in another more suitable probable reality. The good news is, even in any perceived destruction, you can destroy nothing. You can remove the wonderful esthetics of your unequaled natural landscape, you can remove the joys of intermingling with uncountable other species and the joy of your intimate connection with them, but they will not be destroyed. They will emerge in another probable reality more viable and suited for their particular kind of value fulfillment.

This is all unnecessary if you come to your senses in time and follow your intellect and instincts rather than the faulty, defective beliefs of others that preach to you ideas that you know within your heart are wrong. There is nothing inherently wrong with limiting population growth, as a matter of fact, it will be done or you will not survive as a viable species.

Friday, December 12, 2008


For a while this phrase popped up on your bumper stickers and was quite popular and it has some real significance if you want to truly understand the nature of your reality. You dwell in the physical world of solid, hard core objects and facts that cannot be denied. Another greater portion of your identity dwells in the inner universe of unstated reality and that part of you remains a mystery to the ego oriented self. If you always try to navigate in the physical field of atoms and molecules by using the brain alone, you will never fully understand your daily experience and be able to solve your problems satisfactorily. The corporeal self was meant to operate with a melding of the intellect and intuitions.

I use the Jesus reference above to help you understand that true realization of life’s mysteries will only become apparent when you learn to think at two different levels. On the one physical level, the ego negotiates the intricacies of physical manipulation. On another inner level of reality, things may appear quite different to the inner portion of your identity. It is from this inner universe of reality that the physical universe is born and it is born spontaneously and instantaneously from the unlimited energy of consciousness.

When you evaluate your actions in your everyday life, you sometimes tend to think only in physical terms and it hardly occurs to you that what sometimes seems senseless to you may make perfect sense to the inner self and the soul or entity. The motivations and desires of your inner self for a certain kind of experience may not be the same as yours just as Jesus may not have the same outlook as you would concerning your everyday reality. You automatically think that it is good for you to have a lot of money, to be comely, to be well liked, to be much loved by your family and in good physical health. Those exterior advantages may be comforting on the surface level, but there are other lessons to be learned that may not come from a life of ease without challenges. What can be learned from having everything you want come easily? It will never teach you how to better understand the despair of loneliness, the hunger from poverty, the pain of illness, or the unfulfilled yearning for true love.

When you are contemplating your position in life, do not berate yourself because you have not achieved great wealth. Do not look with envy at others who seem to have achieved total happiness with their loved ones while your life seems barren in comparison. Don’t feel sorry because you are not in as good health as your contemporaries but decide to make a conscious decision to do something about it. There is only one benefit from suffering and that is to teach you how “not to suffer”.

You are here in this life as a representative of your soul/entity, given complete independence and freedom of choice, with no supervision and no outside interference, but with a rough outline or plan that you set for yourself to follow which would allow you to encounter certain types of experience, deal with certain problems and to conquer them and move on to the next challenge. You are here to learn that you create your own reality through your thoughts, intentions, desires and expectations. Imagine this situation if you will. You live a life where everything you ever wanted comes to you easily without too much effort. If you always got everything you wanted without any contrasts of failure and discontent, then I ask you, how in the world you could finally stumble on the connection between your thoughts and beliefs and their materialization in your physical world.

The contrasts, learning from doing it wrong the first time, then attempting to do it better the next time that is to some extent meant to give you a clue, that what you think, you get. There is no other “universal rule” so to speak that prevails in all universes, worlds, dimension and planes of reality, no matter how alien the beings inhabiting those systems may seem to be. Everybody and everything gets what it thinks about. Reality is created through thought and beliefs, and reality is not solid. If you think a thought with enough intensity, desire and expect it to become real, it will come. You will then bump into what you created and never give it a second thought that you may actually had a hand in creating what you are experiencing. After all, you have been doing it for thousands of years and you haven’t figured it out yet.

You are here to learn and the challenges you face are challenges that you have created for yourself as a learning process. No god or soul inflicts your disappointments, challenges, failures or successes on you. You are here to learn from everything you encounter in physical reality, otherwise there would be no real point to the emergence of the entity/soul from the inner psychological reality.

Now, here is how I intend to tie this in with a “Jesus” analogy. When you feel like you have been given the short end of the stick, remember that what you want and what the soul wants and what Jesus might want if he were here, can be very different things indeed.

Consciousness is always in a state of flux, always changing, growing and becoming more and nothing remains permanent. The physical constructions of consciousness are also in a state of change, even the pyramids and other seemingly solid manifestations are also changing, so you should always keep in mind, no condition is beyond change. What you create, you can change. Your physical body is also in a constant state of change. The change that occurs to your body and your life, will change in accord with your beliefs, so be careful what beliefs you adopt. There are countless charlatans who will gladly give you their defective beliefs. It is up to you to learn discretion and accept only beliefs that feel good to you. If something doesn’t feel good to you inwardly, then it is not good for you, regardless what anyone may tell you.

It has been in vogue in the past to believe that there is inherently something wrong with feeling good, to seek pleasure and to enjoy money, good health and love of family. There are some who preach that poverty and lack is the only holy way to salvation. There are some who will tell you that God created man and woman with strong sexual possibilities, and then basically told you it was wrong to express yourself sexually except in very limited circumstances.

You inherently know in your heart that this is simply holy poppycock. Poverty, chastity, illness and lack can be a good platform to teach you how to attract wealth, enjoy a good sex life, be healthy and create abundance and that is its purpose. If it helps you keep focused on the changeability of life’s conditions, then ask yourself “What would Jesus do?” or “What would my inner self do?” understanding that there are many ways to view a challenge, but remember that you created the challenge, it was not thrust upon you by some outside agency, and you created it for a good reason, because the inner self desired to learn how to solve such a challenge presented and experienced by the ego self ensconced in physical reality.

Always remember this; I created it and I can change it.


For a while this phrase popped up on your bumper stickers and was quite popular and it has some real significance if you want to truly understand the nature of your reality. You dwell in the physical world of solid, hard core objects and facts that cannot be denied. Another greater portion of your identity dwells in the inner universe of unstated reality and that part of you remains a mystery to the ego oriented self. If you always try to navigate in the physical field of atoms and molecules by using the brain alone, you will never fully understand your daily experience and be able to solve your problems satisfactorily. The corporeal self was meant to operate with a melding of the intellect and intuitions.

I use the Jesus reference above to help you understand that true realization of life’s mysteries will only become apparent when you learn to think at two different levels. On the one physical level, the ego negotiates the intricacies of physical manipulation. On another inner level of reality, things may appear quite different to the inner portion of your identity. It is from this inner universe of reality that the physical universe is born and it is born spontaneously and instantaneously from the unlimited energy of consciousness.

When you evaluate your actions in your everyday life, you sometimes tend to think only in physical terms and it hardly occurs to you that what sometimes seems senseless to you may make perfect sense to the inner self and the soul or entity. The motivations and desires of your inner self for a certain kind of experience may not be the same as yours just as Jesus may not have the same outlook as you would concerning your everyday reality. You automatically think that it is good for you to have a lot of money, to be comely, to be well liked, to be much loved by your family and in good physical health. Those exterior advantages may be comforting on the surface level, but there are other lessons to be learned that may not come from a life of ease without challenges. What can be learned from having everything you want come easily? It will never teach you how to better understand the despair of loneliness, the hunger from poverty, the pain of illness, or the unfulfilled yearning for true love.

When you are contemplating your position in life, do not berate yourself because you have not achieved great wealth. Do not look with envy at others who seem to have achieved total happiness with their loved ones while your life seems barren in comparison. Don’t feel sorry because you are not in as good health as your contemporaries but decide to make a conscious decision to do something about it. There is only one benefit from suffering and that is to teach you how “not to suffer”.

You are here in this life as a representative of your soul/entity, given complete independence and freedom of choice, with no supervision and no outside interference, but with a rough outline or plan that you set for yourself to follow which would allow you to encounter certain types of experience, deal with certain problems and to conquer them and move on to the next challenge. You are here to learn that you create your own reality through your thoughts, intentions, desires and expectations. Imagine this situation if you will. You live a life where everything you ever wanted comes to you easily without too much effort. If you always got everything you wanted without any contrasts of failure and discontent, then I ask you, how in the world you could finally stumble on the connection between your thoughts and beliefs and their materialization in your physical world.

The contrasts, learning from doing it wrong the first time, then attempting to do it better the next time that is to some extent meant to give you a clue, that what you think, you get. There is no other “universal rule” so to speak that prevails in all universes, worlds, dimension and planes of reality, no matter how alien the beings inhabiting those systems may seem to be. Everybody and everything gets what it thinks about. Reality is created through thought and beliefs, and reality is not solid. If you think a thought with enough intensity, desire and expect it to become real, it will come. You will then bump into what you created and never give it a second thought that you may actually had a hand in creating what you are experiencing. After all, you have been doing it for thousands of years and you haven’t figured it out yet.

You are here to learn and the challenges you face are challenges that you have created for yourself as a learning process. No god or soul inflicts your disappointments, challenges, failures or successes on you. You are here to learn from everything you encounter in physical reality, otherwise there would be no real point to the emergence of the entity/soul from the inner psychological reality.

Now, here is how I intend to tie this in with a “Jesus” analogy. When you feel like you have been given the short end of the stick, remember that what you want and what the soul wants and what Jesus might want if he were here, can be very different things indeed.

Consciousness is always in a state of flux, always changing, growing and becoming more and nothing remains permanent. The physical constructions of consciousness are also in a state of change, even the pyramids and other seemingly solid manifestations are also changing, so you should always keep in mind, no condition is beyond change. What you create, you can change. Your physical body is also in a constant state of change. The change that occurs to your body and your life, will change in accord with your beliefs, so be careful what beliefs you adopt. There are countless charlatans who will gladly give you their defective beliefs. It is up to you to learn discretion and accept only beliefs that feel good to you. If something doesn’t feel good to you inwardly, then it is not good for you, regardless what anyone may tell you.

It has been in vogue in the past to believe that there is inherently something wrong with feeling good, to seek pleasure and to enjoy money, good health and love of family. There are some who preach that poverty and lack is the only holy way to salvation. There are some who will tell you that God created man and woman with strong sexual possibilities, and then basically told you it was wrong to express yourself sexually except in very limited circumstances.

You inherently know in your heart that this is simply holy poppycock. Poverty, chastity, illness and lack can be a good platform to teach you how to attract wealth, enjoy a good sex life, be healthy and create abundance and that is its purpose. If it helps you keep focused on the changeability of life’s conditions, then ask yourself “What would Jesus do?” or “What would my inner self do?” understanding that there are many ways to view a challenge, but remember that you created the challenge, it was not thrust upon you by some outside agency, and you created it for a good reason, because the inner self desired to learn how to solve such a challenge presented and experienced by the ego self ensconced in physical reality.

Always remember this; I created it and I can change it.

Sunday, December 7, 2008


I intend sometimes to discuss general accepted world beliefs and knowledge that would inhibit understanding of the true nature or reality. Many of these beliefs have been adopted because of laziness, it being much easier to simply believe what someone tells you than to spend the necessary time and effort to look for the information yourself. Many of you have accepted distorted or false beliefs even though they didn’t feel right to you and I dare say that you now hold a variety of beliefs that are just flat out wrong and you know it, but still, you do nothing to replace these beliefs with more beneficial ones. Why should you bother? Because as you learn the true nature of reality, and finally realize that you are actually, not symbolically, creating your own reality, it will dawn on you that you and only you have the power to change your world.

I am here to make you think, to arouse your curiosity, to challenge you. The concepts I discuss here are not new and not revolutionary. They have been given before through the ages, but mostly lost or forgotten in the mists of time. If I accomplish nothing more than to get you to trust your own intuitions and feelings, then these writing will have succeeded. The real truths cannot be found on the outside, but on the inside. You may not consciously know the answers to the questions you wonder about, but you are directly linked to your inner self, and the inner self is intimately connected with the soul/entity, and here the answers are known and they are not withheld from you. My task is to stimulate your interest so that you will begin to question. The more questions you ask, the more questions will come to mind. What there is to know is endless.

So in these personal musings I hope to discuss new ideas in light of general misleading beliefs held by many of you that must be dispensed with if you are to really begin to get a feel for these truths. These will deal with the general concepts that are a necessary underpinning for developing a good and valid belief system. I call this knowledge truth, and leave it up to you to decide. First of all, let’s consider the connectivity and cooperativeness of consciousness. You have been taught that something exists on several different levels, with God somewhere up in the clouds in a stereotyped Heaven, with humanity somewhere in the middle on the surface of the earth itself and with Satan, somewhere down below near the center of the earth in the stereotyped hell. Because of this, you have developed so many false beliefs that I could never cover them here, but for openers how about this.

You now have a general feeling that anything UP must be bright, light and uplifting associated with God and good. DOWN of course, would signify something bad, dark and sinister such as Satan, while anything sideways is neutral. Why else would you raise your eyes and stretch your arms upward towards the clouds when speaking to your God? Did it ever occur to you that if UP is good and DOWN is bad, and then if you followed that direction downward through the earth, the other side of our globe would be bad. Black is considered bad and those kinds of stereotyped beliefs have caused you to look askance at many darker skinned people. Evil people in your movies are usually dressed in black and religious people always wear white. The good hero cowboy always wears the white hat and the heartless gunslinger is in black.

If you always looked up to find your God, you would certainly miss the more innocuous signs of the true presence of God even as a solitary dandelion forces its way up between the cracks in a city sidewalk, bursting forth into the sunlight in its exuberance to live. Nature is inevitable and the will to live through desire, intent and striving that is so evident even in the smallest speck of self aware matter, can teach you much about the emergence of the first essence of All That Is.

From my standpoint, one of the most frustrating things is to know something and not to be able to find adequate words to verbalize it or explain this knowledge to you. The problem is of course, both of ours, since we must sometimes together wait until the necessary foundations of knowledge are understood by you before some of these most esoteric concepts would make any sense. In other words, we must be on the same page, so to speak. As I have alluded to in the past, as the human brain is challenged to understand new concepts, it will grow in its comprehension and we can progress together. The intellect is helpful here, but some of these truths will be intuitively known first in the heart before the brain catches up.

The one overall, most important thing you must understand for any of this to make sense is that the people that you love, the animals that you care about, the world, the universe and beyond were not accidental happenstance as some scientists would have you believe. All of this was created with purposeful intent by All That Is, much of the actual creative work being done by powerful, evolved entities/souls because they were driven to create even as you are driven to create, even if you don’t know it at this time. I have said before and will keep repeating it until you finally are splashed with a hint of inspiration, and then you will surely KNOW that you do indeed create not only your own personal reality, but in masse with others around the world, create the reality of the times worldwide, along with its great religions, wars, droughts, famines and pestilence.

In future discussions I intend to explain in detail the exact process you use to create your reality and through which reality achieves form and action within the physical plane. You have been doing it for thousands of years unconsciously, so don’t you think it’s time you became aware of the process and learn how to do it consciously? Ultimately, that is why you are here.

Know then, that intellectual and spiritually powerful entities/souls originated and gave you the initial patterns for the first animals, plants, humans and all creatures in between. You then, began your part in this creative process by supplying the supportive energy that actualized itself into physically oriented matter applied to the underlying existing psychic patterns. The birds that fly and migrate across continents, the insects that swarm across the prairies, the animals that exist among you and the myriad plants, flowers and trees, were all designed with loving intent to venture onto a newly formed planet and gain new experience never before known and to refine their existence through the process of evolution.

There is not one accidental living consciousness that exists or has ever existed without first being created by entities so evolved that you would not recognize them as beings. There are newly formed creatures being introduced into your world even now and you think they have always existed and are just recently discovered.

What I really want to get across is that there exist pyramid gestalts of consciousness of which you are an integral part. These consciousnesses are intimately connected and cooperative in carrying out the unconscious bodily functions inherent within your body that you are not aware of. The consciousness of atoms form gestalts of cellular consciousness, the cells then, form gestalts of organ consciousness and organ gestalts of awareness gather in the same psychic pyramid configuration to form the overall body consciousness which performs and monitors all of the bodies unconscious functions such as breathing, healing wounds and carrying out countless functions that you could not live without. These are the same gestalts of consciousness that will continue to support the body’s activities even though you may be in a coma and the ego consciousness is out to lunch, so to speak. A cell knows that it is a cell and knows of the organization that is a part of. Although its consciousness is of a general nature, it still experiences satisfaction and value fulfillment because of its participation.

Everyone and everything is connected through these interwoven psychic gestalts, smaller organizations joining together into larger gestalts that can bring awareness and participation in more advanced forms offering value fulfillment not available before. Countless pyramid gestalts of varying degrees of awareness combining, mixing, flowing through, all self aware, all legitimate identities although they may never have and never will directly experience physical reality of the kind you are familiar with, but nevertheless valid on their own levels and some of those levels are very close to the ultimate. Of course, in a way, they will experience physical reality through other physical personalities such as YOU that share their gestalt configuration.

In a hard to describe way, all consciousness is connected to the Prime Energy Essence Being “All That Is” (God) through these gestalts of consciousness, and this is one of those deeper truths of which you are ALL aware of whether you think about it or not. This knowledge is latent within your genes and can never be dissipated or lost. It is your heritage.

In a reassuring way, you are all playing the game of life, and it’s a game you can’t lose. And here’s more good news, you get better at it the more you do it.

Thursday, December 4, 2008


The question as it is posed; do you think the resting period after we leave one life and before we go on is longer if the person had taken their own life? Why would it be? Would it be the same if a person suffered a violent death? Isn't cancer a violent death?

There are several questions embedded in the one inquiry and I will try to address them within a larger context. I have told you that there is no real sin, no real transgression and no final judgment and punishment. I have also told you that you create your own reality and within that context, you could in a sense create your own personal version of sin, judgment and punishment with no actual reality for anyone else besides yourself. In other words, if you believe in sin and punishment, then you will at least temporarily, experience the repercussions of your beliefs until you learn that you are creating what you are experiencing and in that way learn how not to create it. This would not affect anyone else.

Since there is no such reality as sin as you think of it, then your question about what happens if one commits suicide becomes meaningless. There is no such punishment for taking your own life, but it is not advisable because you are here as an emissary of the entity and you chose this life with intent. You, in advance of this life, wrote the story of your future life, complete with its challenges, in order to create and work through. You then forget that you wrote the story, jump feet first into the role you created and for better or worse, learn from your experience.

A suicide will not harm anyone else except yourself, and in truth it will do no permanent damage to you either, other than what you do not complete in this life, you will have to complete in another. Sometimes there are carryovers from one lifetime to another, and in this case you would just postpone but not rid yourself of these challenges that you chose to avoid in this life. In other words, there is no way to avoid facing up to whatever conditions caused you to commit suicide in the first place; you will simply work through it now or later. It’s always your choice and your soul/entity is timeless. This would not affect the time spent between lives other than because of the serious psychological problems that are inherent in a suicide, you may require more time to come to grips with and reconcile the difficulties before pressing onward.

In answer to your last question; a death is a death, violent or passive, it makes no difference and cancer is no more violent a death than stumbling in front of a speeding automobile and getting squished to smithereens. In a way, every death is a suicide because in one way or another you choose to die, even though it may not seem that way. Remember that nobody is born unless they choose to be born and no death ever happens unless the personality is in agreement. No death is ever a surprise, the time and place of your death is even now known to your inner self but that information is withheld from you for obvious reasons.

In larger terms that we have not yet discussed, there are many issues that should be considered, but we are not far enough along that I could adequately explain at this time. I cannot help but give you a hint; reincarnated lives are all simultaneous, viewed through the lens of time

Monday, December 1, 2008


The question as it is posed; what is the soul and do I have one? Where is my soul and is it possible through my actions, to lose my soul?
(An excerpt from
The principle of life, feeling, thought, and action in humans, regarded as a distinct entity separate from the body, and commonly held to be separable in existence from the body, the spiritual part of humans as distinct from the physical part. The part of humans regarded in its moral aspect, or as believed to survive death and subject to happiness or misery in a life to come.

Above is the official dictionary description of the soul. I will here try to explain why it is not correct and even quite misleading, so I will attempt to clear this up by answering the posed question and also elaborating on the characteristics of the soul. Actually these questions present an opportune time to discuss the true nature of the soul as it will relate to our future discussions.

First question; do I have a soul? I would hope so because if you didn’t, you wouldn’t be here and if you lost your soul, you would have a real problem finding it because you would have to literally dissect every cell, molecule and organ in your search and you still would come up empty handed. Your soul is indeed part of you and you are part of your soul, not all of it, but part of it. Your soul IS separate from your physical body, but it is inexorably interwoven within your physical image, becoming indistinguishable from the total you that you are, it is alive within your every atom, cell, organ, brain and mind. It is then, both separate and a part of. Upon physical death, it disentangles itself from the corporeal body structure and once again integrates itself within the true real identity, the inner self of the former physical personality.

The dictionary has it right in that it is a “Distinct Entity” and it does of course, survive physical death. It existed before birth, it alone is responsible for initiating your birth, and it continues to exist after your death. It is in that respect, eternal. It is not reliant on a body, but does assume meaningful form and derives much of its value fulfillment, pleasures and satisfactions through materializing a portion of itself within the physical system and experiencing perceptions not otherwise available to it alone. The physical being experiences its perceptions through the available methods within its given reality, i/e smell, touch, taste, vision and sound. The souls experience is more direct; using inner sense mechanisms not well understood by the ego self, so it translates the received outer data into inner perceptions more in line with its values. Every exterior object and experience has its distinct inner counterpart that must exist as a pattern before materialization can take place.

So, you do indeed have a soul, but it would be more correct to say that your soul has you. Your soul at some point in the past divided off and separated a small portion of its own consciousness into a neat little package of (self-ness) or (I-ness) if you prefer, individually self aware and actual consciousness, encapsulated and protected, precisely tuning it and then projecting it into your particular world, allying it with a newly forming physical embryo. In other words, you owe your existence to your soul. You are part of it, and it is a part of you and while you are in a physical form, you cannot lose it even if you are the proverbial absent minded professor. To make this perfectly clear and I know some will not like this; Hitler did not lose his soul. Souls do not get misplaced, diminished or destroyed for committing despicable acts.

As many of you know by now, I usually refrain from using the term soul as there is too much religious baggage associated with that reference, inferring a kind of spiritual wispiness that better describes a puff of ethereal fog. I am pleased that the dictionary uses the term “Entity” and I find that much less confining and misleading. The entity (soul) is a highly evolved, non-physical, energy essence personality, an electromagnetic field of unlimited probabilities and potentialities that encompasses many of the attributes that you ascribe to yourself, but in a far more advanced state of being. The soul is eternal and limitless. It naturally flows through other such fields (identities), forms alliances with and pools psychological resources with and becomes part of other such identities. In this way a psychological gestalt is formed which infringes in no way on each other. We have talked in terms of psychological gestalts in reference to the God Reality, but these kinds of gestalts begin with the entity/soul and work their way up the chain of command, so to speak.

Now, this is the important; the entity/soul is not human by any stretch of the imagination, but understands and manifests itself into the human realm of experience. The soul that is part of you has in its distant past, stood in the same position that you now hold and subsequently evolved beyond human form and interests. This soul, although its experience is now beyond anything you could now understand, still remembers and holds dear its physical days of dawns and dusks. In other words, it went through the human stages. It is a purposeful, distinct, action oriented identity, no longer ego focused, but with its own intents, goals and desires. It is not human, but it is also not by any means some misty cloud of nothingness.

In other words, the point that I am trying to get across, and not very well I think, is that the soul should be considered an independent identity, rather than just simply an electro magnetic field of purpose oriented energy, but not human in normal human terms. It is the most powerful condensed form of energy in the universe and groups of souls have formed with others of its kind to become the God-like highest evolved entities that none of us can even imagine.

The underlying purpose of all consciousness is to create and evolve into more sophisticated, intellectually and psychologically advanced identities and configurations and here is what you must know; at some point in YOUR distant future, you too will evolve beyond anything you can now imagine and will choose from many possible pathways for development, one of which could be to become an entity/soul that gives birth to other new personalities. If there is one general description that can be given of soul consciousness and all consciousness for that matter, is that it is endless action exploring its potentials through psychic growth and expansion and it knows no limitations. Your soul then is not some disembodied force, but an actual being, assuming form for its own intents and purposes, it is the greater part of your being, and you are headed in that direction.

Saturday, November 29, 2008


Since I have been writing these articles for some time now and have fortunately found many interested readers, I thought I would begin including from time to time, some more personal notes. I have said before that in your search for inner truths, there are many out there that would mislead you, maybe not on purpose, but unintentionally, simply because the content of their information is just not valid.

My advice is not to follow those who ask you for something. Be observant of their agenda and motivations. I have said that words can lie, and often do, but your inner emotions and intuitional feelings cannot lie. When you search for your path, follow your most intimate, inner feelings about what is right. I can tell you that much of what you will hear in religious and scientific institutions is simply wrong in such a profound way that you could waste a lifetime on your knees, worshiping and praying to whoever or whatever and never get one inch closer to the real truths and true spirituality. Most of this will do you no real harm other than to waste a valuable lifetime and sometimes draining your own energy and bank account while believing what others tell you instead of following your own path. Only you know what is right for you.

I have no agenda other than to make you think when you have been used to blindly accepting what others tell you. I am not any esteemed guru and I don’t do séances. I do not predict the future and I will never stick a collection basket under your nose and tell you to tithe in my church. If I had a church, it would just as likely be on a warm, sunny beach as some lofty edifice or in a cave on a mountain top. Organized religion is but a step, and a well needed step as mankind began to seek something larger than itself. Religion is something that was meant as a stepping stone as man evolved and was meant to be evolved through and beyond and not to cling to like a baby clings to its security blanket. It is important here that I point out the vast differences between organized religion and personal spiritual growth. I will never tell you that the way to enlightenment is to walk lightly, speak softly with head lowered in reverent submission in some spiritual daze. I may suggest that your shout out your displeasure in moments of anger or that you dance in a field of daisies when you are happy and express exuberant joy at just being alive.

Jesus was real as was Buddha and other teachers and their messages were valid to the point that they were interpreted and understood in their times. Jesus has appeared in other times and places and will appear again, but not for the reasons given. He will not appear to save the righteous at the “end times”, but to usher in a new era as there will be a momentous expansion of consciousness as mankind takes an enormous step forward. The world will be a better place. I mention this now so you will know that I am not a complete heathen.

I ask not that you join anything, but only that you begin to consider a world and universe far more expansive in scope than your brain could now comprehend or endure. I offer you the opportunity to learn from what I know, although I really don’t know that much considering the enormous complexity of creativity. On an imaginary scale of about 1 to 100, 100 being “knowing everything” there is to know, I am probably at about a 5. The vast depths and richness of reality is beyond your comprehension and mine, but I do not let that hold me back from pursuing knowledge and insights and it should not hold you back either.

Whatever knowledge and wisdom I possess, I freely offer to you. You must then consider my words and concepts, not by sifting them through your intellect, but pondering them in your mind and heart, trusting your emotions to verify their veracity. I would never intentionally mislead you, but neither would some others, and many times their beliefs are just flat out wrong, so with this in mind you must be diligent that you recognize frauds and charlatans.

There are far more advanced personalities that have evolved through your world and now exist in other dimensions, but still concerned with your world and they are watching and learning from what you do. They cannot and will not interfere but will attempt to communicate their knowledge to those who will listen.

I am not sure of the exact source of my information, but I know it comes from a teacher far more advanced than I, and I know how it comes and I expect it to come. I know this may sound strange, but when I am puzzled by some difficult and elusive concept that I have been mulling over, I know that the answer I seek will come to me soon and much of it comes in the dream state. I do not originate the concepts I write about, they are given to me, not to keep, but to disseminate to you and others like you. I simply write them down and invite you in to play. Here’s the thing; when you seek information with enough fervor, you create what could be seen as a psychic whirlpool of attraction, and given time and impetus, the information will be drawn to you. Your intents, desires and concentration of interests, literally suck up knowledge otherwise not available through normal channels.

I will say this; I know that in all I write about, there simply is NO bad news, there is no sin, no judgment and no punishment and once given, life is eternal. There will always be challenges in every life you live, and you will live many, but the good news is that you have nothing to fear since it is you that creates the challenges that you then encounter. You are always protected even though it may not seem that way. If life did not take on the appearances of serious consequences for your actions, you would never learn that you are indeed creating your reality and you would never learn life’s most important lessons.

The main object of these articles is to make you increasingly aware that you create your reality and from that one simple truth, you will finally come to the understanding that if you create your reality, then you are in control and if you don’t like what you have created, you alone have the power to change it. Nothing ever really happens TO you, but in a real way, everything happens BY you. You ultimately get what you concentrate on, so if you are not satisfied with your life as it is, the only way you can begin to change it is to change how you think about it. There is no other more important rule anywhere in the universe and this rule applies to all worlds, dimensions and universes.
We will discuss the nuts and bolts of this creative process in more detail in future articles and I hope to be able to show you how, through thought, idea, imagination and expectation, you propel atoms into structural forms that you call objects and events and then perceive them as such. You have then, learned to create solid objects in a universe where nothing is inherently solid. The objects and events that you create out of nothing are quite functional for practical purposes and where you perceive nothing, there is still consciousness that you call space. Quite an achievement!

The path to God, Spirituality and Universal Knowledge is not easy; in fact it’s very difficult. Conversely speaking, no matter what you do, you cannot separate yourself from All That Is. At this point I must tell you that if you are contemplating in some distant future, an annihilation of your identity with a final dissolving into some mindless state of nirvana, assimilating your consciousness into the consciousness of God, it’s not going to happen. I understand that in “time” terms it is hard to imagine living forever, but that is exactly what you are committed to do and there is nothing you can do to negate that commitment. There will be periods of rest and new adventures in realities beyond anything you can now imagine.

If you are reading this, you are beyond simple children’s tales. It would be much easier for you to just sit in a pew and listen to repeated, old worn out myths, legends and tales of sin, despair and punishment. You will find that fewer and fewer people will find what they are searching for in this dogmatic environment. You would be far closer to All That Is if you were to sit on the seashore and watch the waves and sea gulls on a misty morning.
William Allan

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


In my last part of this continuing material on the reality of God, I had discussed the emergence of the physical universe. Before I continue, there is something I would like to say. This material is very difficult and I am aware that some of you will be offended and some outraged that I would ruin your idealized picture of God, a triumphant yet jealous angry and vengeful old gentleman with a white flowing beard living in some sterile heaven up in the sky, watching and waiting to answer or deny your prayers and only too eager to administer your final judgment before he condemns you to eternal damnation and hellfire. This is not how it is and you will come to that conclusion now or later. The God Concept that I give you now carries some inherent difficulties in its explanation, as simply as I can put it, is that you probably now believe there is a God at the TOP, somewhere UP and you and the rest of humanity are DOWN at the BOTTOM of the pile of consciousness with an infinity of nothing in between. And herein lays the difficulty, because I am here to tell you that there are infinite levels of multidimensional, complex, intelligent, purposeful, conscious beings between you and All That Is and there is no separation

I now would like to consider something that is rarely discussed and that is the true nature of who, what and when God really IS. God is obviously not a man, a woman or in that respect, he is not human either and when we try to understand the God concept, we do ourselves a disservice when we try to understand what is not human through a human perspective. It would be easier if you could become comfortable with the fact that the God Reality is more of a Divine Process than a humanistic being. God never was human although he experiences himself through all phases of human and creature development. Every self aware identity, and that also includes animals, birds, insects, bacteria and even the smallest particles that form living matter, is connected through what could be called a Pyramid Gestalt, an organized psychological field of activity where the Unitary cannot be determined or defined by the summation of its parts. It is more than the totality of its parts. This is the God Gestalt that we discuss here. This hypothetical, psychological, pyramid gestalt is chock full of intelligent conscious beings from God on the top and newer consciousness entering their respective systems at the bottom or lower levels. They will be rising to more developed levels of this psychic structure as they evolve. One is not better than another as they are all from the same source. Some are more mature than others.

All That Is (God), of course is the top of this pyramid gestalt. Everyone and everything is part of something else. There is no “stand-alone” consciousness in the entire universe, even though it may appear that way. I must over simplify this to a great extent to make this clear. Picture then, a pyramid configuration with newly emerging, self aware conscious personalities on or near the bottom level of the pyramid. (Obviously, there’s a whole bunch of them always entering.)

Each of those identities are a part of their inner self which remains outside of physical form and from here on we are speaking exclusively of inner psychological identities. Inner selves are part of the whole self or your soul which would be on another more elevated level of the pyramid. Souls are made up of physically oriented personalities such as yourself and your inner selves which grouped together form an oversoul. Groups of oversouls are in turn assemblages, groupings of identities and souls that make up the entity. Entities would then be on an even higher level of the pyramid gestalt. By higher, I mean a more evolved, mature identity, not in any way better. An entity is made up of individual selves, whole selves, souls and oversouls. And all of this is part of All That Is (God).

In this configuration, one does not infringe in any way upon another. The Entity does not give orders to the soul or oversoul, but through what could be closest compared to intellectual osmosis, the entity is aware of and benefits from every action of the oversoul and its component, souls and independent personalities. In this way, you can see that every single action or event experienced by even the smallest individual, infinitesimal component of living consciousness is experienced through the interconnected chain of consciousness to the highest levels. In this way, it may bring to mind the very appropriate biblical saying that God is aware of every sparrow that falls. He cannot help but be aware since there is no real separation from the sparrow and All That Is. In this same way, you are connected to the furthest star in our perceivable universe. There is nowhere in the universe, no place and no space which in some way is not conscious and all consciousness is connected and originates with the same Source.

In all of this connectivity, there is always complete freedom given and although the entity gives meaning and life to its personalities, it is impossible for him/her to manipulate them in any way. The entity projects portions of itself into various reality systems because it desires experience in those systems, and as the independent personality learns and progresses, so the entity also learns and progresses. As entity experience from all entities progresses, so All That Is progresses exponentially, spinning off new worlds and universes in its wake.

Finally, All That Is, has not reached a state of perfection and will always forge new pathways into uncharted territory, and we can be thankful of that. If God were to finally be finished and completed, all progressions would stop and all universes would slowly grind to standstill and vanish. God exists in all probabilities and outside of probabilities but is never finished and there is always room for expansion. It should be understood that expansion and new developments with All That Is are measured in psychological terms of values fulfillment, achievements and emotional depth and not expansion in size, weight or physical growth as you know it.

This gets to a point where words become encumbrances and the underlying truths must be felt intuitionally when the intellect stumbles and fails. We will discuss this again.

If you have any questions that you would like answered or comments on this article or any other, please send them through the “comment link” on the bottom of the page.

Monday, November 24, 2008


In this discussion, we have talked about the emergence of an “All That Is” from a timeless dimension, a basic, prime dimension of reality which does not recognize beginnings and endings and is always beginning in the NOW. Likewise, the universe is as much beginning now, in this very instant as it was, in time perspective, billions of years ago and as it will be created tomorrow. All That Is, in its first throes of aloneness, realizing for the first time a sense of self awareness, had a longing and necessity to create something where nothing existed. God is driven to creativity and having nothing with which to create, the feeling of frustration was overwhelming. There was a profound initial striving that would finally result in the first breakthrough into physical materialization. There was no Home Depot in the sky, where God could go to get the materials from which to construct a universe. Remember, at this point, no universe existed and there was no such thing as physical matter. All there was, was “All That Is” and from that initial consciousness, that first striving, all planes, dimensions, universes and worlds would be given reality.

All That Is, then existing in this prime reality, would then dream its dreams, imagine its imaginings, and among those dreams and imaginings, other self aware identities began to awaken and emerge into new individual psychological personalities. The power and scope of such a unitary meant that its dreams instantly became self aware and were able to interact. In time terms again, All That Is, dreamed and imagined for billions of years, but in larger terms, this all happened in the twinkling of an eye. The God singularity was creating conditions that still within its drowsiness, gave birth not only to new consciousness of individual, aware personalities, but also gave birth to many other dimensions of dream universes filled with galaxies, quasars, stars, planets and environments, all remaining in his immediate attention, yet also being multidimensional in scope. God, then, was not only a Singularity, but was also a Unitary in that all that He created still for lack of a better word, remained captive in the mind and dreams of All That Is. You also create other consciousness in your dreams that in time will also emerge somewhere and go their own way. The dreams of All That Is achieved conscious life and reality instantly, but at this point they still existed in psychological fact, but not in physical actuality.

In time, the Creators creations ached to create themselves. I am back to using the time reference out of necessity to make this understood, but please bear in mind that the passing of moments had nothing to do with creation. The newly self aware dream creature consciousness, which included not only humans, but animals, birds, insects and all living things including all of flora and fauna, began to stir, still within the dream, becoming restless, longing for freedom to create as their creator had created them and they communicated that desire with All That Is, not with words, but telepathically, with their urges, intent and a desire for a new freedom that did not yet exist. This was a time hard to imagine and impossible for me to adequately explain, as all consciousness sensed that some release was necessary and destined to happen.

This consciousness of even the smallest particles, electrons, protons, atoms began to sense the unlimited potentials of the myriad of images that they could and would in their co-operation form as they would group together to form the earliest physical matter. They sensed the unlimited potential of their manifestations in the micro and macro worlds of physical reality.

All That Is, sensing the restlessness and discontent of its progeny, began to consider possibilities that would allow for them to further express themselves through a new freedom that it had never before considered. All That Is, knew that this would require a “new platform” containing all of the necessary ingredients for future development and value fulfillment for each and every minute portion of consciousness to experience a new kind of reality. All That Is also sensed the unlimited possibilities in exponential multiplication of experience that would be available with the release of its untold new creations that would in their own turn, create and multiply. As these thoughts and imaginings dispersed throughout the dream universes, worlds and environments of God, the restlessness grew as all creation anticipated a coming release and their imminent freedom of life and expression.

It is important to understand at this point, that these dream universes and all they contained were by this time complete, although they had not yet attained a physical breakthrough, but still existed in what could be described as a very real inner production of a fully functioning and operational universe.This universe was as real as the one you know, and is the actual underpinning of your physical universe now. This psychic universe was the original pattern that atoms and other physical phenomenon would use as their blueprint of the inner structure in their first attempt to actualize inner idea and thought into a physical materialized universe. When All That Is finally realized that there must be an exterior manifestation of inner reality into physical form in order to provide satisfaction and fulfillment for the emerging consciousness, it realized that the inner world would become the outer world, while still retaining the inner basic reality as patterns for future developments.

In the last moments before the initial “breakthrough” from conceptual thought, idea and expectation, there was a fervor, excitement and anticipation that had never been experienced before as even the smallest particles began to recognize the imminent explosion of creativity that was about to happen. God realized that in this ultimate altruistic act, he would be giving total freedom to all of the individual consciousness that had heretofore existed in the only in his dreams and imagination, thereby releasing a very real portion of itself. This of course, was an initial breakthrough of what you know as atomic structure from non-physical inner reality into outer physical form.

In that final release, a psychological explosion of immense proportions that still resounds throughout the universe today, all inner consciousness was liberated from an eternal dream into a new universe of possibilities. Remember now, that this universe and all conscious identities were already real, complete psychological patterns, ready to take on physical properties of a new matter based reality. Electrons, protons, neutrons and other much smaller particles, pushed through the physical barrier forming their non-physical counterparts, began to wrest themselves free from this dream state and form new materializations for the first time.

This was a time of initial frenzy and chaos as newly formed atoms formed molecules, attracting and joining with others of like intensities and potentialities and combining into areas of significance that would or could offer them a new kind of value oriented state of being in a universe that had not yet attained solidity. All particles are energy, and in some the available amount of energy was less than others. Their potential for materialization was somewhat limited in the complexity of form that they would be able to materialize. They formed about them the environments. The more energized particles, more developed and able to materialize complex organizations gathered about themselves, combining, accumulating, utilizing like attractions and filled out patterns of the first living organizations including plants and animals. This process of combining, filling out patterns, each to its own fulfillment and potential, took millions of years in time terms. In greater terms, is still happening today and will happen tomorrow and it was and is not exclusive to your universe alone. There were many universes formed in the beginning. It is not the purpose of this article to go deeper into the original creation processes, but to mention it as it refers to God / All That Is.
There will be one more article discussing the God Pyramid Gestalt.

Friday, November 21, 2008


We are here trying to understand the God Reality and it can never be understood if you continue to impose your limited human perspectives on everything you perceive. You tend to evaluate and judge everything in humanistic terms, when human only has meaning in your particular reality. God is just as likely to look like a cat or dog as he is to look like you. God indeed has no body, no beard and no flowing robe, although he is part of every image, human or not.. Your limited viewpoint is like an ant living between the cracks in your bedroom closet floorboards, anticipating the dawn in the mornings when you open the closet door, letting in the light. To him, dawn and dusk happen on a regular basis when you open and close the closet door in the morning and evening. His world is surely more limited than yours, but his fulfillment is no less, even though his short life may be only a few days in your time terms. His total world may be enclosed in his universe of your closet. Your universe is bigger on a grand scale, but you perceive only a small portion of it when cut off much that you could experience by limiting your perceptions. I hope to broaden your perspectives here with these silly little analogies, but silly as they may be, maybe they will cause you to think, and when you think, you will wonder and begin to explore the vaster expanse of the reality available to you.

In order to better understand the reality of God emerging from a basic reality rooted in non-time, without a formal beginning it will be helpful to learn more about the dream universe. The dream universe is real; continuing in a form of duration that is not evident to you from your physical perspective, existing in its own dimension, but it is acute, vivid and exists and with great purpose.

Now, at night you sleep and dream. Dreaming is a natural and much needed part of your physical world and much is accomplished in dreams that you are as yet unaware. That is for another time however, I bring it up now to help clarify how All That Is could emerge and how the first physical particle emerged in the same fashion, from an arena of timeless, eternal and expanded present, without what you call a formal “beginning”. There are many aspects, portions of your consciousness, existing in other realities, including the dream universe. In other words, in a way almost impossible to explain at this level, there are more “you’s” than you are aware of, and one of those you’s, exists in the dream universe. At night when you fall into your dream state, the ego relaxes its grip on your attention, and you then become focused on the other you, your dream self, who has always been there carrying out beneficial work that reflects in your daily life. If there were no dream universe, you could not function in your physical universe. The dream universe is a by-product of the physical universe and a very necessary adjacent component.

You are somewhat aware that you dream, but you cannot put a time on exactly when the dream begins, or at least when you think it begins. I know this will be difficult, but dreams take place in this actual dream universe, as real, vivid and lucid as your physical universe and it is where you, among other things, work out problems that you will later experience in daily life.. From your perspective, focused in your physical world, the dream world seems unorganized, chaotic, without real purpose and fleeting at best with no permanent roots. I use the dream universe to make a point and I believe it is a good one. For those portions of yourself focused primarily in the dream universe, and there are personalities who are focused there, your physical world also seems just as chaotic and without purpose.

The dream universe has duration, meaning it lasts. When you go to sleep, your inner self creates the dreaming condition that takes you into this dream universe and also creates the content of your dreams to some extent. The purpose of this dreaming state is to help you sort out possibilities for solving your everyday problems among other things. You drop into the dream state, psychologically entering into the dream universe and becoming focused there. It may seem to you that you are creating the dream landscape and its environment, but you are not, you are simply becoming aware of yourself in an ongoing reality. When your dream is over and you come out of the dream, the dream universe does not end, but continues as you awaken and return your focus to physical reality once again. Here is another analogy that I love.
When you go into a movie theatre late, after the movie has started, you come into an event already in progress and you don’t for a minute suppose that the movie just started when you walked in the door and sat down. You realize that you are coming into an event already begun. If you leave before the movie is over, you know that the movie continues even after you leave. In the same way you come into and out of the dream state, and the dream universe continues even though you choose to end your focus there.

I have touched on this for a purpose as I said. In much the same way, beginnings and endings in your world are simply limitations of your ability to follow that which continues beyond a arbitrary cutting off point in your perception. You are meant to enlarge your perception so you are able to experience much larger portions of reality that are readily available to you, but not yet experienced.

All That Is, in larger terms, has no beginning; it is just from your perspective that this seems impossible. Universal energy is self perpetuating. It has always existed and for that reason it will not be well understood because it flies in the face of common held beliefs in entropy. No energy is ever lost or not used. For those that seek the source of your universe, the (beginning), I remind you that consciousness creates all matter, all particles even those so small that the atom would seem like a world unto itself. For those who still hypothesize that primal pool of seething chemicals existing in some ancient, timeless past, randomly struck by a bolt of lightening causing interactions that created the first simple proteins, which somehow brought forth consciousness that evolved into life as we know it, I say, it is going to be a long and fruitless search. I will say again, consciousness came first and creates matter. Matter cannot create itself. Physical matter is a natural result of emanations of consciousness driven into image and form.
In the last part of this series, we will discuss the God Gestalt and the creation of the universe and all matter based objects and events.

I realize that much of which I tell you will be impossible for you to follow at this time. It is not any unusual shortcoming on your part, but represents a latent pathway for future development of the human brain and those developments are perfectly able to begin now. I also realize that the concept of everything happening simultaneously in an expanded present is almost impossible for the time oriented physical brain to grasp, but the brain grows proportionally with the difficulty of the concepts that it is asked to understand. What I say here will become understandable as you ponder the ideas I present. When is the last time you challenged your brain with a difficult concept?

You are adolescents and you have been spoon fed brainless children’s tales of beginnings and endings which have no place in true reality and are almost laughable in their utter simplicity. If there is one thing you will get from reading this, it is that this stuff is not simple by any means. God, consciousness and reality are not simple. The concepts expressed here are difficult and reality is very complex, interwoven and labyrinthine that it is unimaginable. Worlds, planes and dimensions, so strange to you that they would seem nonsensical, interweaving, passing through each other. Intelligences so advanced that even the lesser would seem as Gods to you exist in these worlds and out of them. It would seem inconceivable to you that an entire dimension, full of meaningful life, more advanced than yours, could exist without even a physical planet or platform. These planes of existence are constantly swirling about and through what you consider your solid planet. All of this is before you. You are just beginning the journey, and the journey is eternal