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I was so overwhelmed by life coaches liking me, thumbs
upping me, loving me and befriending me that I pretty much discontinued my use
of my social media accounts including my Linked In account and my Facebook
I am amazed at the number of friends I have accumulated,
almost overnight, friends who I will never meet, friends who I have absolutely
nothing in common with and friends who seem to be coming out of the woodwork
trying to sell me something, including the knowledge of how to live but fortunately for me, I seem to be doing that quite
nicely without any help from life coaches, thank you very much.
Which brings me to this short article that I was inspired to
write without the assistance of a "life coach".
Now, I am not really sure what the qualifications are for
someone who aspires to be a life coach. Maybe if you live a life, you are
qualified? Are there college courses that teach you how to teach others how to
live correctly? There were certainly no such courses when I attended college
back in the stone age, and so, I presume this is a rather new phenomenon
brought on by needs of countless people now being born that don't know how to
Darn, seemed so simple to me from the get-go, that kind of
information was inherent in my every little developing cell from the moment I
became a fetus in my mother's womb. I couldn't wait to be born and get out in
the world and enjoy the exploration of all that life has to offer. If there was
a "Life Manual" available, I surely didn't have one, and guess what,
here I am today, and I think I am a pretty well adjusted, happy, healthy and if
not particularly wealthy, I lack nothing that I do not already have or cannot
have if I so desire, and I did it all without a book of instructions on
"How To Live".
Of course, I have discovered a few rather important things
along the way during my journey, some of which I gladly share with you here on
the ABG site as I have done before and as I have done for quite a few years.
I will be the first to admit that many people do have to
struggle to get by and that is understandable considering the state of turmoil
in the world at this time in history. It isn't like anyone was sentenced to be
born into and live their lives in current times at various geographic locations,
which was all a result of the slippery hands of chance in a chaotic universe.
You were not fated to live, and you certainly weren't fated to live a life in
misery and misfortune. You consciously made the choices that got you to the place you are today, and if you are not happy with that, it's up to you to make different choices.
I realize that it is quite easy to assume that you were born
a new infant with no backup system to fall back on, a blank slate waiting to be
imprinted upon with societies current beliefs, mores and structural organizations
of your times, but you were far from a blank slate at birth, and that's what
this article is about.
You and all of your contemporaries and all past
personalities that have ever lived, were born with more information than you
are now aware of, and that information intimately connects you with other
aspects of your personality, your soul, your entity and ultimately with All
That Is or God, if you prefer that connotation.
You are physically a new personality, but you are
also a psychic storehouse of vast banks of data that would put the most modern
computers to shame, a composite of knowledge recorded in your cellular
biological system and psychically in your non-physical mind that in a very real
sense, is your backup system from which you can draw when needed.
I once wrote and will once again say that there is knowledge
that you know and don't know you know, and there is knowledge that your
subconscious and inner self knows, the difference being that it knows it knows
where you don't. I intend to tell you about the many sources of that unknown
knowledge in this article.
So let me briefly discuss those sources of information and
knowledge that are not exactly at your fingertips, but are available to those
who first believe that they exist and are available. This inner knowledge is
available to those who open themselves to intuitional knowledge that is part of
your biological, psychological and spiritual self, the self that you call YOU.
When you are born, you are in a sense, a specified package in
a biological wrapping of a physical body, a body that is truly a magical wonder
since it automatically knows how to grow from infant into adulthood, without
even reading one such book or manual on how to grow or how to live.
As a matter of fact, if you had such a book, it probably
wouldn't help you, but may be a hindrance since you would begin to doubt
yourself and wonder if you were doing it right. But that is not the thrust of this article, so let me move on here and tell you
why you are so much more than you know.
First, you are born with much of the genetic data encoded
within your genes and chromosomes inherited from your biological parents. In
some cases this may seem to be detrimental because you inherit much of the good
stuff and likewise the bad stuff. This is your physical biological heritage,
but it is not rigid and inflexible as most people think.
Genes can be altered through beliefs, and often are without
your conscious knowledge. Genes are predictors of general lines of future
development of traits, features, bodily appearances and other such physical
structures, but they can be influenced and changed, and if this were not the
case, none of the earth species would have survived this long. Genes are not etched in stone.
So, then, much of what you are comes to your from your
parents, but please keep in mind that your physical body, your observable self,
is not your true identity, and if this were not the case, your identity would
never survive physical death. (And it does!) Your physical body is a vehicle allowing
your greater self or entity to explore various reality systems, which in your
case is the Earth System. There are countless other systems that are also being
explored simultaneously.
Second, you also were born with much knowledge that is
passed on to you psychically through your soul or entity regarding information
that the physical species simply could not hold or manage consciously at this
stage of your evolution without being overwhelmed. It would in simple terms;
cause an overload of information that could not be physical translated or
assimilated. This inner information can be grasped by the inner self,
translated and passed on to the personality by means of illumination, hunches, impulses,
flashes of inspiration and other such physiological processes.
This kind of knowledge is contained within the various
layers of your subconscious, and is sometimes accessible through hypnosis or
more commonly in the dream state, and can be quite beneficial when known and
put to practical use.
At those various levels, you have at this time, buried
within and accessible with diligent inquiry, information about your various
previous lives, in other words, you have latent knowledge of other lives you
have lived.
You can indeed get to know much about your historic selves,
and as ridiculous as it may seem to you at this time, those past reincarnated
selves, probable selves and true soul-mate selves are still alive although to you
some must appear dead, especially when you see the graves and bodies contained
within. You do make contact with these other aspects of your personality quite
frequently in your dreams, but you of course, do not recognize them as such.
At other levels of your subconscious you carry information
of the evolutionary history of the human species at it seems to have evolved
since man first emerged on the planet. Inwardly, if you were able, you could
track the evolution of plants through the introduction of animals and
finally the onset of human civilization.
At the deepest layers of your subconscious, you contain
information on the beginning of the physical universe, and this would not seem
so unlikely if you understood that your consciousness existed in those times,
although not quite in the same way it exists now.
The consciousness of every personality, soul or entity
existed from the beginning and no consciousness has been created since.
Translated, you were present at the beginning, but your portion of the whole
was not yet awareized, personified, specified or actualized. You were a portion
of the whole, and you still are, which should give you some signs of
encouragement when it seems that the whole world is against you. You carry
within you the spark of Divinity, and on a much grander level, everything that
exists is still connected with that ancient original Source.
All of this knowledge is yours by heritage, although I must
admit, some of it is not easily retrievable, but you have to begin somewhere,
sometime. Now should be that time.
Finally, within your cells, genes, nervous system structure and
physical brain, all information you need to solve your problems and lead a
fulfilling and productive life is electrically and chemically coded and
imprinted in your genetic structure and is contained as electrical data within
the non-physical mind, always there to be activated when needed.
Theoretically, if the entire universe were to be destroyed
and disappear, the whole universe could be reconstituted with only data
contained within one human cell or one human mind. The knowledge of All is within
each one or put another way, the knowledge of the Whole is within each minute
With so much knowledge intimately available, why would anyone need a life coach? What one does need is to learn to trust in yourself, access and put to practical use what you already have.
The point of power lies within the present personality and
all the knowledge you will ever need is waiting to be activated and put to use.