Sunday, August 31, 2008


There is one basic law of the universe, that being “You get what you concentrate on” period. We are creators of our own reality both individually and en masse. Now, some take that statement in a symbolic way, thinking that maybe if we work hard at something over a long period of time, we will more than likely succeed. But that is not the case and in a very true sense, your thoughts, based on intensity, duration and expectation do actually, reaching a certain pitch, begin to emerge into the physical world and coagulate into objects and events. There is not one object or event in this physical universe , not one objectified manifestation that was not first the result of subjective work in another dimension.

Everything is connected. It can truly be said that if one bird falls, the effect is felt on the farthest star and beyond.. There is no hypothetical point in the universe that is not conscious to some extent. The areas that we perceive as solid (the earth, planets, objects and events), are the areas where consciousness is actualized; the areas that we perceive as nothing (space), are consciousness not-actualized, but conscious nevertheless.

I am in no way assigning a thinking, reasoning consciousness to objects, but rather a consciousness that seeks satisfaction in its knowing of its value in the massive cooperative effort of consciousness to create for the benefit all. The universe is not a dog eat dog, survival of the fittest universe, but one of cooperation, although sometimes it doesn’t seem that way. Even the ubiquitous electron senses fulfillment in its motion and a satisfying knowledge of its role in its many manifestations.

The creative processes that formed our planet, its land masses, oceans, seasons, skies and atmosphere are the same creative processes that we use on a daily basis to create our own personal reality, only on a different scale. In other words, creation is creation, regardless of the seeming mass of the object or magnitude of the event. The process works equally well whether the outcome is perceived by us as positive or negative when balanced against the beliefs of the time.

We have been given the “gift of the gods (small g). We are co-creators of our world and indeed our lives, its trials, tribulations, victories and joys. That creative process works equally well whether we are create a celebration or a disaster in personal terms. The universe cares less in what light we judge an event because in the greater scheme of things, there is no bad or evil, and on other levels good even comes from events that we perceive as evil in nature.

The creation process, which we do unconsciously in every minute of every day of every year of our lives, is neutral, working equally well to create success or failure in our lives. I can never say this enough, but we are here to learn to consciously create and manipulate matter and events, something that we already do proficiently unconsciously. Our physical universe is not accidental. It is the result of unimaginable psychic sophistication and maturity that we can barely imagine. Everything is with purpose.

If you seem to have a disproportionate amount of unfortunate events popping into you life, know that you had a hand in creating them. One of the reasons you may have bad things in your life is that not understanding your role in the creative process, you have abdicated your right to create what you want in your life to others. Your life then, and its lack of material successes, its lack of health and knowledge will be dictated and created around your beliefs or of those you follow. Indeed, your clergy, your teachers, your scientists, your fools and idiots will influence and cause your reality to form around THEIR beliefs, not yours, if you do not assert your position as an originator and not just a follower.

If you don’t have the things (objects) that you want in your life, cars, houses, boats, etc, you also have had a hand in creating the lack of those objects. If you struggle with poor health, unhappy relationships, low self-esteem, it is because you created that condition or allowed others to create conditions in your life around their beliefs even thought their beliefs are often wrong. First you must understand and accept your responsibility in creating those lacks in your life and make a conscious decision to begin purposely creating what you do want.

How do you get everything you want? By concentrating on what you want, by thinking it, speaking it and most importantly, taking small steps in the direction to get what you want. It does not matter how small the step, but it must always be positive in the right direction. Now, here is the kicker, since you are the creator, you should never allow anything in other than the Very Best. You must change your thought processes from what brought you to your present position in life to ones that will bring you what you want in the future. You can create the worst or the best; it’s all up to you. There is no such thing as pre-destination and you can create good or bad, but you cannot blame your lack of success on someone else.

Granted there is a habitual thought process momentum built up over time that has given you the results you perceive in your personal reality and that will take time to change. Changing your reality is about changing your beliefs and the resulting familiar thought patterns that have built up over time. It is very much like trying to bring a train at full speed to a stop when it has established momentum. Trying to bring a train in motion to a stop and put it in reverse takes a great amount of energy and time. After bringing a train to a dead stop, the reversal of direction also takes time to build momentum. But the good news is that once you change direction, the momentum becomes more and more easy to maintain.

When you do this, you initiate chemical changes, neuronal connections will reroute and establish new pathways, electromagnetic impulses will begin a change to bring about the necessary biological structures that a new mindset requires. You must integrate this new thought process into every aspect of your life and one of the best ways to do that is to accept only the VERY BEST in your life. Why settle for less?

For example, when you go shopping for a shirt, for heavens sake, do not go to a thrift store or a mass retailer, no matter how you perceive the quality. Go to a specialty shop, and even if you can only afford one shirt, buy the best. If you are in the market for a new car, do not buy an economy car because it is cheap; buy a pre-owned luxury car because it is the best.

Do not buy the generic brand of anything because the “cheaper:” generic mindset is what got you into the “life of lacks “that you are now experiencing. Remember it is not quantity that matters, but quality. It is better to buy one of something of quality, that a dozen of something of less quality. This leaning toward to quality will begin to manifest in your life in ways that will not expect, replacing in your memory, established patterns of accepting less than you want and changing them into deserving the best. These changes are made in the inner passageways of the mind and will influence the development of more positive creative processes.

Of course, the same principle holds for health issues, relationships and extends into every aspect of your life. If you are sickly, expect not only to feel better, but to become exceedingly healthy. Begin an exercise program, join a fitness club, and take yoga classes from the very best instructor available. Another permutation of the One Law is that “You get what you expect”.

It is very important that you understand that you are not only establishing new psychic realities but also biological changes affecting every cell within your body. When you have successfully learned how to get what you want using this process, there will not be one molecule with your body the same as before. The changes that will take place are profound and here is the good news.

Once you have learned this nifty little trick of creating reality, it will stay with you until you consciously decide to change back to the person who once accepted only the “less is acceptable “. You do not have to accept anything in your life other than THE VERY BEST!

Accepting anything less than what you deserve can be psychologically and materially damaging to a successful and satisfying life. And by the way, the next time you see a beggar in the street, give him your last quarter, understanding that you are not so much helping him, but helping YOU.

Saturday, August 23, 2008



This is a question that had been posed by theologians, scientists, philosophers and teachers alike since the beginning of time as we know it. The Seti project has been sending radio signals into space for many years now in hopes of receiving a confirming signal. Seti (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) is a scientific area whose goal is to detect intelligent life outside of Earth. It uses radio telescopes to listen for narrow-bandwidth radio signals from space. Such signals are not known to occur naturally, so detection could provide evidence of extraterrestrial technology.

So, as our exploration of the universe has thus far yielded no satisfactory confirming results, we feel a certain satisfaction in our seeming aloneness as if we are the “one special” civilization that exists in isolation in an otherwise dead universe, devoid of other living beings and other civilizations..

There is a problem with this kind of thinking since NO LIVING THING exists alone. Take this analogy for example. If you were an astronaut visiting Mars and came across a little green man hiding behind a boulder, you would of course, begin looking for other little green men, knowing intuitively that if there is one, there are more. The existence of even one ant presupposes the existence of more ants just as the existence of one elephant indicates the existence of more elephants. It follows then that the existence of one intelligent world infers the existence of others.

So with that in mind, how in the world can we even think for a minute that we are the only civilization of intelligent beings inhabiting a vast, endless universe? It is this kind of egocentric thinking that keeps us from understanding the true nature of All That Is.

Our limited understanding of the true nature of perception and the limitations imposed by our chosen method of communication, the spoken language with its use of words strung out in a linear fashion, one before the other, makes it almost impossible to convey esoteric concepts that do not originate in our system of reality. When one tries to explain realities, other existences, worlds and civilizations that do not exist in our vocabulary, it becomes almost impossible to impart those concepts to others in a meaningful manner using words. So, I have found the use of analogies most useful and will try to use them to our advantage here.

First let me attempt to explain that the solid world, planets, stars, people, buildings, cars and other physical phenomenon are NOT solid in the sense of the word that we usually consider. They are solid only as far as our sense perceptions are concerned, but even our scientists agree that a table composed of swiftly moving atoms is not really solid. The dictionary describes solid as meaning three dimensional, filled up, heavy with no cavities. Again here we have a matter of perception. A hypnotist can create the appearance of solidity from nothing. The appearance of solidity is simply one of the parameters of our earth reality and as long as we are here we must honor it just as we pay homage to gravity. Imagine your dream reality, where objects, still slightly tied to our waking reality appear quite as solid, but we know in this world of appearances, they are not. Enough said. Solid is an appearance and that is good enough.

Solid IS just as solid as everything else around it, so it works for us relatively speaking. Here again we are hampered by our use of words. Words are symbols of something else. They are symbols of things and events in our world, but they are not the things and events they represent. So the word SOLID is relative to other manifestations around it. If everything possesses the same qualifications and quantifications of solidity, then we are fine with that and can live with it quite well.

Imagine if you were sitting on the beach on a beautiful sunny day with your headphones on enjoying your favorite country music station. As you looked around, you notice that the lady sitting next to you is also listening to her favorite station. Another man, not too far away is talking on his cell phone. Of course I am going somewhere with this train of thought. You understand that you are listening to one of countless stations available to you as you sit on the beach and none would interfere with any other unless there was some sort of bleed through caused by a storm or other unusual atmospheric condition. You also know that there are other frequencies other than AM or FM radio available including telephone, short wave, television, etc. that are being broadcast simultaneously through the air and none interfering with any other. All exist harmoniously because each broadcast station is on its own unique frequency and will not interfere with any other under normal conditions. You tune in to your favorite radio reality.

Our system of reality is not too unlike one of those broadcast stations emitting its own frequency which is only picked up by listeners who program their radios to the correct frequency to listen to their favorite music.

We pre-tune our consciousness before birth to precisely focus on our particular “ Earth oriented” frequency, pinpointing an exact precise intersection of time and space and propelling our already existing consciousness into the Earth system of reality, creating a life trace, which begins at the point of our birth and exits upon death.

There are countless other systems of reality swirling around ours and through ours and none will ever run into each other. One system, one dimension, one plane can completely pass through another with no noticeable effect on each other. Worlds intersect but never collide. Of course, there can be no communication between the systems other than an accidental psychic “ bleed through”. There are other systems of reality that share our earth, utilizing it’s energy and properties the same way we do, but we will never see them and they are just as physical (solid) as ours. Remember, solid is just a matter or perception.

On another level that we are mostly interested in, there are other what we would call parallel, physical systems of reality, many that predated ours, that evolved far beyond anything we can presently imagine and went on to populate other planets outside of our solar system. They are our distant ancestors and they still hold a fond fascination for Earth and of its sunrises, sunsets and the sweep of its seasons. They are what we are evolving toward and what we will become.

Radio communication is possible within this type of parallel reality, but there is one rule between all advanced realities, and that is “DO NOT INTERFERE“. Other civilizations more advanced than ours will be very careful that they do not interfere with our progress, even though it is at a snails pace. We must evolve in our own way as we will. This brings to mind about the so called “ ADVANCED BEINGS “ that are romanticized in more movies that I can even begin to recall that come here to destroy our world. I can assure you that any civilization that has advanced enough to be able to travel enormous distances to visit our planet would be so evolved that they could not even imagine violence to another.

We are not only "Not Alone" but there are countless systems of intelligent beings in our Universe, some of which are so alien that we would not even recognize them as beings in our sense of the word beings. There are dimensions of existence beyong anything that we can imagine, that we will discuss in future articles.

There is so much to be said about this, that I will return to this subject again and again.


Tuesday, August 19, 2008


There have been many books written about theories and secrets of getting everything you want by positive thinking. In a way, some of these ideas do touch on some of the basic aspects of how we actually do create or co-create reality and getting what you want in life is a by-product of that natural creative process. Of course, if you live in a world that includes other people, you necessarily have many people all creating their own reality individually and en masse.

The creation of what we perceive as our reality is a natural aspect of consciousness, and not necessarily just awareized consciousness. The reality that we experience is of course an end result of an endless series of perceptions picked up by our particular senses, experienced as chemical and electrical impulses, sent along channels to the brain where the brain receives the given perceptive information and paints a visual and auditory picture of what is perceived.

Perception of an object, an event or even another personality is a psychological handshake between unseen fields of chemical and electrical impulses, describing an available field of energy that has been driven into a particular physical form. The act of perceiving is kind of like invisible radar impulses thrusting outward in all directions from all identities. We could not perceive even one thing if our perceptive abilities were limited to the five physical senses. If we did not also unconsciously use telepathy and other psychic abilities, nothing could be perceived. It’s almost as if we introduce ourselves mentally to everything that lies within our field of perception.

When we see another person in the distance, what is actually happening is that both parties on an unconscious level are sending out psychic, telepathic messages below normal perception, interpreting each other in a real sense, saying, “Hello, this is who and what I am, who and what are you? Perception, then, is a mixing of countless energy fields impinging on and mixing with other such fields and resulting in a somewhat homogeneous picture of realty that we can all accept and utilize well enough for manipulating in our physical system of reality.

Our senses are immaculately tuned to our particular system of earth reality, as they should be, because when they detect and interpret an object or event, they are also creating it. As an example, imagine two people looking at a car. There are actually two cars being created, one by each person interpreting sense data that has been driven into a specific pattern, to create their own version of that car in their physical brain.

Of course, since there are really two cars involved, there are also inconsistencies between both cars, but with the aid of telepathy, we can pretty much come to a psychic agreement that smoothes over the differences and gives us “One” car that we can pretty much agree upon. If we could qualify the characteristics of both cars that are actually created, we would be surprised how dissimilar they would be. In short, no car really exists in any rock solid, permanent reality, but if it exists in psychological fact, that’s good enough for us, and its driveable.

All energy is conscious. Einstein knew that Energy equals mass multiplied by velocity squared. (E=mc2). What he didn’t know was that all Energy in conscious of itself. Energy cannot be destroyed, but can change form. Conscious Energy seeks form and once form is created, it cannot be dissipated or destroyed.

There is one basic overriding concept that holds true in all systems in all universes. That being ”You get what you concentrate on” so one would think with that in mind, it would be quite easy to then create anything you want simply by thinking about some specific desire or lack. Some advocate visualizing what you want. Friends of mine have often said that if that statement is true, they should be millionaires by now because they have always wanted to be rich and have everything they have wanted. They always misunderstand the importance of intensity and duration of thought. You will only bring into your life what you desire with great intensity and over a duration of time.

It is quite true then to say that you create your personal reality, meaning that you create everything that can be found in your personal immediate environment and you and your contemporaries co-create everything that falls within the joint perceptive abilities of the times. Your reality includes not only everything you can perceive with your unaided senses, but everything that you can perceive aided by scientific instruments such as telescopes peering out into the deepest points in space and electron microscopes viewing the microscopic world. This is the limitation of our system of reality. It results from our interpretation of fields of energy that has emerged into physical fact.. No rock bed reality exists on which to hang your hat in this universe.

Having touched on these basic principles let me finally get around to creating and the trouble with mirrors. Basic reality is as natural as BEING is to all consciousness. Our natural environment is the result of unconscious activity of all consciousness, including flora and fauna. Even the flower, the frog, the blade of grass, emanate feeling tones and emotions that contribute in its own way to the overall natural world that we so much enjoy.

On another level, purposeful creation is still in a rudimentary stage with our species. A first thought initiates the process of “Being” driven into meaningful physical form. At this stage of the development of our species, physical manifestation takes time to appear physically, but the process once begun and cannot be withdrawn. A simple innocuous thought that you give no thought to, will manifest somewhere, sometime. Imagine that simple non-descript wandering thought perhaps not gathering enough impetus for materialization into our world of seeming solid physical objects and events, but perhaps having enough energy behind it to materialize in a dream, maybe not even in our system of realty, but in another not quite as solid as ours.

If a thought does not carry enough impetus, enough duration in time, enough expectation, then it will not materialize in our system, but will materialize somewhere.

There is a way to get what you want through definite known processes of concentrating on and visualizing what you want to manifest in your personal reality. That requires keeping in mind what you want, but not too much. Obsessive over concentration makes one always looking behind their back for a reason that it may not be working. Here is what you do need to do to draw what you want into your life:

1. Create a short mantra of a few lines long, one that is comfortable to you. Repeat this mantra only a few times each day while concentrating on what you want believing that it MUST happen. Do this for no more than a few minutes a day, then forget about it until the next day and do the same.

2. Do not lie to yourself by repeating a mantra that emphasizes something that you know is not true, something that has not yet happened, and if you are trying to lose weight for example, that is where mirrors and scales are a problem. If you are trying to lose weight, do not create a mantra that states that you are already skinny, because looking into a mirror will then simply reinforce the obvious present condition that you are overweight, which you are trying to change. Always postpone the use of mirrors, scales and any other device that will be a detriment until obvious changes begin to appear.

3. Do nothing to strengthen a belief in a present condition that you are trying to change, no matter what the goal. The use of mirrors can be detrimental to anyone trying to make positive changes to the physical body because they simply reinforce the reality of the present. You would be well advised, if you are trying to change a present physical condition, not to look in mirrors until you really begin to make progress, then use them to reinforce positive changes that will later be more obvious.

In the same train of thought, if you are trying to lose weight, do not use a scale until you ARE SURE that you have begun to lose weight, because until then, use of the scale will simply reinforce the present condition that you are trying to change and convince you of your failure.

4. Take small steps in the direction of your thoughts. Do small, sometimes seemingly innocuous physical acts that emphasize that you are moving in the right direction, no matter how minor they may seem. They will become part of a pattern of progress that will then begin to materialize.

You can only create your personal reality, so don’t think for a minute you can create something that includes another person or groups of other persons in any way unless they are in total agreement and an active participant in a group belief with you. The accumulation of particularized matter in space takes time to emerge from the smallest invisible inner units of consciousness into physical matter. Usually physical results will begin to be seen in about a months time. Try it!


There have been many books written about theories and secrets of getting everything you want by positive thinking. In a way, some of these ideas do touch on some of the basic aspects of how we actually do create or co-create reality and getting what you want in life is a by-product of that natural creative process. Of course, if you live in a world that includes other people, you necessarily have many people all creating their own reality individually and en masse.

The creation of what we perceive as our reality is a natural aspect of consciousness, and not necessarily just awareized consciousness. The reality that we experience is of course an end result of an endless series of perceptions picked up by our particular senses, experienced as chemical and electrical impulses, sent along channels to the brain where the brain receives the given perceptive information and paints a visual and auditory picture of what is perceived.

Perception of an object, an event or even another personality is a psychological handshake between unseen fields of chemical and electrical impulses, describing an available field of energy that has been driven into a particular physical form. The act of perceiving is kind of like invisible radar impulses thrusting outward in all directions from all identities. We could not perceive even one thing if our perceptive abilities were limited to the five physical senses. If we did not also unconsciously use telepathy and other psychic abilities, nothing could be perceived. It’s almost as if we introduce ourselves mentally to everything that lies within our field of perception.

When we see another person in the distance, what is actually happening is that both parties on an unconscious level are sending out psychic, telepathic messages below normal perception, interpreting each other in a real sense, saying, “Hello, this is who and what I am, who and what are you? Perception, then, is a mixing of countless energy fields impinging on and mixing with other such fields and resulting in a somewhat homogeneous picture of realty that we can all accept and utilize well enough for manipulating in our physical system of reality.

Our senses are immaculately tuned to our particular system of earth reality, as they should be, because when they detect and interpret an object or event, they are also creating it. As an example, imagine two people looking at a car. There are actually two cars being created, one by each person interpreting sense data that has been driven into a specific pattern, to create their own version of that car in their physical brain.

Of course, since there are really two cars involved, there are also inconsistencies between both cars, but with the aid of telepathy, we can pretty much come to a psychic agreement that smoothes over the differences and gives us “One” car that we can pretty much agree upon. If we could qualify the characteristics of both cars that are actually created, we would be surprised how dissimilar they would be. In short, no car really exists in any rock solid, permanent reality, but if it exists in psychological fact, that’s good enough for us, and its driveable.

All energy is conscious. Einstein knew that Energy equals mass multiplied by velocity squared. (E=mc2). What he didn’t know was that all Energy in conscious of itself. Energy cannot be destroyed, but can change form. Conscious Energy seeks form and once form is created, it cannot be dissipated or destroyed.

There is one basic overriding concept that holds true in all systems in all universes. That being ”You get what you concentrate on” so one would think with that in mind, it would be quite easy to then create anything you want simply by thinking about some specific desire or lack. Some advocate visualizing what you want. Friends of mine have often said that if that statement is true, they should be millionaires by now because they have always wanted to be rich and have everything they have wanted. They always misunderstand the importance of intensity and duration of thought. You will only bring into your life what you desire with great intensity and over a duration of time.

It is quite true then to say that you create your personal reality, meaning that you create everything that can be found in your personal immediate environment and you and your contemporaries co-create everything that falls within the joint perceptive abilities of the times. Your reality includes not only everything you can perceive with your unaided senses, but everything that you can perceive aided by scientific instruments such as telescopes peering out into the deepest points in space and electron microscopes viewing the microscopic world. This is the limitation of our system of reality. It results from our interpretation of fields of energy that has emerged into physical fact.. No rock bed reality exists on which to hang your hat in this universe.

Having touched on these basic principles let me finally get around to creating and the trouble with mirrors. Basic reality is as natural as BEING is to all consciousness. Our natural environment is the result of unconscious activity of all consciousness, including flora and fauna. Even the flower, the frog, the blade of grass, emanate feeling tones and emotions that contribute in its own way to the overall natural world that we so much enjoy.

On another level, purposeful creation is still in a rudimentary stage with our species. A first thought initiates the process of “Being” driven into meaningful physical form. At this stage of the development of our species, physical manifestation takes time to appear physically, but the process once begun and cannot be withdrawn. A simple innocuous thought that you give no thought to, will manifest somewhere, sometime. Imagine that simple non-descript wandering thought perhaps not gathering enough impetus for materialization into our world of seeming solid physical objects and events, but perhaps having enough energy behind it to materialize in a dream, maybe not even in our system of realty, but in another not quite as solid as ours.

If a thought does not carry enough impetus, enough duration in time, enough expectation, then it will not materialize in our system, but will materialize somewhere.

There is a way to get what you want through definite known processes of concentrating on and visualizing what you want to manifest in your personal reality. That requires keeping in mind what you want, but not too much. Obsessive over concentration makes one always looking behind their back for a reason that it may not be working. Here is what you do need to do to draw what you want into your life:

1. Create a short mantra of a few lines long, one that is comfortable to you. Repeat this mantra only a few times each day while concentrating on what you want believing that it MUST happen. Do this for no more than a few minutes a day, then forget about it until the next day and do the same.

2. Do not lie to yourself by repeating a mantra that emphasizes something that you know is not true, something that has not yet happened, and if you are trying to lose weight for example, that is where mirrors and scales are a problem. If you are trying to lose weight, do not create a mantra that states that you are already skinny, because looking into a mirror will then simply reinforce the obvious present condition that you are overweight, which you are trying to change. Always postpone the use of mirrors, scales and any other device that will be a detriment until obvious changes begin to appear.

3. Do nothing to strengthen a belief in a present condition that you are trying to change, no matter what the goal. The use of mirrors can be detrimental to anyone trying to make positive changes to the physical body because they simply reinforce the reality of the present. You would be well advised, if you are trying to change a present physical condition, not to look in mirrors until you really begin to make progress, then use them to reinforce positive changes that will later be more obvious.

In the same train of thought, if you are trying to lose weight, do not use a scale until you ARE SURE that you have begun to lose weight, because until then, use of the scale will simply reinforce the present condition that you are trying to change and convince you of your failure.

4. Take small steps in the direction of your thoughts. Do small, sometimes seemingly innocuous physical acts that emphasize that you are moving in the right direction, no matter how minor they may seem. They will become part of a pattern of progress that will then begin to materialize.

You can only create your personal reality, so don’t think for a minute you can create something that includes another person or groups of other persons in any way unless they are in total agreement and an active participant in a group belief with you. The accumulation of particularized matter in space takes time to emerge from the smallest invisible inner units of consciousness into physical matter. Usually physical results will begin to be seen in about a months time. Try it!

Saturday, August 16, 2008


There is much to be said about “Energy” in metaphysical discussions. Every so called guru, self proclaimed teacher, author and speaker talks endlessly about energy, but no one seems to want to discuss the characteristics and importance of energy in the creation of reality. All one has to do is turn on public television and hear countless experts talk endlessly about energy.

First of all, in order to understand the real meaning of energy and its workings, you must understand some basic points about reality in general. There are two separate frameworks that are needed to give rise to the three dimensional physical reality that we experience. Our physical reality is just the surface overlay of a more basic inner reality from which all physical things achieve their substance. Underlying all physical phenomenon is a far greater subjective reality that provides the inner building blocks for our physical objects and events. In this inner reality, there exists a more perfect representation of all physical things, in other words “ The original Version”. Any object, event or living physical identity has it’s non-physical counterpart underlying the actual physical structure.

This subjective form provides the ideal from which we attempt to objectify in our exterior environment. It is the nature of consciousness to strive to replicate that more perfect inner form into objectivity. Consciousness always evolves form. Form does not evolve consciousness. From this statement you can rest assured that conscious always comes first and that in the Beginning before the existence of even the smallest physical particle, consciousness began to assert itself and impress itself into particularized physical matter. From this first matter, the existence of the universe, it’s planets, nebula, stars, comets and even the necessary void that contains them was created from what we would best describe as nothing.

Consciousness arises from the latent Energy of the universe which could be interpreted as everything and everywhere, even though the words everything and everywhere are meaningless in an inner universe where time and space do not exist. That inner world exists simultaneously containing all probable events, waiting to be objectified. The latent Energy of this vast psychological universe that underlies our physical world supports all worlds, systems of reality and universes. It is all encompassing but cannot be described in terms of dimension or duration in time of it’s existence.

This inner “Energy” couched universe is of course psychological and could best be compared to our dream world in terms of time and space. A dream that encompasses your whole high school career could be experienced without missing one solitary event, in a matter of minutes and takes up no space. This then, is the arena where events are constructed and played out before physical materialization. We are trying to replicate the inner truths in a physical matter based world. We are not very good at it yet, as can be evidenced by our wars, plagues, destruction, catastrophes, disease and illness. As we progress, wars will become less prevalent, illness and disease will be brought under control and we will eventually quit killing each other in the name of God.

This latent and inexhaustible Energy of the universe is not the same as our familiar ”Electricity” that we use to light our homes, power our televisions and maybe soon to power our cars. Our electrical energy is a far cry from the “Energy” that powers all universes and could only be described as a shadow energy in comparison. (And yes, there are countless universes which will be discussed at another time). This universal Energy of course is “ All That Is” (God). “All That Is” (Always with a capital "ATI") being the Prime Energy Identity from which all reality springs.

This Prime Energy Identity always existed. In an inner universe where time and space do not exist, beginnings and endings obviously cannot exist either. Imagine if you were born in a world where no event ever ended, so one event after another simply existed as an extension of another already existing and forever expanding nature.

Therefore the words beginning and ending, cause and effect would be meaningless. Taken in this contest without more explanation, I am suggesting that God always existed and always will exist. Of course, by inference, and I say this with apology to the purveyors of “ends of worlds theories”, what had no beginning can have no ending either. Our world did not begin, it emerged from this profound inner universe and made itself known as matter formed itself into a platform for experience for the coming of conscious identities.

Action is Energy in motion and action creates Identity (personalities). Energy thrusting outward and then enfolding back on itself initiates a recognition of self, creating the original question arising out of wonder, who am I? And of course, the original answer was and always will be,” I am I”.

Friday, August 15, 2008



This is a question many have asked and wondered about, especially when your life seems to have no meaning, when you seem to have no power to really control the direction of your life and events appear to be happening to you rather than being initiated by you. It is so easy to blame disappointments and failures on God, the Universe or others than yourself, while all the while taking great pride in your successes and accomplishments.

In many cases it never occurs to us that we create our own reality and the mass reality of the world we live in. Nothing ever happens to us that we ourselves do not create in one way or another. By that I mean, that the processes by which reality is created are not at this time consciously known, but they are well defined and are no mystery as they have been given to us again and again over the centuries. Creation is a by-product of life itself and we exude objects and events almost if by a natural osmosis as natural as breathing. Once we understand that everything that touches our life, in a very real way is the exterior result of inner subjective work that we initiated with our thoughts that follow our beliefs.

There is an inner process whereby your inner self listens to the exterior conscious mind as it accesses the outer environment which cannot be done by the inner self. The ego consciousness, outer self, then decides what it needs, falling within the limitations of beliefs and the inner self puts the processes in motion to drive inner energy into matter based objects and events. And although it may not seem so, but events are also particularized as are objects, only in a different way. You would be very close to the truth if you said that objects and events begin to coagulate from thought then gain mass and durability through a process whereby consciousness asserts itself through the auspices of the flesh at a precise intersection of time and space.

Your reality that affects both your private life and that of your contemporaries is an almost magical result of inner comprehensions and channeling of vast energy into physical form in line with your beliefs, emotions, desire and expectations. Your beliefs then act as directors of those energies, channeling them into objects and events that you believe are possible. In that respect they insure that nothing will come into your life that you do not believe in. Conversely speaking that means that you can have anything that falls within your belief system, within certain limitations. It also means if you have constricted beliefs, you limit to a great extent your own personal experience. It follows therefore, that it is in your best interest to try and examine and expand limited beliefs.

The reason I am going in this seemingly round-about way of getting to the point is that we have been given the power of the gods to be co-creators of our universe, world and private lives. For this discussion there is no need to go more deeply into this creative process other than to say that we create unconsciously and at this point in our evolution, it takes time for these unconscious processes to break through from inner reality into physical representations that we can perceive and use. We are here to learn how to create responsibly.

Our civilization at this time would not last a day if our deep held beliefs were actualized instantly, lets say as they are in our dreams. A dream object is actual and has form just as our physical objects, they are just put together differently and do not seem to have durability in time as our objects do. But they are real and they are constructed immediately. It is what we are heading to.

Yes, at this time in our evolution, there is a time lapse between original thought that falls within your belief system, but if given enough impetus though desire, duration of thought and true expectation, anything is possible and all thoughts will materialize somewhere.

If we were to visit a planet somewhere in our universe and found living beings there who we could speak with, they might ask us to tell them about our God. We would say, that He created the world, but you are a co-creator of your world. We would describe our God as living forever, but you live forever and don't even trust that great inner knowledge that lies deep within your mental genes.

You Were, before our world existed and you will still Be when this world disappears. You can die, but the you who is the real you, can never perish but live again and again. Identity exists before the body is born and exists after it is discarded. The you changes and grows but never diminishes, is dissipated or extinguished. Once formed, Consciousness is forever and it is always getting better, quality wise.

Now, you might wonder why I approached the original question in such a long winded explanation about creation? Because you are here to create, your life, your environment, your world and to impress this world with your own imprint without doing harm to others. Things do NOT happen to you, they happen because of you. You have the power to change the present situation, no matter how dire it may see. There is NO pre-destination. All lines of probability are open and ready to be actualized, but you must open the door. The only real way to change present lacks is to change how you think about them. Period!

You chose to live this life and you had a reason, certain challenges to confront and learn from. If you want to know why you are here, look back over your life and you will find a pattern of "certain reoccurring challenges" that have always been with you in varying degrees. This is the realm of challenge that you chose to deal with in this lifetime, but you did not choose them to defeat you. When you finally begin to realize that the POWER is in the NOW, and that events do not happen to you, but by you, you can then formulate a plan of changing beliefs, expanding old closed off areas in the mind, opening new avenues for expression within new belief structures and begin changing what you don't like.

Beyond and above that, there is no mandate from a obsessive, angry, controlling God to do or be anything. Live life and learn, become more. Live in a state of wonder and remember you are a part of nature, creating dreams and natural environments as easily as you breath. You came into this life in a state of Grace and there is nothing you can possibly do to keep from leaving it in the same state. You are intimately connected with everything you perceive, so treat everything with care and respect and do no intentional harm.

There is no final punishment, only a look back before moving on to another adventure, and you have had many adventures before. This probably was not your first and cannot be your last.

Friday, August 8, 2008


We are all One !
This is a statement we have all heard from time to time, especially when it is related to how we treat others, usually others of the human race. There is of course a reason for this. We have believed that the human species is at the top of the species chain and other living things, far below us are simply here for us to use for our convenience. We eat other living things, experiment on them to develop products to make our life better or more convenient and relentlessly overpopulate our world, infringing on the space that other species need to survive with a decent quality of life. It never occurs to us that all living organisms have their own rights to life.

In order to understand the true nature of reality, you must understand this basic principle, that everything is conscious, everything. It all begins the the most fundamental building blocks of physical matter, the underlying bed of inner consciousness, that eventually through a building process of attractions of like intent, break through the subjective barrier into objective physical materialization. Even the smallest nano particles of physical matter have their own distinct flavor of conscious and are aware of their own being. Now, I am not suggesting that an electron is like a little person, living in it's own little house with an electron wife and family at home somewhere inside of an atom. I am suggesting however, there is NOTHING, not one hypothetical point existing in this universe that is not to some extent conscious of self. In a very real sense, you could say that the universe is solid, one thing, it's just more solid in some places and less solid in others. There is NO empty space between what we observe as physical planets, all being connected by unmanifest consciousness.

There is SOMETHING everywhere. What we perceive of the universe, planets, worlds, comets, stars, houses, cars, tables and our own physical bodies are a matter of what our own type of physical senses are tuned to perceive. There is NO rock bed reality of SOLID MATTER anywhere other that what our senses tell us is solid. Our senses create the reality, then they perceive it, it's that simple. This will be explained in more detail in another post.

We perceive what we want of an available field of driven energy, driven into materialization in accordance with our beliefs, desires, intent, imagination and most important, our expectations. These energy patterns are then perceived by us as workable and usable events and objects. These ancient energy patterns that gave birth to our world left much leeway to the inhabiting conscious entities, ourselves, the animals, the flowers, trees and all of our natural environment. Those energy currents emitted by ALL consciousness, including all of the above, form our world as we know it, utilizing that available energy. In other words, we are all in this together. If all of the animals were to disappear, our world would take on a much different appearance, and not from just the absence of animal life.

There is an inherent tapestry of life, and that means ALL life, and the resulting world that we love so much is the result of creative, co-operative, subjective emanations of all living things. If all animal life were to disappear, everything else would have to adjust to compensate for the missing subjective reality of that tapestry of life. that is distinct and unique to our world. There are countless systems of reality with conscious beings, some similar to ourselves, some not, but ours is unique in the universe.

Look at it this way,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,If you were swimming underwater with a breathing apparatus and saw a sunken ship in the distance, it would not be too hard to convince you that in a very real way, there was a (water) connection between you and the ship. There would be no empty space between you and the ship, the space between being filled by water. So if we were to extrapolate from that thought, why would you suppose that there is empty space between you and the objects that you see? The truth is that there is no separation at all because the space between you and other stuff is filled with air, and air is composed of nitrogen and oxygen, which of course, are made up of elements which are made up of atoms, which are also conscious. So, air is manifest consciousness, the vacuum of space is filled with unmanifest consciousness.

In a very real way, there truly is NO separation between you and a speck of dust on the most distant star. Everything in between is filled with something and those somethings in between delight in their Being in a way that we cannot understand, but we can acknowledge it with the understanding that WE ARE ALL CONNECTED and in an almost unimaginable past, we were also part of an original One Source.

Your cells in your body have their own awareness and consciousness and enjoy the knowledge of their motion and understanding of all physical structures that they have formed and they cannot vacate that form until their death. In forming your organs, your body, they have no awareness of you at all, although they are an integral part of your corporeal form. They know that in their death, they will live again and be replaced. In just such a way, you enjoy full freedom of choice within a greater identity than yourself, and you have the ability of full freedom of movement. A cell cannot change it's immediate environment, but you can.

You are part of something greater than you, but that greater part identity hardly notices you, even though it's very existence depends on you and you pay it no heed. We are all endowed with full freedom of choice to create our own reality, and in becoming something more in the process, we enhance the experience of greater identities as we enhance our own experience and move in the direction of a more mature consciousness of ourselves. The greater identity that you are a part of is also part of an even greater identity than itself. It goes on and on.

It helps if one is not to feel dwarfed and insignificant in the scope and enormity of the grand expanse of consciousness, to remember that all consciousness comes from only One Source, and it is all Good.