Friday, October 31, 2008


The entire question as it is posed: Since I do believe that the end of life here is merely a transition to another dimension/aspect whatever, do you think that it matters what kind of karma or energy or purpose we have had while in this dimension. For example, say you've lived your life here and now as a scam artist, or a thief or an addict, or say like me, a person who still feels she hasn't found her purpose or passion . . . does it/will it matter into the next? Is an energy 'judged' good or bad, or 'you failed' so you have to go back and do it all over again. If a person has had a miserable life in this sphere will that have any bearing on the transition?

. This is an interesting series of questions and ones that do not necessarily weigh on many minds since most don’t really believe that they will live again and many of those that do believe in life after death, have some vision of an “afterlife” being a pretty sterile existence in an environment, devoid of many of life’s pleasures and challenges. You have become so attached to the idea that you are exclusively what your physical body is, so enamored with your ego consciousness that you cannot imagine yourself living any kind of meaningful life without being encased within the confines of atoms, molecules and cells. You must remember that these particles are simply an overlay of the real psychic reality that underlies physical existence and they are an important part of your entire being while your attention if focused in this system.

The point I am trying to make here is that death is not what you may think it is and it certainly is not a punishment of any sort. I do not intend to get into a discussion here of the properties of death per say, but to touch on it only to point out that evolution and reincarnation always indicates progress although there may be some bumps in the evolutionary road in order for the personality to address some problem with full intent of solving it, not succumbing to it. In an overall perspective, things always get better, not worse. I must keep repeating myself here because it is VERY important that you understand that there IS purpose behind your life. Your life is not some accidental happening even if it may seem so to you. What to you may seem like an accidental pregnancy that was initiated in the back seat of a car after a raucous party, was no more accident than the sun rising in the morning. Death is a temporary rest period between lives while you collect your energies, revisit family and old acquaintances and contemplate new adventures. In fact, once you have died, it will be such a pleasant experience that you will wonder why you didn’t think of doing it before, actually, you have.

Death is never used as a medium to punish you for anything. Energy is neutral and knows not good or bad. Energy does not judge and cannot be judged, but energy does exhibit the propensity to lean in the direction of good intent. There is NO judgment after death, only an evaluation of your last life, and not with the intent of criticism, but with the intent of planning another life incorporating areas of growth that were either ignored or were unsuccessful in the last life. You will have help in making these selections wisely. Remember, at this stage of awareness, your goals, desires and intents are different than they would be were you in a physical body at the time. It is similar to your saying:”What would Jesus do”? While ensconced in a physical body, you would hardly choose a life of poverty if you had a choice, but from your perspective between lives, this choice may be a wise one especially if your last existence was one of privilege and wealth. You experience lives to learn lessons, so you will choose future life circumstances that will help to fill in gaps in your overall growth. In that respect, there is a carry over from one life to another.

If you were a scam artist, a thief or an addict in a past life and have experienced the repercussions of such experience, you would probably have learned how not to be a scam artist, thief or addict, so there would be no need to revisit the same circumstances again. Keep in mind that if you experienced being a thief, scam artist or addict, the reality itself would be the punishment. You should always try to remember that to the soul, entity and All That Is, there simply is no bad or good, there is only experience that benefits you and your fellow travelers or it doesn’t and if it doesn’t, you can do it again and get it right.. In a larger sense, you can not destroy anything with your actions, so bad and good are just words and the line drawn between what is bad and what is good is arbitrary at best. What is good to me may seem bad to you and visa versa. What you think you kill is still alive and what you think you drive into extinction, still roams the wide open plains somewhere. John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King are still alive and doing quite well. Dinosaurs and dodo birds still live and flourish. Your depth of attention cannot follow these transitions, but that does not mean that they do not exist. You cannot follow a dream either, but it still exists.

Dreams and aspirations left unfulfilled in this lifetime will be experienced and satisfied in future lives. As a well rounded entity/personality, you must experience the depths of ALL meaningful emotions, intimacies, loves and disappointments. That is the meaning behind evolution and reincarnation. What you leave undone in this life will be completed in another. There can be no real failure because here again we get into arbitrary words which require judgment. One mans success could be another mans failure and who can stand in judgment? Success is simply the other side of failure and failing surely does give you a new deeper understanding of success that you can utilize in the future. I know that this will sound trite, but successes are built on the corpses of many failures. A miserable life from your viewpoint could have opened up opportunities that will later become apparent to you. It also presents you with data about what not to do in the future. If all experiences and all lives were perfect, you would learn nothing and most importantly, you would never discover the connection between your thoughts, desires and expectations and the realities that manifest in your life. You are meant to learn that you create your own reality and the responsibility for both successes and failures lie directly with you and if you did it wrong before, you can change the outcome by changing how you think about it.

Finally, after death, you do not HAVE to do anything in the next life. You are allowed to make your own choices for future lives. You will have the benefit of counseling, advice and suggestions, but the final decision will always be yours and you are allowed full freedom to make as many mistakes as you would like to leave yourself open to make. There are requirements that must eventually be met in order for you to progress to bigger and better things, but there is no rush, you have all the time you will need. This answer is so simple that I fear you will not take it seriously, but if you have not found your passion or purpose in life, the only way you can change that is to change how you think and what you think about. Given enough time, purpose, intensity and expectation, given emotional impetus, thought coagulates into reality and the few limitations are negligible. You can get what you seek by thinking about what you want.

I know your questions hint at Karma. Karma is not punishment and never was. Karma is a method that simply provides guidelines and requirements for learning through what you experience and it can carry over into future lives. Let me give you an example; if you kill someone in this life, you will not be punished in a traditional sense, but you will have to through a reciprocal practical application, experience being killed yourself, or someone who is so close to you will have to be killed so the remorse you feel would be worse than being killed yourself. Another of your sayings is quite appropriate and says it all. What goes around comes around. There are others I am sure, but if you kill, you must experience being killed either in reality or symbolically. It’s all the same and nothing killed is ever destroyed, it is just removed from your presence and sometimes that can be devastating. Conversely speaking, what better way to learn not to kill than to be killed? Regarding Karma, of course this applies to all experience, but the ramifications are amplified in the example of death.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I have tried to condense valid inner truths into words that are insufficient to convey the true meaning behind illness. You will surely wonder if what I say is true, then why isn’t everybody healthy, wealthy and wise? I have told you that the concept is rather simple, but the difficulty lies in the doing. Remember, these are not just words but symbols of something bigger and in a larger sense; their success depends on the implementation of the suggestions already given.

First, in preparing and repeating a short mantra, you must believe in what you are saying. If you create a mantra saying that your health is improving, you must believe in what you are saying. You must then, understand that you actually create your reality through your beliefs and you health is certainly a large part of your reality. You must believe and understand that your physical body was not some accidental happenstance but a specific and purposeful creation by your inner self and it was not created with flaws. Your physical body always leans toward health and not sickness. Your body has all the information that it needs to bring about healing of ANY affliction, disease or cancer, but you must create the right conditions and remove all mental blockages standing in its way. Given the right conditions, there is NOTHING that the body cannot cure. Here is the last but most difficult part of this equation. What you concentrate on you will get, period!

So when you are working to create the circumstances that will best bring about your recovery, you must understand that thought propels energy into physical manifestation. If you concentrate on what you have instead of what you want, you will get more of what you have. Look hard and long enough for a tumor and your body will give you a tumor. Returning to our “sore leg” example, you must learn to believe in the leg healing and turn you attention away from the present condition. This is not easy to do when your leg hurts, but you must learn to focus on the healing and not the illness itself. Concentrating on the illness will always reinforce that condition and give you more illness. Focusing on the healing aspects will automatically begin to rob the present illness of much of its energy and reality and begin to propel energy into healing instead. The reality begins to change with your first thought, but it doesn’t happen overnight.

If your illness is internal and you are in the habit of seeing a physician for your problems, it is important that you continue to do so as you learn anew to also trust in the integrity of your body and its natural abilities to heal itself The good physician will understand the mind-body connection and will incorporate positive reinforcement in his treatment. The truth is that all healing comes through your beliefs. No physician, no matter how many degrees he holds will be able to affect a cure if you do not believe you can be cured. Conversely speaking, no matter what anyone says, in spite of all negative suggestions of hopelessness uttered, any illness CAN be cured if you believe it can and work to that end.

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Remember, it is not the belief that causes the illness; it is the belief that sets up the condition in the body activating inner processes that will allow the body to most accurately mirror the inner conditions, usually by lowering the immune defenses so the illness can manifest outwardly to give warning of the inner difficulties that need your attention.. The physical body always tries to most accurately mirror inner conditions whether they are good or bad. The simple truth is that inner mental health equals outer physical health and this will always be apparent. An inner illness that remains concealed from the outer senses, remaining inside, represents an inner condition that has not yet been dealt with. Outer symptoms mean that the issue has been and is recognized by the ego oriented personality and is being addressed in some way.

I must admit that it is extremely difficult to hold your own psychically speaking because you are constantly bombarded with mesmerizing suggestions through you means of mass communication and it is almost impossible to insulate yourself from them. I want to also remind you that you live in a world that you create and if you have read my material on creation, you will know that you create your reality through well defined processes that I have explained before. In short, you get what you think about, concentrate on and expect. I am not the only one who has tried to convince you of this as you will recall;”Ask and it will be given unto you, Seek and you shall find, Knock and it will be opened to you.”. This was not idle talk but a truth that permeates all realities and all universes. Think long enough look hard enough and expect what you think about and seek, and you will find it. You will actually create what you are looking for.

This holds especially true when trying to find the source of inner problems. You must be diligent as the truth is there for the finding. Now, when you are listening to your radio, television, you are unwittingly being mesmerized without even knowing it. When you are constantly hearing your public service announcements to look for signs of a cancer or a tumor, you are in a sense contributing to creating one in slow motion. If you search for a cancer or tumor diligently enough, expecting for find one, you will eventually find one, the body will literally give you what you are looking for: (Seek and you shall find). I am not telling you to discontinue examining yourself, but to do so incessantly with expectation of finding some deformity, is as dangerous as not examining yourself at all.

Of course the secret is in starting with the simple illnesses and giving the body a chance to exert its own healing abilities. You must start with the small things and learn to regain trust in your body’s abilities. There is a latent inner knowledge that you still possess as you did when you were a child. You must of course, continue to see your doctor since you have lived in this reality most of your life and while you hold the beliefs that doctors can cure you, they will indeed be able to help you, but you will not find a permanent cure for even one sneeze unless you understand your mental connection to illness.

It is helpful in developing a simple mantra that you repeat every day. In a way, this is also a kind of self hypnosis that is meant to change your inner feelings about your state of health. This mantra should not be more than three of four lines in length and should not make statements about a condition that does not obviously exist, but instead, it should contain statements about conditions that are beginning to change for the better.

Returning to our previous example of a condition of a sore leg; your mantra should not state; “my sore leg is healed”, but should state ‘my sore leg is beginning a healing process that will bring about total healing”. In other words a simple mantra repeated once a day for period of no more than five minutes each day must not contain an untruth of the condition as your inner self surely knows that the leg would not yet be healed. I would recommend something like the following;

I am beginning the process of healing my sore leg.
I am directing the healing energy of the universe to affect the cure.
My leg is in the process of healing itself.
I believe in and expect a complete recovery.

This should be repeated with confidence that a cure has begun with your first word, and it has. Your first thought actually begins the process. After you say the mantra every day, drop it; do not think of it again until the next day, lest you begin thinking that it isn’t working.
This is not some esoteric, elusive spiritual wishy washy thing. It is a basic premise of the physical construction and manipulation of matter itself and it is irrefutable in all realities. Matter changes over time, so make good use of that time and begin thinking about what underlying causes could have brought about your problem in the first place. There is an underlying reason and the mere fact that you begin to look for the reason, brings a cure closer. Remember the saying “If you keep doing what you have been doing, you will keep getting what you have been getting”. You will need to make some changes for any cure to become permanent. No illness is inflicted upon you by some outside source but from inside. The manipulation of reality takes some time. Beyond that, expect beneficial changes to begin appearing within thirty days.


Remember, it is not the belief that causes the illness; it is the belief that sets up the condition in the body activating inner processes that will allow the body to most accurately mirror the inner conditions, usually by lowering the immune defenses so the illness can manifest outwardly to give warning of the inner difficulties that need your attention.. The physical body always tries to most accurately mirror inner conditions whether they are good or bad. The simple truth is that inner mental health equals outer physical health and this will always be apparent. An inner illness that remains concealed from the outer senses, remaining inside, represents an inner condition that has not yet been dealt with. Outer symptoms mean that the issue has been and is recognized by the ego oriented personality and is being addressed in some way.

I must admit that it is extremely difficult to hold your own psychically speaking because you are constantly bombarded with mesmerizing suggestions through you means of mass communication and it is almost impossible to insulate yourself from them. I want to also remind you that you live in a world that you create and if you have read my material on creation, you will know that you create your reality through well defined processes that I have explained before. In short, you get what you think about, concentrate on and expect. I am not the only one who has tried to convince you of this as you will recall;”Ask and it will be given unto you, Seek and you shall find, Knock and it will be opened to you.”. This was not idle talk but a truth that permeates all realities and all universes. Think long enough look hard enough and expect what you think about and seek, and you will find it. You will actually create what you are looking for.

This holds especially true when trying to find the source of inner problems. You must be diligent as the truth is there for the finding. Now, when you are listening to your radio, television, you are unwittingly being mesmerized without even knowing it. When you are constantly hearing your public service announcements to look for signs of a cancer or a tumor, you are in a sense contributing to creating one in slow motion. If you search for a cancer or tumor diligently enough, expecting for find one, you will eventually find one, the body will literally give you what you are looking for: (Seek and you shall find). I am not telling you to discontinue examining yourself, but to do so incessantly with expectation of finding some deformity, is as dangerous as not examining yourself at all.

Of course the secret is in starting with the simple illnesses and giving the body a chance to exert its own healing abilities. You must start with the small things and learn to regain trust in your body’s abilities. There is a latent inner knowledge that you still possess as you did when you were a child. You must of course, continue to see your doctor since you have lived in this reality most of your life and while you hold the beliefs that doctors can cure you, they will indeed be able to help you, but you will not find a permanent cure for even one sneeze unless you understand your mental connection to illness.

It is helpful in developing a simple mantra that you repeat every day. In a way, this is also a kind of self hypnosis that is meant to change your inner feelings about your state of health. This mantra should not be more than three of four lines in length and should not make statements about a condition that does not obviously exist, but instead, it should contain statements about conditions that are beginning to change for the better.

Returning to our previous example of a condition of a sore leg; your mantra should not state; “my sore leg is healed”, but should state ‘my sore leg is beginning a healing process that will bring about total healing”. In other words a simple mantra repeated once a day for period of no more than five minutes each day must not contain an untruth of the condition as your inner self surely knows that the leg would not yet be healed. I would recommend something like the following;

I am beginning the process of healing my sore leg.
I am directing the healing energy of the universe to affect the cure.
My leg is in the process of healing itself.
I believe in and expect a complete recovery.

This should be repeated with confidence that a cure has begun with your first word, and it has. Your first thought actually begins the process. After you say the mantra every day, drop it; do not think of it again until the next day, lest you begin thinking that it isn’t working.
This is not some esoteric, elusive spiritual wishy washy thing. It is a basic premise of the physical construction and manipulation of matter itself and it is irrefutable in all realities. Matter changes over time, so make good use of that time and begin thinking about what underlying causes could have brought about your problem in the first place. There is an underlying reason and the mere fact that you begin to look for the reason, brings a cure closer. Remember the saying “If you keep doing what you have been doing, you will keep getting what you have been getting”. You will need to make some changes for any cure to become permanent. No illness is inflicted upon you by some outside source but from inside. The manipulation of reality takes some time. Beyond that, expect beneficial changes to begin appearing within thirty days.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


What I am saying and I want to make sure this is understood, is that all illness begins as an unconscious mental act. You are the result of a mental act that began with an idea, an inspiration, and an imaginative impetus which could be termed inner suggestion, either consciously delivered or unconsciously delivered. Your birth, whether you believe it or not, was well known to your inner self and to your parents long before they were informed of a pregnancy, so in that regard your future existence was known and the result of inner suggestion.

The way you acquire advantageous and disadvantageous life changing suggestions and beliefs is through a kind of outer unconscious hypnosis that you have acquired from friends, teachers, clergy, and physicians and most importantly through the messages you receive daily streaming incessantly from your radio and television advertisements, public service announcements and other programming.

Good, healthy suggestions unconsciously acquired, will usually be evident in a good healthy life in most regards. Someone who seems to have it all, for instance, a good family life, a good job, happy children, enough money, smiles, laughs, play and many good friends, will usually have good health. This may or may not be readily observable because you can only tell what is on the surface, but in general this is a safe assumption. Of course there are exceptions, but generally speaking, if you have a good, healthy belief system, you will have good physical health.. What you believe you will become. Your unconscious will not accept messages that do not fit into your belief system, no matter what the source. So, if you want to discover the discordant or false beliefs that are causing the energy blockages, you must look inward.

Let me try another tack. You form your life around your beliefs and your beliefs create a filtering system that essentially blocks out all data about reality that does not fit in with your personal belief system. If you inherently understand that the body at birth possessed an almost perfectly tuned immune system that has the ability to cure any affliction, then you will not unconsciously accept the damaging messages you are subjected to every day. The problem lies in this unfortunate truth, that as you grow and learn, you usually begin to alter your initial beliefs that you began to accept shortly after birth. You begin to consciously and unconsciously accept beliefs from your parents, from teachers, from your contemporaries and that is a natural process of growth.. Of course, as infants, you need to accept the beliefs of your parents, but you were never intended to keep them forever without examining them to see if they served your changing purposes. And who would dare to question the long held cherished beliefs given to you by dear old dad? Before long you can become a walking, breathing bundle of discordant, distorted, false beliefs and over time those actually begin to become part of you and are hard to dislodge.

For instance, when you were a child and your mother told you not to go outside without your coat because you would catch a cold, this suggestion over time will become an inherent part of your belief system and for all practical purposes, will become an indisputable part of your reality. If you were given that belief as a young child, you will most likely retain it for your whole life whether or not it is true. Being cold will never give you a cold. Believing that being cold will give you a cold, will give you a cold. If you grew up from infancy hearing your parents say that money is the root of all evil or that it is easier for a camel to get through an eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into Heaven, you might then find it extremely difficult to ever achieve financial success. It works the same in all areas of your life.

Illness symptoms are bellwethers of your progress in ridding yourself of illness. Symptoms tell you if you are on the right track in addressing the problem and continuing reoccurring illness will indicate that the problem remains buried in your consciousness. Your beliefs are not beyond discovery to an inquiring mind and a dedication to looking inward for their existence and source. Symptoms also often express themselves in a symbolic way, so an unnatural fear, disgust or religious guilt about sexual expression that might be considered deviant may express itself in that person in a symbolic way with some malady occurring in the pelvic region or directly concerning the sexual or reproductive organs.

I told you earlier that this is one of the easiest of inner truths to put to the test in everyday life, but indeed, it is also one of the most difficult for many reasons. In order to cure an illness permanently, you must discover and begin to make changes in discordant beliefs that you have probably had for a long time. If I told you that to retain anger at someone or something over a long period of time is bad for your health, you would probably agree. If I told you that unresolved hatred of your job could cause ulcers, you may even agree to that. If I told you that loneliness and a belief that you are unworthy of being loved by another could bring about other maladies, it might be more difficult for you to accept. Remember, developing a belief system is an ever changing process of mental and spiritual growth, so as your physical body was meant to change, so were your beliefs.

Your first task in finding the problem rooted somewhere in your beliefs is to sit quietly with no distractions with a pen and paper and begin to think back in your life to important and sometimes innocuous events alike which may have been turning points in your distant and recent past. Write down things that come to mind that may or may not have some effect on your health. Remember, there are no bad things lurking in your subconscious, there are just things that are more beneficial to the corporeal body and some that are not, so your search should not foster feelings of guilt, just give you the satisfaction of discovery of things that have been too long ignored in your past. After you have done this, give it some thought to forming a plan to make changes in your beliefs that you think will be beneficial to your mental development, psychic and physical health.

OK, now its time to address the process you need to put into action and this is also the hardest part of discovering and discarding old worn out beliefs and inserting new, healthier beliefs. I am giving you a concrete example here so there is no confusion as to the process that you need to consider initiating. I am simplifying this explanation to a great extent, but we need to start somewhere.

Let’s assume for example, that you have a lingering pain in your left leg and that it has been bothering you off and on for some time. Let’s also assume that you do not have a fractured or broken bone but have not been able to discover the reason behind the reoccurring pain. A pain in the leg can often cause a problem with physical mobility, so you should first, in your introspection, begin browsing through the corners of the mind to see if there is any reason luring in the shadows of your memory of any reason that would cause you to inhibit yourself from moving forward in some aspect of your personal development, your attitude toward a personal love affair, your reluctance in accepting a new job assignment in a different area of the country which would require moving or perhaps unhappiness in a new profession that you find unacceptable. This implies a type of psychic blockage, inhibiting forward progression that could be expressing itself through demonstrating symptoms of an ailment such as a pain in your leg that would give you a clue that this is an area that should be considered in formulating a wellness program. If this were indeed the case, then resolving the job issue could begin to clear the obstruction that causes the pain in your leg.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


The question as it is posed; I seem to always be coming down with some illness, in the winter its colds, flu, sniffles and other reoccurring symptoms and in summer its hay fever. Was I born with this or is it something that I just acquired.

I have addressed this subject before and probably will do so again and again trying to approach it from different angles each time. I am quite aware that most reading this material will not believe what I say, but the interesting thing is that of the many questions that are answered here, this one is one that can be put to the test in most practical ways. Not to be misleading, the reasons behind illness, sickness and other afflictions may seem simple on the surface, so simple that you could be mislead into believing that the solutions to affecting a cure would be a simple matter of making a few minor behavior changes. That is not the case because even if the procedure for a cure may be understood, the application can be confounding indeed and must be approached with caution and good sense.

One of the main reasons that you probably will not believe what is said here is that in order to make any practical improvements in your health, it requires a stepping up to the plate, so to speak, and taking responsibility for your condition whatever it may be. In other words, if you are in good health it is your fault. If you are in bad health, it is in a way, the result of discordant mental patterns (false beliefs) and those too are your fault. Now, no one likes to be told that they are at fault for anything, especially when the given explanations seem to fly in the face of what the masses believe, what the experts tell you, and no doubt you can show me living proof that you are right and what I tell you is wrong. It seems inconceivable that civilization as we know it could have continued over the last 50,000 some odd years give or take a few days here or there believing and doing things wrong, but that is exactly what has happened where health and sickness are concerned. In a way, ancient societies that existed thousands of years ago had a better understanding of the true nature of illness than we do today. You should remember that although a system of reality is purposely created with good intent and direction, once created, it is allowed to evolve in its own way with no interference, for better or worse. There are some safeguards set in place, but you are to learn through your mistakes and no direction is given. If everything went perfectly, you would never eventually come to the conclusion that there is a connection between what you think about and what happens to you.

I realize that it is hard to believe that your beloved physician could complete college and medical school, serve internship in a hospital and show up for work in a superbly appointed office with a wall full of diplomas, possess a multitude of impressive instruments, a white coat and stethoscope dangling around his neck and still not understand the true nature of illness. Please be aware that I am not telling you that a physician cannot cure illness. What I am saying is that if a physician cures an illness, it is in part because you believe in his power to cure you, not because of any particular procedure, but because you believe in the power of the procedure to cure. That is why ancient medicine men and Shaman were so successful by using fireside chants and dances and chicken bones to cure illness. If you do not believe in the treatment and the body’s inherent ability to heal itself, there is no pill or other remedy that will bring a successful long term cure. You can manage to shunt aside any particular illness for a time, but if your intent is to affect a permanent cure, then you must look to an inner source of the problem. An illness is the result of blockages of the free flow of the life force energy that supports your physical body.

In other words, illness is the result of mental obstructions or impediments which causes invisible inner blockages of energy which then become a visible part of that physical body, symbolically bringing the inner problem to the forefront of your attention. In a very real way an illness is an outer representation of the difficulty, the “canary in the coal mine”, signaling to the outer self that something is amiss inside. Illness then, is ”inner speak” to the outer self. This is how the inner self communicates to the ego self, “Hey, there is something wrong in here”.

There are far too many causes of illness to go into any depth in this discussion but we can address overall concepts. Let me begin at a point in time before the beginning. Your birth was not an accident even though it may have seemed that way to your parents. You chose your parents for specific reasons before you were born and sometimes that choice is made because of a predilection of the parents to a certain challenges that you plan to address in the next life and that will result because of the inherent latent genetic structure of those parents. We plan and write the outline and the story of our lives before we are born and if there are inherent lessons that can be learned from an illness or series of illnesses, we will create ahead of time, the most favorable conditions to bring about that result, including selecting parents who will make that reality more probable. In other words, you may select parents who will have a genetic pre-disposition to a particular disease that would then most likely manifest in your physical life. The reasons for these types of choices are known only to the personality being born and then contracting the illness. The reasons behind these choices are varied, but in some cases the personality will select a particular illness that best suits his or her needs, maybe an illness that is currently popular in that time period or century.

Children may for instance, choose an illness to get out of going to school, then after the traumatic time is past, they simply cure themselves. Unfortunately as we grow older, we forget that we once knew the connection between mind and illness. A person who is lonely, may for example contract a severe case of the flu, so they can spend some time in the hospital which is a fine social setting for someone who seeks compassion and companionship. There is no virus, bacteria, bug or cold wind that causes colds if you do not want to catch a cold. Your mental condition, blockages of the natural flow of life energy, causes the immune system to temporarily restrain itself from combating what it inherently knows how to resist, and for a limited time, it lets down its defenses and in a way, welcomes the infection. Those who do not believe in the reality of illness will usually be immune. You all know somebody who never seems to get sick. The underlying reason, which may seem over simplistic, is that they simply don’t believe they will get sick. For some, this seeming immunity to illness is a natural carryover from prior lives and some pick up these harmful beliefs in this life through a process which actually amounts to unconscious self hypnosis.

I must regress for a moment and clarify that I am well aware that some people tire of hearing about energy when discussing topics such as this, but I do want to make myself clear so there is no confusion when I speak of energy. I am NOT speaking about electricity as you know it because you would surely say you do not feel as though you were being electrocuted. Of course the electricity that you know is simply the outer semblance of an inner energy that creates and supports the universe that you know and all that it contains. This energy of the universe cannot be felt or detected by your instruments, but it is responsible for the stars, the planets, the comets and all dimensions of reality. It is pervasive in that it is everywhere, within and underlying every physical thing that you perceive including yourself. It is where you see something and it is where you see nothing and in larger terms, there actually is no place where there is nothing. If this universal energy did not exist, you would not exist for one second.

Friday, October 17, 2008


The question as it is posed; why are some people characterized as being 'an old soul'? Do you think that those peoples energies are being returned here to this physical plane because they are not or have not been sufficiently enlightened to ascend or that they even really are 'old souls' and or are there brand new births 'souls', 'energies', 'entities'?

Before I begin with the answer to this question, let's see if we can come to some agreement on exactly what constitutes a Soul. There are countless definitions of "Soul", The soul is often described as the spiritual part of humans, a distinct entity, existing separate from the body and able to survive a physical death. There are some societies that believe a soul is something apart from yourself that is somewhere up there in the sky and there are some that believe that the soul is something that can be found somewhere within the physical body, and that in some grand gesture, upon death, we kneel before God and return the soul to Him.

For purposes of this discussion we will consider the soul as an almost unbelievably, sophisticated, indestructible energy essence personality. The soul is not some wispy fragment, cloud like existence, but to the contrary, the soul is the most potent, deliberately purposeful and self directed energy manifestation in the universe. The soul gives psychic birth to personalities and forms an undividable affiliation with that personality during its journey into physical life in a variety of realities. During the time that the personality is focused in a life on the physical plane, a portion of the soul is inexplicably intertwined within and a part of the personality. It would not be untrue to say that while you inhabit a physical body, you are the soul fleshed out in cells and molecules so that it can manipulate within the precise coordinates of your time and space. The soul thorough the auspices of the inner self creates the physical body, the seat of the ego self.

Any particular personality (identity) once formed can never be terminated, negated or diminished in any way. Once formed the identity is eternal. I want to make sure here that I make clear what I am saying; the Nancy, Robert, Charlene or Michael personality that you identify with now, will always be part of your eternal identity. Your memory will always include memory of those past personalities, their experiences, their loves, their failures and their triumphs, and if you have a habit of scratching your nose now, you may quite likely exhibit that habit in a future life. You will in a way always be the same you but you will be more. Your personality (the whole personality), is of course much more than just the ego self that you know, and it evolves whether it is in our system of reality and when it is outside of it. There are countless systems, planes, fields and dimensions of reality, some achieving three dimensional, physical characteristics like yours and some not physical at all. Physical reality such as yours is not the norm but it is unique in the way it has developed. There are none others quite like it in the universe as we know it although there are others very similar.

All systems of reality have their own unique characteristics and parameters for existence, none exactly like any other, but in all cases these parameters are created by the inhabitants of the system in which they exist. That means that each of you along with your contemporaries of your time had and have a hand in creating your own version of time, space, gravity and so forth. Reincarnation is one of the basic characteristics of all life on your physical plane. It is within this scope of reincarnation that you must consider the physical existence of "Old Souls". In light of that, all souls are old souls. A soul is an unbelievable advanced energy essence personality and in that respect, a soul has been around a very, very long time, so all souls would have to be considered old souls. In those terms, the physical personalities that it gives birth to can be either old or new. The soul honors that intimate connection with all of its personalities regardless of their state of evolution.

The soul has a thirst for experience so it seeks to objectify itself in a variety of different dimensions of actuality, creating the most appropriate forms suited for that particular system. The whole self, then creates the physical body through processes that we have discussed before and will again, but it should be understood that the physical image is created from the inside out through the abilities of the inner self. The whole self being the totality of the outer self (ego), connected to the inner self by the subconscious, these working together form the image of the physical body. Not one small heart, one eyelash or one tiny fingernail could be formed as parts of the fetus were it not for this complex inner process. A soul is made up of whole selves. Whole selves are made up of various aspects of the personality, (the ego, outer self and inner self) connected by the non physical mind and subconscious.
Once the whole self chooses to objectify itself in our system (Earth 2000), and once the personality has inhabited the fetus, the growth process begins and you are then obligated to complete a cycle of reincarnation, experiencing a series of lives which must include at least one complete lifetime as a female, one as a male and one complete lifetime as a child that grows fully into an adult. If a lifetime is cut short by the premature death of an infant, the process will be repeated.

Once that minimal requirement is met, there are other options. The personality, if it is especially adept at the physical manipulation of matter and enjoys earthly life it may choose to reincarnate again even after the requirements have been met in order to experience different races, different physical impediments and deprivations and successes. It may not make sense to you at this point why someone would want to experience hardships, but you must understand that your motivations are not the motivations of your Soul. You are here to learn that you create your reality and what you create is not always perfect, so you will do it again. What you don't learn in one lifetime will be revisited in another and there is no rush as you have as many lives as you need. Often the most profound lessons are learned through personal misfortune. This series of lives must eventually end, lessons being learned, and the personality must make choices for future experience in other systems. Our Earth system is a beginning system and we must progress through it by the process of reincarnation and evolution before making future decisions. Some who are very evolved, having experienced many lifetimes, more so than their contemporaries, may choose to return to earth reality in future lives as teachers, taking on roles to inspire and show the way, so to speak. Of course, some very well known historic personalities will surely come to mind.

After your final incarnation in this reality, you will make choices for future development in any one of a myriad of systems that fit your own personal needs. You will not revisit Earth again, although you may retain fond memories of your experiences and lifetimes here. After you evolve beyond Earth reality, you will realize just how primitive it was. Those considered Old souls could certainly be old inasmuch as they would have seen many lifetimes here and are nearing the point of their departure from this plane. They ascend to greater things, meaning new and far more developed systems of reality of their choice. No one thing forces this decision; it is entirely up to the personality and its personal goals. At the same time, there are "New" consciousness always entering the system for the first time and they will be obvious to the more evolved.

By the way, ascension has nothing to do with so called "Heaven" and since there is no actual reality such as up or down, all being a matter of perception, it really does not make any sense at all to pray to God looking up. Ascension then does have something to do with evolutionary progress, in becoming more, but not better. There can be no better or best and consciousness cannot be qualified in that way because it is all from the same source. So, in answer to your question, our world is composed of both old and new identities, some having evolved to the point they are ready to leave our plane and some just arriving and beginning the evolutionary cycle but the soul stuff inherent and underlying each is very old indeed while the individual personalities inhabiting the physical forms may be youngsters. You will know them by their works.

Friday, October 10, 2008

WHY DO WE GET OLD AND DIE / Part 3 / Final

Keeping the same train of thought, you play the game well and with exuberance during your early years, but there comes a time approximating middle age where most of the options of the game have been tried and you have either succeeded or failed. In some cases you have achieved successes and in some you have not, but either way, this is the time when changes begin to happen that you perceive as the aging process. The Soul knows that this prime time is drawing to a close and its attention begins to drift. Remember, enormous amounts of energy are required to support your physical body in your system of reality at great cost to the Soul. The Soul supplies the energy and the inner self directs it into physical form. The inner self then, acts as a channel, funneling the energy supplied by the Soul. In a sense the Soul is playing a very specific game of life and you are its ambassador for a length of time in this game of “Earth”. The Soul knows that there are other games to play, and at some point in the life of the personality, when maturity is reached, the Souls attention begins to stray from the present game. Its concentration begins to wander to other concerns. It knows that it cannot play all of the available games at once, so it begins to pare down the energy available to the present personality. The Soul, having initiated the personality (you) in the first place, will not play the game forever. All games must end and at some point the Soul makes the conscious decision to begin to restrict its energy to the present personality and project it in other directions so it begins to diminish the energy that it has been supplying to the personality, knowing that eventually this identity will shut down, but another will rise to the surface and play another game in another time.

Since your physical body is the rather immaculate result of countless recreations filling in the same pattern over and over again to give the appearance of permanence, when the Soul begins to restrict the energy supply and turn its attention in other directions, each succeeding recreation of your body becomes less distinct. Each reproduction becomes less perfect as the body’s inner energy begins to wane. This blurring effect is interpreted by the senses as aging. Our scientists know that the cells that make up your body fall off and die and are replaced by new cells on a regular basis. This happens at a rate that actually replaces every cell in the human body approximately every seven years, meaning that every seven years you are in a strange way, an entirely new person. Not one cell in your body is the same as it was seven years ago. If this is indeed true, then why don’t you look like you are new every seven years?

The skin does wrinkle, the teeth do become less perfect, the body does change, but of all of the changes that aging brings, none of this is because of the aging of matter itself, but because the body is receiving less supporting energy. Of course this process can take many years and the Soul is not in any rush, it has all the time it needs. What this does mean is that when the Soul has decided on its course, to abdicate this life, there is usually no turning back. There are some exceptions to the norm, but the aging process goes on and will not be reversed. The actual dying can be postponed. If the personality finds a new reason to live, a new project, a new love, the Soul can reconsider and allow the personality to continue for some time. When this happens it is not so much because of the acquiescence of the Soul but because of the impetus and psychic momentum of the identity asserting itself. This does not mean in any way that you cannot remain vital, energetic and in good health throughout your years.

Let me return to the pyramid and human reference used earlier.
There are different types of consciousness, but all from the same source. It is the kind of consciousness behind and driving matter into form that determines its capabilities and longevity on the physical plane. Generalized consciousness that is objectified in the formation of the earth itself has limited self awareness and carries with it none of the inherent capabilities of the Soul or Entity. In a sense, once projected into form, it will remain in that original configuration in what could be compared with an eternal dream. Awareized consciousness of the Soul, Entity which create living matter is projected into the human form, the flora and fauna, which eventually must die and be replaced. This kind of consciousness is also eternal, but in a different way. Of course, the matter itself is not the consciousness; consciousness is behind the matter. This kind of consciousness does carry with it the inherent full capabilities of the Entity or Soul. The implications of this are enormous, meaning that at some hypothetical point in some distant future, you could stand at the same lofty viewpoint of your Soul or Entity.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Until you reach a certain age, then something funny begins to happen as at first the physical body seems to reach a tipping point when this natural growth process seems to come to a halt and for some strange reason begins to reverse itself, beginning a long downward spiral that we call the aging process. The body itself begins to deteriorate, becoming less active, less vigorous, it gains weight, loses muscle mass, becomes less mentally astute, the skin loses its elasticity and wrinkles form, the hair whitens and we hate it. Most people find it a downright outrage that aging must happen, let alone the creeping recognition that the future holds an even more traumatic reality, that you must eventually die. No one likes the idea of death for many reasons, and most know them well, but that is mainly because of our fear of death. This fear of death is rooted in ancient myths, stories and legends of threatening afterworlds, sterile heavens, the coming nothingness, and angry, judging, punishing gods. It’s enough to scare a person to death. Most fears are because of a lack of information and understanding.

There is good reason for aging and death, but some will fight it tooth and nail, having their heads removed and frozen cryogenically to preserve them for some future when they can be revived and their head reattached to some other body. Where that body comes from I have no idea, but this is just to point out the utter simplicity and futility of fighting a natural process that taken in the proper context can be a quite enjoyable experience as new horizons of experience open to you that were never before available. There are scientists around the world working on potions, regimens and treatments to prolong age and extend your years. To be sure, they have succeeded in some respects as you do see the average age rising worldwide, except in some undeveloped societies.

What would be the benefit to extend the age if you are frail, incontinent, senile and unable to live a vital and fruitful life? Of course, there would be none. There have been periods in the earth’s history when man lived to hundreds of years old and it was common in certain tribes and lineages. What happened? The Bible says that Enosh lived nine hundred and five years, Seth lived nine hundred and twelve years, Adam lived nine hundred and thirty years; and Methuselah died an old geezer at nine hundred and sixty-nine years. Now, assuming this is fairly accurate, why did this change so much in only a few thousand years, which is really nothing on the time scale compared with the existence of the earth itself?

This of course, implies that the aging process can adjust according the needs of different civilizations in their own time. It also suggests that aging is somewhat a psychological reality. All That Is knows that if there were any real benefit to living nine hundred years, you would all be living to nine hundred years in the present day because matter left alone does not decay. What this does signify is that, at this time in our evolution, there is nothing to be gained by such long lives, or it would be happening now. In those ancient days, elders were held in high esteem because they were the carriers of tribal and world knowledge as it existed then. There were no books, no tapes, CD’s, computers and no television to preserve these ancient histories, so these elders were needed. They knew where to find certain roots that healed their wounds, how to catch fish to feed the tribes and they knew how to predict the migrations of herds of animals who spread across the early plains. They were needed and they answered the needs of their cultures in their times. In your present time, the elderly are warehoused in retirement homes. No wonder they often run away or wander off.

Aging and death only seems to be such a tragedy in light of our misunderstanding of the true nature of dying. There are unique and wonderful experiences that can be had in all phases of life, and although it may be hard to understand at this time, you can learn as much from old age as you can from adolescence. Death only seems so tragic if you consider yourself to be your physical body which you must discard at some point. When you begin to understand that the real you is not your body and the real you survives all deaths. And you have had many.
Aging and death is a natural part of life, just as life is inherent in death and your last breath is the actual beginning of new life, a new adventure and a fresh new perspective. At this time in your evolutionary progress, you do not remember past lives, but that does not mean that they do not exist or make them less valid. You cannot usually remember your dreams either, and you would not deny that you dream.

In a way, words imprison us in these discussions. They are symbols of something else and sometimes that something else is not very good at conveying true meanings. For an example, say you decided to create a new symbol, a new word, not the word life with its inherent meaning of a new birth and not the word death with its inherent meaning of a life ending, but lets say you invent a new word, say the word is “Frap” and this new word means or symbolizes: The spiritual event that happens at the exact point in time when you take your last breath, signaling the opening of a new door to a new existence. In other words, when you “Frap”, you actually take the first breath of a new life, in that sense, the last breath is also the first breath. OK, so you leave one life in the process of beginning another. In your world of structured time, you must essentially close out one event before opening another. In other words, you experience one event after another in a linear fashion and this means that one event must knock out the last one in order for it to be perceived and experienced.

Would you then be so fearful of death, understanding that and enjoy your later years in life as we grow older more joyfully? I think so. If you had a symbol or word such as that and believed in its meaning, then this lack of appropriate words would not have such sway on your fears and your lives, and in truth, many then would not fear death as you do at this time in your species
evolution. You of course know that you get old and die and why is that a necessity in your reality?

Maintaining a precise physical stance in your system of reality requires intense and vast amounts of energy and a precise focus to keep yourselves immaculately poised in earth reality. The inner self provides the immense amounts of energy that supports the ego conscious self in its discriminating intersection within your particular time and space. There are other versions of time and space surrounding, adjacent to and sometimes moving through your earth system, so in order not to drift, so to speak, you must maintain and concentrate your attention on that one reality. This then, is the enormous amounts of energy that is expended by the Soul and inner self in order to support your physical body in time and space.

Your physical image is a result of an almost endless series of energy pulsations filling out a psychic pattern, creating new and continuing and specific reproductions of your self. This is the price the Soul and inner self pays to gain experience in your system through your materialization. Think about the old motion picture films from the 1940’s, which were actually a series of still photographs played in motion of somewhere between sixteen and thirty five millimeters per second to give the appearance of permanence and fluidity of motion. Imagine then, your physical body created by a similar series of pulsations of energy from you inner being, giving it form and motion. Although the analogy is not the best, it will, I hope convey the idea that your physical body is the result of separate, distinct pulsations of energy from the inner self giving the appearance of permanence and motion, just as the film actors achieved an appearance of permanence and motion through a series of individual frames projected in sequence. Without going into this to any extent, your consciousness has learned how to play the game well and happily skips over the lapses in between these pulsations giving you what is perceived as a seamless picture of reality.

Monday, October 6, 2008


There are many reasons why you get old and die and to even attempt to answer that question in one small discussion is almost impossible, but you were promised answers and you will get answers. One of the problems with trying to explain these things, is that in order to truly begin to understand the reason behind the truths, is that it would take years of study of the inner reality that is part of your natural heritage.

But let’s begin with the assumption that you have at least some inkling that there is truly an inner psychological universe that underlies the one you are familiar with. There is also an inner psychological climate where the inner part of your identity that you are not so familiar with resides. An inner you, your true identity so to speak, that lend its support to the outer ego part of your consciousness. This inner self has access to far more knowledge than your ego would like to believe, since it believes that it is at the helm and it alone steers the ship through physical reality, and it does. But there is more to you than the ego, and if that were not so, then you would be justified in your fears of aging and death. You are not your ego and never will be, but your ego self will eventually relinquish its dominant position and join forces with the inner self when you have finished with your earth lives.

There is much more to you than your ego, but your ego hides that information from itself because it doesn’t want to believe that its very survival depends on its reliance on that inner part of you that connects with the whole self or soul. The ego, sometimes finds itself feeling alone and abandoned, but intuitively knows inwardly that its very existence compliments and depends on the support of that inner self. The ego is only in control to the extent that it is highly qualified to operate and manipulate the physical image within three dimensional physical realities. It is the inner self that supplies the impetus and the energy that materializes into solid matter. In other words, while the ego part of your consciousness assesses the physical terrain and makes the decisions of the flesh, the inner ego is the part of you that exists in another realm entirely, that drives this energy into solid matter of objects and events that the ego creates and we then perceive. In that respect, while we experience temporal reality, the ego does indeed steer the ship and the inner ego goes along and supplies whatever the exterior ego wants, within certain limitations. Its job is to make real what the ego imagines.

This is very important to understand if you are to really comprehend the real meaning of aging and death. The inner self is the physically unspoken part of you that is in direct connection with the Soul, it is the connective between you and your Soul and when the soul decides what it wants, the inner self carries out its wishes as it is fountain of energy that creates the outer physical construction (the body). It is the non-physical connection, as the mind is the connective between the physical brain and the subconscious.

There are pyramids and there are humans. If we see a human being standing beside a pyramid, we see two seemingly very different physical things. A pyramid is very big, solid and massive in structure and cannot move; a human being is small in contrast, soft and pliable in construction and has the ability of movement in time and space. They are both obviously made up of somewhat different physical composition, but both are the result of the combining of many earthly chemicals and elements. In the same way a rock does not seem to be made of the same stuff as a kitten. But there is a similarity. If we were to take a sampling of their elemental composition, we would surely find that there were many of the same minerals, elements and chemicals present in both.
If fact, we would all agree to some extent, they both share some, not all for sure, but some common ingredients that compose their physical image. We are made up of matter that we accrete from the earth, man and all other living constructions. You might then ask, are there some inherent characteristics within matter itself that age? Does physical matter deteriorate simply by destroying itself because it’s been around too long? That is simply not the case because as you will see, matter just isn’t around long enough to be susceptible to the aging, process, die, deteriorate, disappear or disintegrate because of the length of time it is materialized into a physical image. The sub atomic components of matter itself are constantly being replaced. Matter is affected by the elements and therefore does deteriorate, but that degrading in quality is not because of properties inherent in matter itself.

It is well known that you build up your physical body from birth by accumulating the physical properties of the earth. The process whereby this is done is well know and does not need discussion here, other than to say, that in a way, the earth lends you portions of itself that have been created through the use of atomic structure creating those earth properties and those accumulate or coagulate into our physical bodies that then grow by continuing this process to become larger in size and hopefully wiser as you accumulate knowledge and continue on in your prime.