Sunday, April 22, 2012


I have read some of your articles that say that the survival personality, or the recently dead person, retains memories of past experience and knowledge gained in the physical world, and will carry that into a newly reincarnated life when they are reborn as a new personality. My question is this, will we then be informed or learn about knowledge that we have been curious about throughout our past life. Will we meet God? We will we become all wise?

Dear Anonymous;
Let me thank you for the questions and indeed, we have discussed these matters to some extent in past articles, but probably not in the way I will now attempt to explain. It helps if you understand that death is an enigma that has puzzled the human race for eons and only a few among you have the insight to understand that death is not extinction of life, but an extension of life, or as is commonly referred to as a transition of form.

Death ends nothing except the corporal physical body. Not one iota of memory, knowledge and emotional development is lost in the process. In a way you could say that nothing that is important is lost in the transition process. Physical bodies never were important beyond the convenience of the entity to gain experience in the physical system. There are other systems that do not require a physical form, but for Earth it is a necessity.

It's all about fulfilling the wishes of the Entity/Soul to satisfy its interests in developing its abilities in a system of physical materializations, and the only way this can be effectively done is to adopt a physical body, fragment a portion of its own consciousness, thereby creating a new independent personality, endow it with all of its own characteristics, then giving it total independence in the physical system and observe what happens.

This new personality, must, at least temporarily forget its heritage and latent "Entity Relationship" while it navigates in the physical system, otherwise nothing new would be learned. Starting from scratch must then happen again and again within the reincarnational framework, but within each succeeding reincarnation, learned knowledge from one life to the next is not lost, but faithfully coded within the genetic structure of the future personality, but will remain latent, to be drawn upon as the personality evolves intellectually, intuitionally and emotionally.

The Entity does not limit itself to one such materialization in one system, but repeats the process in a variety of other systems, some physical and some not physical. These other entity/soul selves are your other aspects that are always in the background of your conscious awareness. They are you, busy in other realities, so busy that you are intently focused in each of these reality systems, to the point that you are all unaware of the other aspects.

In other words, you carry with you all of the traits, knowledge, emotional and intuitive development that you have acquired up to that point, and nothing will be cast aside in transition from one reincarnational life to another. On the other hand, conversely speaking, you will not carry with you that which you have failed to learn in your current life.

What you fail to learn in this life is no fault of anyone else other than you, so it is best to learn what you can while you are in this life. You will take nothing with you that you have not earned through life's adventures.

In answer to your question, if I understand your question, you will not be given easy answers to questions you may have dragged along into the next lifetime. You could say that answers are never given, but must be earned.

After death, when you have transitioned to a new form, no one will give the kind of answers that you want, unless you take the initiative to learn the knowledge for yourself. Any true understanding of the kind of answers you seek, involve a progression of learned knowledge, and so simple answers would be bypassing the pre-requisite foundation of learning that would lead you naturally to the answers you seek.

There are "survival personality" teachers who will be available to help you along the way, but again there are no easy answers given simply to satisfy ones curiosity unless they have sufficient background to understand. In a way, any attempt to fully explain the reality of the soul or entity to one who has no previous knowledge of these matters would be fruitless and would not be understood.

In much the same way, I am somewhat limited in my ability to convey concepts that defy the natural reasoning ability or the human brain. The brain has evolved in such a way as to be of great help in discovering and analyzing facts, but facts are useless in the reality that underlies physical facts. The brain can learn to accept intuitional knowledge, which will eventually lead to a more balanced overall personality development.

Facts arise out of the inner universe, and no inner truth ever arose out of a physical fact. So what you seek in terms of knowledge must come from a sort of intuitional and emotional evolution of your personality, and not directly from words, since you would not understand the words. Obviously then, upon death, you will not be automatically "All Wise" any more than you will be "All Ignorant". Simply speaking, after death, you will know exactly what you knew before death, nothing more and nothing less.

This brings up an interesting truth that should be mentioned here because it reflects on your question even though there are still many people who do not understand that consciousness creates its own reality as it goes, solidifying beliefs and expectations into your everyday reality.

Therefore, at least for a limited time after death, in keeping with our discussion, you will retain all beliefs that you had before you died the physical death.

If you believed in Satan before your death, you will see and experience Satan after you die. If you believe in Jesus, Mohamed, Zoroaster, Buddha, or any of the other saints or prophets, you will be met by them, perhaps as you cross the river Styx after death.

If you believe in hell, you will experience at least for some time, your own created version of hell. Of course these are your own hallucinated image constructions, but the effects can be very real indeed. The irony here is that those whose beliefs in those kinds of myths and superstitions are the strongest, will experience them in the most intense ways, if only for a limited time, until someone explains the illusionary nature of the images.

In relation to your question, if you believe in a human-like God figure, He will be there waiting to greet you and comfort you upon death, exactly as you envisioned Him, but only until you get a clue. Of course, this God-like vision will also be hallucinated beliefs made real temporarily.
Dead or alive in those terms, you still get what you believe, think about and expect. It can be no other way.

Help will always available to those who are curious and want to know, and those are the ones who I have such an interest in sharing whatever wisdom and knowledge I have to give. I do not squander that knowledge by trying to force it on those who are not ready, and many are not. I will however bend over backward to answer comments and questions to the limits of my ability to understand, and those who are not ready, will find their own answers at a level of their own abilities.

Finally, let me assure you, you will not meet God when you die. Even this kind of assumption signifies a lack of understanding that we must constantly deal with, and I don't mean that as an insult, but it is simply a belief in ancient myths, legends and superstitions about the Man/God who is portrayed by the great master painters as the majestic, human-like God figure with lightening bolt in hand, ready to smite the disobedient sinners.

God is more like an idea, than He is a human. God is an energy essence intelligence of the highest order, assuming any shape and all shapes. All shapes speak the image of God. God or "All That is" speaks not in words, phrases and syllables but in winds, waves, storms, wheat fields, clouds, stars and men, so I tell you, God surrounds you every day. If you really want to meet God, immerse yourself in nature, go to the wilderness, visit the beach or climb a mountain and you will be as close as you will ever be.


If you have questions that you would like answered or discussed, please submit them by using the "comments link" at the end of this article.

Sunday, April 8, 2012


First let me say, I am not referring to the board game named "life".

I am referring to the game of real life, and believe me, it is more of a game than you realize. Of course, it is nothing to trivialize since it carries with it the onus of quite serious consequences should you play it recklessly with no consideration for the eventual outcome, but unlike other parlor games, you cannot lose at the game of life, unless of course, you consider eventual death as losing.

In truth, the game of life is loaded in your favor, and unlike the board game, in the real game of life, on deeper levels, you cannot lose, although on the surface life may seem pointless and hopeless.

You begin the game of life, not sometime after your physical birth, but before you are actually born, and even then, physical birth is an illusion that you accept and will honor for some time after you acquire and activate a fully functioning physical body. In another sense, the illusion is real, but only within the confines of your world reality, but were you viewing your reality system from elsewhere in the universe, you would be amazed to find that it does not exist.

 Your physical body is something you will use while you are focused the world of matter, but you should remember, you are an identity, not a body. You borrow your body, materializing it from earth elements and when you are done with it, you will return it to the earth, a symbolic realization that your consciousness is not dependent on a physically materialized form and an understanding that your body will be utilized by other consciousness in constructing other physical forms in the future.

Consciousness existed before the first particle of physical matter was formed, and in fact, the first particle of physical matter was formed by consciousness, not the other way around.

You will continue to exist the same in almost every way after death except that you will possess a different kind of body, a body without the familiar physical characteristics, without weight or bulk, yet a body appearing just as real and functional as the past physical body. You will retain your memories, your emotions, your acquired knowledge and wisdom. You do not retain the physical stuff of the previous personality. And the past ego will go its own way as a completely new personality is formed.

I have mentioned this before and will so again, since it is not well understood even among those who know the truth about reincarnation. When the newly reincarnated personality is ready for rebirth back into the physical world, all of the aforementioned traits are retained, but the previous ego withdraws and a completely new ego is formed around the retained identity, still possessing many of those same traits of the previous personality.

You are not your physical body, you just materialize one for use manipulating in the physical world. If it were not for this miraculous ability of consciousness to cause the swarming and acquisition of atoms, cells and molecules, you would be flitting around the world naked, devoid of cellular structure in a dreamlike body with form but not substance and you would probably be featured in a reality show about ghost hunters.

It is important that I make clear that you are not now, never were and never will be your physical body, and frankly, I can't for the life of me see why the human race tends to pay so much attention to and so much of your hard earned treasure preparing, worshiping and disposing of a pile of discarded physical matter after death, totally devoid of its directive consciousness and vacant of identity.

Once you have begun assembling a new body, meaning once you have begun to accrete an actual physical form while still a fetus in your mothers womb, the game of life has already begun long before, and you might be tempted to believe that your presence in the womb is your first life experience, but that would be a wrong assumption, and here I must clear up something that is quite important to understand.

There are two very different origins for a newly created fetus and the following life experience will be greatly influenced by which is the case for each new personality. First, let me dispense with one of these options since we will not be too involved with this birth origin at this time, other than to mention it in passing.

There are obviously many differently evolved personalities in the world at any given time. Some are returning after many previous earth lives, they will be the more evolved, wise and knowledgeable among you, the teachers, the leaders, the prophets.

It is also quite obvious that there are newer personalities entering the earth physical system reincarnational cycle for the first time, and their inexperience will be noticeably different since they will be somewhat bewildered by life's many challenges. They will not have yet learned how to handle great amounts of energy, channeling it into beneficial events, and so their life experience will seem to be tainted, at least until they gain their footing in this new world.

For the new personalities, life will be struggle since they are learning from scratch. This is their first lifetime in the earth reality, even though they may have emerged out of a weaker, less evolved system where a minimum of self awareness is required, but this will be their first experience with a strong self-aware ego and it will take them a while to acclimate to this kind of reality.

For them, their involvement in advance preparations for entrance into the earth reality is kept to a minimum, since they have had no previous ego aware experience. In the cases of totally new ego aware personalities, the inner self takes care of the details so there is no undue stress and the emergence is cushioned for their first real ego aware life.

So, we will assume for the purposes of this discussion, that you are one of the more evolved returning consciousnesses. You actually began your earthly journey, or shall we say, the game of life, long before the egg was fertilized and you were well prepared to be born into a world of material experience through your prior close psychic association with your future parents. In other words, you had made advance preparations; responsibilities unconsciously understood and accepted by you and your parents and others who will be involved in the game with you. The way had been prepared in advance, so to speak.

You had already chosen your future gender, race, and general place of birth, possible physical challenges and a generalized plan for your future life. None of this is left to chance, neither is it pre-ordained and written in stone and room is always left for maneuverability and change along the way.  

Now, there is a time between lives before a new incarnation that is allotted to the personality for reflection of his/her previous life experience. Past problems are considered, new corrective future actions contemplated. There are teachers who will give consul to help you understand the errors in your past performance, classes to attend and much to learn before jumping into a new body in a new life experience.

It should be noted that there is no specified time duration between death of a personality and the day of rebirth or reincarnatrion. There is then no specified period between incarnations but there are some advantages to adherence to certain governing factors. The time after death and before a rebirth is spent in an "in-between" kind of learning dimension, not one of permanence, but one offering the survivor personality the opportunity to gain considerable knowledge about his past and future existences before plunging into the next life.

This duration spent in the "in-between" dimension can be as short as measured in weeks, or in hundreds of years, but it is not advisable to wait too long between lives since the attraction to the physical system begins to wane, making the re-entrance more difficult.

An average time spent in the in-between area might be about 50-100 years, but as much as 300 years. Another consideration is the rapidly changing world, which the newly reincarnated personality must deal with after re-emergence in the physical system after a long absence. Things change, and sometimes radically enough to make readjustment difficult.

In the final analysis, you are the one who decides when you are ready to be born again and take on a new personality. It is not widely known, and barely understood, that the new personality that is to be born is not the same personality that recently has recently died.

There is sometimes a great sadness as the survival personality steps aside from the rebirth process and the new personality organizes itself, since the identity must at least for some time forget all that he has learned in previous lives, forgetting most of past accumulated knowledge to once again become a helpless, vulnerable baby opening its eyes in a new world.

The new personality will be once again facing earth challenges, but this time around the past knowledge and memories that are now encoded in his genetic structure will act as instinctual guideposts and past knowledge will begin to be gained, but this time around, at a much faster pace.

The survival personality assists in the arrangements for the birth of the new personality into the physical system (Earth), and then steps aside so a complete new personality will be born. This new personality carries all of the past memories and past experience of the survival personality encoded within the genetic structure, so no knowledge or memories are ever lost or misplaced.

There are rules to the game of life that you will play again and again until you learn the game well.

The rules are simple really and they are thus:
You must forget that you wrote the script for your life before you were born, the game that you are now involved in playing and acting out your own life drama that you authored.
You must forget that you have played the game before, perhaps many times.
You must temporarily give up all conscious learned knowledge from your prior lifetimes.
You must believe and act like the physical laws of your world are irrefutable even though most of them are not.
You must believe, at least for some time that time is independent of you, and experience it as a series of consecutive moments. (When they really are not.)
You must also believe that images and other physical objects and constructions are totally independent of you. (Which they are not.)
You must believe that there is no support or help available and that your actual survival depends on a tooth and claw "survival of the fittest" concept. (Which it is not.)
You must come to understand the eternal nature of your identity and to some extent, lose the fear of extinction from death.

These faux physical rules will begin to fall by the wayside as you grow, expand the amount of reality that you can perceive and evolve your consciousness. In other words you will begin to see chinks in the armor as the rules begin to lose their fierce hold on your perceptions and to a great extent, you will begin to question their validity.

The rules of the game only affect you in relation to the level of your advancement. Truly advanced, evolved beings are less affected by the physical rules. Jesus was one who was not so affected and neither were some of the other great prophets.

If you have questions you would like answered, please submit them by using the "comments" link at the end of the page below. I will try to answer those that are within my understanding.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


I know this is going to be a hard concept to sell in light of the fact that most of you would be able to point out hard evidence to the contrary of what is said here, and no matter how many times I repeat it, you still have trouble believing that your thoughts are producing your most intimate reality and also the mass reality of your civilization.
Reality rises up out of what you would normally call "nothing". Of course, thoughts are not nothing and if you really realized what they were, your lives would improve immensely. It just depends on what level you are viewing the reality from. I can assure you, from the viewpoint of the spider, his experience is quite beyond anything that you could understand. The spider, while not experiencing the same kind of ego and intellectual awareness as you, still experiences values and satisfactions even within the construction of its intricate web in its own reality.
You all experience what you would call “bad things” in your lives, and without understanding the true nature of reality and the motivation of the soul, you would be hard pressed to see the good in many acts and events that touch your lives personally and en masse as a functioning society. Of course, everyone has his own idea of bad and good events and the words bad and good is a subjective judgment.
There are some people that you all know or at least come in contact with that seem to soak up negativity and exhibit evil, destructive and hateful tendencies and project them out onto anyone who they come in contact. You also know of murder, maiming, and other hateful acts, but there is something laying underneath that they you are not normally aware of at the surface level.
We will discuss how you have a life plan before you are born, and yet, no one plans in advance to be evil, but in ways hard for me to explain, some do unconsciously know of an underlying plan that they have adopted, to exhibit hateful and despicable behavior toward their fellow man.
There is purpose behind this kind of harmful behavior and I realize it will be hard to believe, but you are involved in the Earth physical reality system for one main reason, and that is to learn that your thoughts coalesce into hard physical proofs that you can examine and learn from.
Physical reality is a concrete feedback system where you can see and examine the results of your mental creations, learn from them and create again until you get it right. You learn from those who show you how to do it right, and you learn from those who show you how to do it wrong. These are mental creations of the mind, formed when the eye is closed and projected outward into physical matter when the eye opens.
It is true that you can learn as much from the people, who maim, murder and pillage as you can from someone who does good. From their acts, you can learn what NOT to do just as readily as you can learn what TO DO from someone with positive motivations and beneficial acts. Some people know of and accept their evil and hateful tendencies well before their birth, unconsciously, accepting that responsibility before birth.
In a way that is hard to explain, they do humanity a service by demonstrating hateful qualities that will bring out just the opposite good qualities in others that they touch and in so doing, aid in the progress of their contemporaries. Hitler was one who demonstrated the horrors of mass murders and alerted civilization to the emergence of others like him.
Good and bad are relative, depending on ones perceptions. To some, experiencing a violent storm is bad, but if your fields are withering in the sun, a storm can be a blessing. You might call the death of a loved one a tragedy, while the person doing the dying is happy to get it over with and get on with a new adventure, and each life is truly a new adventure.
In order to at least get some cursory understanding, you must consider soul motivation, and trust me on this one, the soul is far more motivated, purposeful and active than you are in your physical reality. It is of course impossible for you to understand the reality of the soul, but you can draw some inferences if you know what the soul is not, and your myths and superstitions have led you far astray in that regard.
In the past I have considered referring to the soul as analogous to a person, a very wise and knowledgeable person, active, vivid and purposeful, simply existing in another dimension. I have not done so until now, because it can be helpful if not taken too seriously, in explaining what the soul is by using a rather silly analogy.
I realize this is a bad analogy, but I want to try to dispel the perception of the soul as being some kind of wishy-washy, transparent, gossamer, ghostlike, holy, aloof kind of god-like, intangible thing that you have, and get the point across that a soul is indeed much more like a very wise and knowledgeable, very evolved person, only without a materialized physical body.
To take this a necessary step further, let me say that the more evolved the reality system, the less likely the personalities that inhabit it are likely to be materialized in a physical way.
 The more advanced entities as well as souls are not physical, although they may have been at one time. This should in no way infer that they are any less than personalities inhabiting your physical system. The original massive entities involved in the original creation of the universe, the earth, you, and the entire physical system, are not physically materialized. (By massive, I do not refer to big as in size, but as in intellectual development.)
A soul is not something that you have or own. You are not in possession of your very own soul and so, you are not all of your soul, you are a portion of you soul, but there are also other portions of your soul that you are presently unaware of. There is far more to you than you suspect.
You are but one way your soul expresses itself in physical reality. There are other ways that the soul adopts to explore reality, and those other ways are also you living in other reality systems. There are other probable earths and other probable yous exploring other aspects of reality that you don't.
In a concept that is too large to be understood by the human brain, someone, somewhere will experience every possible act arising from the acts that you do accept as your own personal reality. Every possible action taken by you will be explored in all of its possible outcomes by other probable yous that exist on other probable earths. Of course, this exponential expansion of probabilities takes place for each living thing, including plants and animals. Reality is inexhaustible, simultaneous and everywhere expanding into new dimensions of actuality.
The concept is so rich that it is breathtaking, but it is the way in the probable physical system of which you are an integral part. To make matters more difficult, every possible act is being now explored in many probable offshoots in other probable worlds, each probable act generating its own probabilities, and creates new possibilities expanding outward into all dimensions.
Your soul is not something encased in some membrane deep within your body. Your soul is not something you hold in your hand and return to God as some suppose. In fact, your soul is not even a thing in that sense, but a multidimensional energy identity of which you are a part, a part now expressed in the flesh. In a sense, you are one portion of your soul fleshed out and while that portion of it is involved in your system of physical reality, you are the souls binoculars peering out into an actualized world and universe. You could say that you are the eyes of your soul, presently focused through you in the physical world.
There is no physical form that could begin to encompass an entire soul, or if you prefer “your greater self”, so the non-physical portion of your soul exists in a far removed and evolved dimension and it’s motivations are sometimes obscured by your physical perceptions of good and bad and your own versions of life.
Your desires, pleasures, heartaches, disappointments, tragedies, needs and gratifications make perfect good sense to you now in your seemingly rock solid physical world, when weighed against the beliefs of a very young civilization, but to the soul, all that you may consider bad, is nothing more than a creative experience, viewed, considered and conclusions drawn.
You are involved in the world you might say, as an ambassador of your soul, but also as a complete, independent individual identity of your soul. You dwell on earth to gain experience in creating reality, to learn the conscious manipulation of thought into matter, to experience your creations and to learn from the mistakes and create again and again, learning from your mistakes each time.
If your experiences were only good, one continuous line of perfection, only eternal happiness without challenges, you would never discover the one simple truth of your existence. You are here to exercise and evolve your abilities to create reality and to know that you are creating it.
In essence, you are here to learn what you already know how to do. You now create reality as naturally as you breathe, and in a sense you could say you exhale your reality from your thoughts to form objects and events as effortlessly and unconsciously as sure as your breath creates frost on a cold windowpane. You might ask, if I already create reality what is left for me to learn? You are here to evolve the brain and to learn to do consciously what you now do unconsciously.
The Greater Self/Soul exists in a dimension where time and space do not exist, so it sees all events in every possible completed state, but still with room for expansion. Each probable outcome of any event automatically creates new possibilities for exploration.
A bad event, such as let’s say, a divorce, is simply one line of probability that you chose to focus on for creative purposes. You could have just as well chosen a “non divorce” outcome and materialized it for your experience instead of the “divorce outcome”.
A “divorce” is simply the flip side of “non divorce” and either are as equally creative an act as the other. So, from the soul’s point of view, it makes no difference which event is unconsciously chosen by you to experience as long as you experience something. If you experience a divorce event, then a non-divorce event is being experienced in another probable world by another probable you. To the soul, it's all the same.
The good news is, what you perceive as bad is not necessarily bad, simply the line of probability that you have chosen to experience based on your beliefs at the time. A bad event materialized in your life is a materialization of your beliefs, thoughts and expectations, so it just follows, if you want to change your experience, you must change your beliefs.
An artist who paints a masterpiece of a great battle depicting great loss of life, great despair, using dark tones and foreboding colors, still creates a masterpiece of creativity just as well as if he had painted the Last Supper. In the same way, the same amount of creativity is used in creating a disaster as in creating a triumph. Both are equally creative.
There are no evil souls, no inherently bad creatures, man or beast, inhabiting your universe, although sometimes it may look that way. It is all a matter of perception. What you encounter and perceive as evil is simply the way you view people and events at this particular time in your evolution, when sifted through the belief systems of the times.
 Men are not evil, but the WORKS OF SOME MEN may be very evil and despicable when balanced against the mass beliefs of your society at any given time in its history. A man who commits murder always FEELS justified in his act. The same holds true for all actions. No crime is committed where the perpetrator thinks he is acting out the crime for the sake of being evil alone.
There are no evil viruses, no evil animals, no evil bacteria and certainly no evil people within this universe or any other. There will come a time, when you learn the one simple lesson you are here to learn, that you create your reality, both individually and en masse.
You will learn to create consciously what you now create unconsciously. You will understand the intimate cooperative relationship between yourselves and the environment and all living things. You will understandthat you do not stand apart from nature, but are an integral part of nature. You are the thinking part of nature.
You will then be able to create reality without the time lapse that you now experience. And who knows, you may even learn to create five thousand loaves of bread and fishes instantaneously. Wasn’t it once said, “ These things that I do, you will do even greater?”
If you have questions that you would like answered, please submit them by using the comments link at the bottom of the page below this article.