Friday, October 30, 2009


I have written of this before, but as you are learning, so am I also learning, and I am learning in a big way. All knowledge comes from or came from someone else. There is NO knowledge just floating around willy-nilly in the universe available for the taking. All knowledge is attached to the consciousness that originated or learned the knowledge independently or from others. The knowledge that you learn here is mine, it comes to me from others, but it is now also yours because the very act of reading these articles, changes them and tints them with your own perspectives.

There is no universal repository of knowledge, no Hall of Akashic Records where all of the knowledge of all souls is kept. It is said that the records of every person that has ever lived and every act that is ever acted is recorded there, but this is not so. Every act that has ever been acted, every birth of flower, insect, animal or human, every thought, every idea and every imagined event are all indelibly recorded, but they exist not in a hall of records but as electrical structures, intensities, coiled, embedded and attached to other such intensities, and they are eternal. You, and everyone who ever was, ever is and ever will be, exists as a unique electrical intensity in an unbelievably complex electrical universe that underlies and is the backbone of the physical universe, but your existence is not recorded in some spiritual repository of records because it just doesn’t exist.

There is much that is given to me that I can tell you in our articles, there is more to be known, some that I know, but is not easily retrievable by me yet. It is sometimes difficult for me to find appropriate words to express some of these concepts that are totally foreign to a physical system of reality, therefore not easily decipherable and understood by the evolving human brain. To some they would seem nonsensical from your viewpoint, as they once were to me. There are some, what I can best describe as short, brief, intense, flashes of universal truths that I will occasionally share with you. In most cases they will relate to the material discussed in the accompanying article. You might call them a short synopsis of the accompanying article, personal insights, illuminations that may be helpful in remembering something about the material that you would otherwise not find easy to recall. I hope they are helpful to you, maybe even inspirational, and if you do find any one of them helpful, print it out and put it somewhere you can read it often. I personally prefer inside of a kitchen cabinet door. Remember, what you are frequently reminded of, you will recall, and what you recall, you will think about and what you think about you will eventually come to you.

I like to occasionally clear the air about exactly where my information that you read here comes from, but unfortunately, I am not sure exactly where it comes from, but I do know generally, so I will share that with you. First let me tell you that one of the main purposes of “ABG” is to inform you about your own multidimensional personality, and to assure you that there is much, much more to you than you probably realize. I want you to understand that every person has access to knowledge that he doesn’t know he has, and to explain the source of that knowledge, with the final objective being to teach you to trust yourself rather than some religious zealot or fanatical guru. They are usually charlatans, preying on the weak minded and most susceptible among you.

All of this was never meant to be a mystery, it just seems that way since you are just awakening, and you want to know. There are some who stumble upon this site who are not ready to learn or recognize the real truths, since they require some effort and most of all curiosity. For them, I would heartedly recommend Richard Roberts, Ted Haggard and Jimmy Swaggart and their dogma of sin and punishment, eternal hellfire and other pretty scary stuff. Here’s a hint on how to identify real spiritual truths; It’s ALL GOOD NEWS when you learn how to look beneath the surface.

If it feels right in your gut, it usually is, but you won’t know how to decipher these feelings or knowledge unless you learn about your backup team, the other aspects of your OWN SELF, your SOUL, your ENTITY, your GOD, and those identities beyond yours and my understanding. Others are observing your failures and successes and help is always at hand for those who seek it, that help being more available to those who know about its existence and learn to trust that it will be given. You are not in this alone and help is available. You are on a quest for knowledge and fulfillment, and you must understand that there ARE answers to your questions available.

Don’t automatically trust what I say, but put these words to the ultimate test in the only reliable “truth meter”, your own intuitive feelings and emotions. If you learn to trust your own self, knowing that you have a higher source for answers, then you will quit relying upon others for direction. What seems right to YOUR intuitions will usually trump the intellect and be closer to the truth than the words give by others wearing suits, uniforms, scrubs or frocks.

In that sense, the guru lies within yourself, but you must learn to trust YOURSELF. People can lie, and often do, for their motivations are suspect and ruled by the need to extract money from your bank account or control you mentally, inducing you to follow their questionable dictates for their own pusposes. You must learn that when something sounds WRONG, it usually is, so why would you follow the advice of others when inwardly you know it is wrong. Fear, and fear in the guise of sin, damnation and eternal punishment has tempered and restricted your actions for centuries. They were created by ancient tribes and leaders who used them to control populations through fear and intimidation. Your heritage is ancient, but mankind was never meant to hang on to primitive rituals and beliefs.

I have said it before, but it warrants repetition, there is NO sin, there is NO damnation, there is NO eternal lake of fire, and there is NO such thing as spiritual punishment. For those who believe in them, they do have a reality of some import, but in thought form only since their existence lies in you, they have no reality in themselves, but are your creations. When you cease concentrating on fear, they cannot exist and will dissipate and disappear. The irony is that some people just won’t accept happiness, fulfillment and joy unless there is a price to pay to a judgmental god who will mete out his punishments based on some pretty ridiculous assumptions.

Here is where my information and knowledge comes from and this is also your source of everything you need according to your ability to understand. Nothing will be given to you that your brain cannot grasp, but the good news is that as your brain grows in its ability to understand obscure concepts, so will they be given to you. You must want, you must desire and you must ask for the knowledge that you seek, but given time, it will come to you.
The answers to your questions can come from a variety sources:

OTHER SELVES; You are a multi dimensional personality and so at one time your “whole identity” was fractured, split or fragmented into many parts of the whole into individual personalities. (We have not yet discussed your probable selves to any degree). These individual personalities, of which you are one, exist in different probable world systems, experiencing different lives, different experiences and in some cases, experiencing the same events but differently, but from different world perspectives. Even though these other aspects of YOU, exist psychologically speaking worlds apart, there is a deep inner psychic connection that can be bridged in the dream state, and in that state you can learn from each other. It is also the source of much of what you call De-ja Vu experiences. What one self knows, other selves have access to.

IDENTITY: Your identity is the total composite of your probable selves, of which you are an integral part. You have access to knowledge of your probable selves in other dimensions, and you hold commerce with them occasionally in the dream state. You have most likely met one or more of your other probable selves. As a short explanation, consider this analogy. You are traversing a long road and you come to a fork in the road, actually an intersection of four other roads. You cannot decide which road to take, you would like to know what lies down each road, when you discover that you have the ability to split yourself into five different aspects of yourself.

You do so and send all five of your personality aspects down the different roads. In this analogy, the different roads lead to different dimensions and different times, but communication is maintained through the dream state and to some extent, each of you share in the experiences of the other selves telepathically. At the very instant that you make a decision to take one of the roads, there is a splitting of the self into multiple personalities, and each will take one fork of the road, so no experience is ever missed or unexplored. There are then, some Roads Less Traveled, but there are No Roads Not Traveled.

You are, as some of you may have expected, evolving toward a reunification of all aspects of your personality into the ONE WHOLE SELF as an entity in some distant future. This is a stretch for most, but these probable selves are all you now, but living different lives in different universes and different worlds, some much like your own. Some have called these probable selves, parallel selves. These probable worlds are also physical to some extent, if not exactly physically materialized like yours. Since we have thoroughly confused you, here is something more to think about.

Reincarnated selves are simply probable selves viewed through the time perspective, and all probable selves and reincarnated selves are alive now. They are all YOU, though existing as individual personalities NOW, they may be Bob, Sally, Michael, or Janice, and time may force you to comprehend them as dead and gone, but time is an illusion and all lives, past lives, present lives and lives that from your perspective would be future lives and being lived now. What you will become exists now, only separated by your ability to perceive beyond the psychological deception of time. Some of your answers will then come in the dream state or in intuitive flashes from probable or reincarnated selves coming to your assistance.

SOUL / ENTITY; Your soul or entity is by no means an inactive bystander in your life and is privy to your every action, since it was the entity and you that came to agreement on your excursion into the Earth System at this time and place. You exist as an entrance point of the soul at ONE set of very precise coordinates of time and space as no other exists exactly like you. At one point in a past that you do not remember, you decided, with the consent of the entity, on an earthly existence. You chose the game and you set the rules, goals and challenges, and now you are working them out. The agreement of course, must be forgotten by you, otherwise the lessons learned would not be real, and the consequences for mistakes, must sometimes be lethal, in your terms if they are to have any real effect. You have support of the soul and entity, but it is so far psychically removed from you at this time that even psychic communication is problematical at best. Nevertheless, help can and will be given if it serves the overall purposes of the mission of your life, and that mission is known by the entity. You can “sometimes” receive direct, spontaneous answers from your entity in time of need.

THE TEACHERS; There are teachers, very evolved psychic personalities whose vocation is to establish communications with and tutor evolving personalities in various systems. There are entire, rather advanced systems in comparison to yours, where most of the inhabitants specialize in teaching, they are educators, dedicated to inter-dimensional education of evolving worlds when the inhabitants become capable of learning at a somewhat higher level. Of course, in all systems, there are some who are more advanced and more ready to accept what to them would seem to be mystical truths, more so inclined than some of the newer personalities just entering the system. Usually, these educators teach in systems that they are familiar with, that they themselves have evolved through long ago, territory familiar to them that still holds fond memories. Since all systems are different and have different parameters or rules for existence, their images are constructed entirely different than yours, even though they may still utilize atomic structure.

These inter-dimensional teachers must be familiar with the life form patterns and structures endemic to that particular system of reality. They must also be proficient in multi dimensional travel. I must clear up one thing here, that these teacher personalities are not physically materialized or they would not be capable of this kind of universal travel. Bottom line is that the only real means of travel is through the mobility of consciousness.

ALL REALITIES HAVE A MENTAL ORIGIN so all meaningful travel to other systems will be mental excursions through psychological space and not physical space. There are literally countless teachers, so they are not meted out on a first come basis or to special persons, but are drawn to those who WANT and LONG FOR knowledge. The one overriding characteristic is the desire, strong desire to know and learn. Someone, for instance who is not too rigid, too steeped in dogmatic religious or cultism belief systems, someone who is open to learning, someone who is mentally flexible and above all, someone who is vehement in their pursuit to finding answers. These teachers will be the source of most of the knowledge that you seek. They will find you wherever you are in this vast universe when you are ready.

It is very true to say: When the student is ready, the teacher will arrive, but not before.

My information and knowledge if you will, comes from teachers outside of this dimension, given to me in the dream state and sometimes in spontaneous flashes of intuitional knowledge about something I am contemplating. This knowledge seems to sometimes come to me at the most inopportune times when least expected, but I have leaned that when I seek information on a specific subject, when I desire it, it will come to me. I have also learned that I cannot demand or force answers, but can rely on the fact that they will be given in due time. One of the hardest things to do is learn to trust your own feelings and intuitions, and when you do that, you will be able to sort out the “real message” from the static. It is what I try to do in this column, I hope with some facility, so some of your answers will come from personalities still within the physical system like myself and from these articles, so do not hesitate to ask questions.

These advanced, evolved teachers or guides exist between the entity level and you, but unlike the entity, are more available, closer psychologically speaking, actually seeking out those who are ready to grow and advance. This may sound strange, but to them, as your grow in your spiritual acuity and awareness, as your desire to know increases, so does the brilliance of your consciousness show itself in the universe, these evolved teachers will notice you as you stand apart from other less brilliant beacons.

Some of these very evolved, mature entities, unearthly teachers, take on Earthly roles during certain periods of the evolution of social systems, when entire populations are affected by beyond normal events. These heroic personalities take on superhuman characteristics, they are volunteers so to speak, very evolved identities with extraordinary abilities, sent to help when help is most needed. They return again and again when needed, when the social fabric of the system is near psychological collapse, to usher in a new paradigm, a new pattern for the evolutions of entire civilizations.. You are familiar with some of them in religious legends.

Remember this, to other entities, teachers and spiritual guides, your earth is invisible, but its presence is known by the light of its underlying consciousness. These teachers can also be entities, but entities dedicated to education instead of other pursuits. They are evolved beyond anything you or I can imagine, and to you and I, they would seem to be gods, but in rather diluted way, you also share the attributes of the gods, in that you create worlds that you do not perceive and you live forever. I do not mean to attribute divinity to anyone here, but your heritage is truly of divine origin, and you share in this divinity as a portion of All That Is.

The message is this, spiritual knowledge comes from a variety of sources, and in a very real way, it is a bleed through from other systems. Your job, and it is difficult to be sure, is to learn to notice these other dimensional messages and not dismiss them as fantasies and over imaginative thoughts. People who will make progress along these lines are those who “Pay Attention”.

Next Article Preview; How to Create a Prosperity Garden

Thursday, October 29, 2009


I have written of this before, but as you are learning, so am I also learning, and I am learning in a big way. All knowledge comes from or came from someone else. There is NO knowledge just floating around willy-nilly in the universe available for the taking. All knowledge is attached to the consciousness that originated or learned the knowledge independently or from others. The knowledge that you learn here is mine, it comes to me from others, but it is now also yours because the very act of reading these articles, changes them and tints them with your own perspectives.

There is no universal repository of knowledge, no Hall of Akashic Records where all of the knowledge of all souls is kept. It is said that the records of every person that has ever lived and every act that is ever acted is recorded there, but this is not so. Every act that has ever been acted, every birth of flower, insect, animal or human, every thought, every idea and every imagined event are all indelibly recorded, but they exist not in a hall of records but as electrical structures, intensities, coiled, embedded and attached to other such intensities, and they are eternal. You, and everyone who ever was, ever is and ever will be, exists as a unique electrical intensity in an unbelievably complex electrical universe that underlies and is the backbone of the physical universe, but your existence is not recorded in some spiritual repository of records because it just doesn’t exist.

There is much that is given to me that I can tell you in our articles, there is more to be known, some that I know, but is not easily retrievable by me yet. It is sometimes difficult for me to find appropriate words to express some of these concepts that are totally foreign to a physical system of reality, therefore not easily decipherable and understood by the evolving human brain. To some they would seem nonsensical from your viewpoint, as they once were to me. There are some, what I can best describe as short, brief, intense, flashes of universal truths that I will occasionally share with you. In most cases they will relate to the material discussed in the accompanying article. You might call them a short synopsis of the accompanying article, personal insights, illuminations that may be helpful in remembering something about the material that you would otherwise not find easy to recall. I hope they are helpful to you, maybe even inspirational, and if you do find any one of them helpful, print it out and put it somewhere you can read it often. I personally prefer inside of a kitchen cabinet door. Remember, what you are frequently reminded of, you will recall, and what you recall, you will think about and what you think about you will eventually come to you.

I like to occasionally clear the air about exactly where my information that you read here comes from, but unfortunately, I am not sure exactly where it comes from, but I do know generally, so I will share that with you. First let me tell you that one of the main purposes of “ABG” is to inform you about your own multidimensional personality, and to assure you that there is much, much more to you than you probably realize. I want you to understand that every person has access to knowledge that he doesn’t know he has, and to explain the source of that knowledge, with the final objective being to teach you to trust yourself rather than some religious zealot or fanatical guru. They are usually charlatans, preying on the weak minded and most susceptible among you.

All of this was never meant to be a mystery, it just seems that way since you are just awakening, and you want to know. There are some who stumble upon this site who are not ready to learn or recognize the real truths, since they require some effort and most of all curiosity. For them, I would heartedly recommend Richard Roberts, Ted Haggard and Jimmy Swaggart and their dogma of sin and punishment, eternal hellfire and other pretty scary stuff. Here’s a hint on how to identify real spiritual truths; It’s ALL GOOD NEWS when you learn how to look beneath the surface.

If it feels right in your gut, it usually is, but you won’t know how to decipher these feelings or knowledge unless you learn about your backup team, the other aspects of your OWN SELF, your SOUL, your ENTITY, your GOD, and those identities beyond yours and my understanding. Others are observing your failures and successes and help is always at hand for those who seek it, that help being more available to those who know about its existence and learn to trust that it will be given. You are not in this alone and help is available. You are on a quest for knowledge and fulfillment, and you must understand that there ARE answers to your questions available.

Don’t automatically trust what I say, but put these words to the ultimate test in the only reliable “truth meter”, your own intuitive feelings and emotions. If you learn to trust your own self, knowing that you have a higher source for answers, then you will quit relying upon others for direction. What seems right to YOUR intuitions will usually trump the intellect and be closer to the truth than the words give by others wearing suits, uniforms, scrubs or frocks.

In that sense, the guru lies within yourself, but you must learn to trust YOURSELF. People can lie, and often do, for their motivations are suspect and ruled by the need to extract money from your bank account or control you mentally, inducing you to follow their questionable dictates for their own pusposes. You must learn that when something sounds WRONG, it usually is, so why would you follow the advice of others when inwardly you know it is wrong. Fear, and fear in the guise of sin, damnation and eternal punishment has tempered and restricted your actions for centuries. They were created by ancient tribes and leaders who used them to control populations through fear and intimidation. Your heritage is ancient, but mankind was never meant to hang on to primitive rituals and beliefs.

I have said it before, but it warrants repetition, there is NO sin, there is NO damnation, there is NO eternal lake of fire, and there is NO such thing as spiritual punishment. For those who believe in them, they do have a reality of some import, but in thought form only since their existence lies in you, they have no reality in themselves, but are your creations. When you cease concentrating on fear, they cannot exist and will dissipate and disappear. The irony is that some people just won’t accept happiness, fulfillment and joy unless there is a price to pay to a judgmental god who will mete out his punishments based on some pretty ridiculous assumptions.

Here is where my information and knowledge comes from and this is also your source of everything you need according to your ability to understand. Nothing will be given to you that your brain cannot grasp, but the good news is that as your brain grows in its ability to understand obscure concepts, so will they be given to you. You must want, you must desire and you must ask for the knowledge that you seek, but given time, it will come to you.
The answers to your questions can come from a variety sources:

OTHER SELVES; You are a multi dimensional personality and so at one time your “whole identity” was fractured, split or fragmented into many parts of the whole into individual personalities. (We have not yet discussed your probable selves to any degree). These individual personalities, of which you are one, exist in different probable world systems, experiencing different lives, different experiences and in some cases, experiencing the same events but differently, but from different world perspectives. Even though these other aspects of YOU, exist psychologically speaking worlds apart, there is a deep inner psychic connection that can be bridged in the dream state, and in that state you can learn from each other. It is also the source of much of what you call De-ja Vu experiences. What one self knows, other selves have access to.

IDENTITY: Your identity is the total composite of your probable selves, of which you are an integral part. You have access to knowledge of your probable selves in other dimensions, and you hold commerce with them occasionally in the dream state. You have most likely met one or more of your other probable selves. As a short explanation, consider this analogy. You are traversing a long road and you come to a fork in the road, actually an intersection of four other roads. You cannot decide which road to take, you would like to know what lies down each road, when you discover that you have the ability to split yourself into five different aspects of yourself.

You do so and send all five of your personality aspects down the different roads. In this analogy, the different roads lead to different dimensions and different times, but communication is maintained through the dream state and to some extent, each of you share in the experiences of the other selves telepathically. At the very instant that you make a decision to take one of the roads, there is a splitting of the self into multiple personalities, and each will take one fork of the road, so no experience is ever missed or unexplored. There are then, some Roads Less Traveled, but there are No Roads Not Traveled.

You are, as some of you may have expected, evolving toward a reunification of all aspects of your personality into the ONE WHOLE SELF as an entity in some distant future. This is a stretch for most, but these probable selves are all you now, but living different lives in different universes and different worlds, some much like your own. Some have called these probable selves, parallel selves. These probable worlds are also physical to some extent, if not exactly physically materialized like yours. Since we have thoroughly confused you, here is something more to think about.

Reincarnated selves are simply probable selves viewed through the time perspective, and all probable selves and reincarnated selves are alive now. They are all YOU, though existing as individual personalities NOW, they may be Bob, Sally, Michael, or Janice, and time may force you to comprehend them as dead and gone, but time is an illusion and all lives, past lives, present lives and lives that from your perspective would be future lives and being lived now. What you will become exists now, only separated by your ability to perceive beyond the psychological deception of time. Some of your answers will then come in the dream state or in intuitive flashes from probable or reincarnated selves coming to your assistance.

SOUL / ENTITY; Your soul or entity is by no means an inactive bystander in your life and is privy to your every action, since it was the entity and you that came to agreement on your excursion into the Earth System at this time and place. You exist as an entrance point of the soul at ONE set of very precise coordinates of time and space as no other exists exactly like you. At one point in a past that you do not remember, you decided, with the consent of the entity, on an earthly existence. You chose the game and you set the rules, goals and challenges, and now you are working them out. The agreement of course, must be forgotten by you, otherwise the lessons learned would not be real, and the consequences for mistakes, must sometimes be lethal, in your terms if they are to have any real effect. You have support of the soul and entity, but it is so far psychically removed from you at this time that even psychic communication is problematical at best. Nevertheless, help can and will be given if it serves the overall purposes of the mission of your life, and that mission is known by the entity. You can “sometimes” receive direct, spontaneous answers from your entity in time of need.

THE TEACHERS; There are teachers, very evolved psychic personalities whose vocation is to establish communications with and tutor evolving personalities in various systems. There are entire, rather advanced systems in comparison to yours, where most of the inhabitants specialize in teaching, they are educators, dedicated to inter-dimensional education of evolving worlds when the inhabitants become capable of learning at a somewhat higher level. Of course, in all systems, there are some who are more advanced and more ready to accept what to them would seem to be mystical truths, more so inclined than some of the newer personalities just entering the system. Usually, these educators teach in systems that they are familiar with, that they themselves have evolved through long ago, territory familiar to them that still holds fond memories. Since all systems are different and have different parameters or rules for existence, their images are constructed entirely different than yours, even though they may still utilize atomic structure.

These inter-dimensional teachers must be familiar with the life form patterns and structures endemic to that particular system of reality. They must also be proficient in multi dimensional travel. I must clear up one thing here, that these teacher personalities are not physically materialized or they would not be capable of this kind of universal travel. Bottom line is that the only real means of travel is through the mobility of consciousness. There are literally countless teachers, so they are not meted out on a first come basis or to special persons, but are drawn to those who WANT and LONG FOR knowledge. The one overriding characteristic is the desire, strong desire to know and learn. Someone, for instance who is not too rigid, too steeped in dogmatic religious or cultism belief systems, someone who is open to learning, someone who is mentally flexible and above all, someone who is vehement in their pursuit to finding answers. These teachers will be the source of most of the knowledge that you seek. They will find you in this vast universe when you are ready.
It is very true to say: When the student is ready, the teacher will arrive.

My information and knowledge if you will, comes from teachers beyond this dimension, given to me in the dream state and sometimes in spontaneous flashes of knowledge about something I am contemplating. This knowledge seems to sometimes come to me at the most inopportune times when least expected, but I have leaned that when I seek information on a specific subject, when I desire it, it will come to me. I have also learned that I cannot demand answers, but can rely on the fact that they will be given in due time. One of the hardest things to do is learn to trust your own feelings and intuitions, and when you do that, you will be able to sort out the “real illuminations” from the static. It is what I try to do, I hope with some facility, so some of your answers will come from personalities still within the physical system like myself and from these articles.

These advanced, evolved teachers, unlike the entity, are more available, closer psychologically speaking, actually seeking out those who are ready to grow and advance. This may sound strange, but to them, as your grow in your spiritual acuity and awareness, as your desire to know increases, so does the light of your consciousness shine brighter in the universe, and these evolved teachers will notice you as you stand apart from other less brilliant lights. Some of these teachers take on Earthly roles during certain periods of tribulation, when entire populations are affected beyond normal expectations. These heroic personalities take on superhuman characteristics, they are volunteers so to speak, very evolved identities with extraordinary abilities, sent to help when help is most needed. You are familiar with some of them in religious legends.

Remember this, to other entities and teachers, your earth is invisible, but its presence is known by the light of its underlying consciousness. These teachers can also be entities, but entities dedicated to education instead of other pursuits. They are evolved beyond anything you or I can imagine, and to you and I, they would seem to be gods, but in rather diluted way, you also share the attributes of the gods, in that you create worlds that you do not perceive and you live forever. I do not mean to attribute divinity to anyone here, but your heritage is truly of divine origin, and you share in this divinity as a portion of All That Is.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


The question as it is posed; Having recently noticed the strange cloud formation, photographed over Russia, claimed by some to be an alien spacecraft, it made me wonder about all of the claims of abductions of earth human beings by aliens for experimentation. Has this really every happened?

Thank you for the questions, and I wish there was a simple answer that would make this more understandable, and if I were to say that there were indeed abductions by strange “Klingon like” aliens driving “Battle Cruisers” around the universe looking for new planets to colonize, then, I would probably have a best seller on my hands.

The main problem is that you tend to evaluate the existence of other beings, other worlds and other universes in relation to your own reality, assuming that yourself and your world is the epitome of development across the universe. You even have the audacity to ask the question “is there anyone out there”? And I dare say that you are looking for other beings that look like yourselves on worlds that look strikingly like your own. This is the utmost idiocy. If you had any inkling at all about the true nature of consciousness and its need to express itself in a multiplicity of forms and dimensions, then you would not always be looking for others like yourselves in your same neighborhood.

You even imagine your gods in humanistic form, Jehovah, being a distinguished elderly gentlemen with long flowing hair and beard carrying a scale to judge you and then smite you with his judgmental sword for your sins, as your legends have it. Unfortunately, your myths and legends were largely crafted for primitive peoples, and were never meant to be clung to forever like children clinging to their favorite security blanket. You have grown up on far fetched tales of extra terrestrials coming to occupy your planet and take over your bodies. If I had a dollar for every movie that has been made about the aliens whose planet was being destroyed and were coming to take over your planet, I would be wealthy beyond imagination. If you truly want to understand the possibilities of aliens landing on your planet and saying “take me to your leader”, you need to know a bit more about the time and space that you perceive. It may not be what you think it is, and therefore, conclusions that you reach about vehicular space travel and meeting others like yourselves is somewhat erroneous. No system of reality (world) is alike, the inhabitants are not alike, their perceptions are not the same and the means of communication are not alike, and speech and spoken words is unique to the Earth system. Most realities rely on telepathy for communication

It is also necessary to understand that “Earth2000" civilization as we shall call yours, is a very young, evolving civilization, as civilizations go. You will never understand what I am going to postulate here if you believe that you are the top echelon of evolved systems. In fact, it isn’t entirely your fault, you can be easily misled by the extraordinary achievements of your technology at the expense of your emotional, spiritual and social development. I won’t waste a lot of valuable space here other than to say, if you think for a minute that your civilization is on the top rung of the consciousness ladder, you are sadly mistaken. Your civilization is just beginning, and I offer as justification of that statement, the fact that you still kill, murder, go to war, kill and eat other species, pollute the water that you drink and destroy the very environment that supports you, and you do it with happy abandon, thinking there is no limit to the abundance.

Your country elected as your exalted leader, a past president who said that he would do nothing to alleviate “Global Warming” because it might cost you some jobs. This is of course, the height of lunacy, yet a majority of your country saw fit to elect such a person of such limited vision. Your entire planet is over populated, causing millions of people to starve to death, but still, some of your religious leaders tell you it is immoral to limit births, even though many of the new born are sure to live an austere life or die in infancy. Is this an advanced civilization? I think not. I am not trying to admonish anyone because other civilizations have come and gone, made similar mistakes and were destroyed, they did not come to grips with and solve the pressing problems of their day.

There IS a point of no return, where the last available drop of potable water will be drunk, the last kernel of wheat will be eaten, the last bit of available space will be occupied, and will you then still be following deluded leaders like trained sheep, murdering each other, polluting your planet and procreating yourselves to an unsustainable world where no one can live in peace, fulfillment and abundance? That is a rhetorical question, of course. Your world has its limits, and you are now testing them. These problems were foreseen, in other words, the probabilities always existed, but were not inevitable. The solutions were left up to you. Your world is exactly where it should be, but the time for solving its problems is not unlimited and there are no gods to swoop down from the clouds with golden wings to save you. The way this all works, is that you have to do it yourselves, or there would be no lessons learned and learning is the name of this game..

Sorry, I got off the track, but I was trying to make vivid the true reality of th infancy of your civilization before trying to explain the motivations of other worlds, systems of reality so far more advanced than your own that they simply do not understand killing, murder or violence to others of their own kind or other alien species. Some time ago a space vehicle was sighted in the sky over a country in Europe, and what did their military decide to do, they tried to shoot it down. Now, that my friends, speaks volumes about your state of development as a civilization. Did it ever occur to you that any civilization that has developed the sophisticated, advanced technological know-how to travel the vast distances of the universe would not carry weapons simply because no other civilization than your own inflicts violence on others. To other species more advanced than your own, and there are many, they have evolved beyond such limiting ideas and they know that you can kill nothing.

In your science fiction movies, other alien civilizations come to your planet to abduct those of your species to do tests on them, to learn from them, so they can take over your bodies and your planet. It is laughable to think that these very advanced alien civilizations, some of which have evolved through and beyond the “Earth” system so very long ago, could learn anything from you. They have forgotten more than you know, and have no more need of primitive, outdated information than you have for a ten year old computer.

There are other worlds, (systems of reality), that are more or less on the same plane as you, having evolved through your physically materialized Earth system and then migrating to other more advanced systems in other galaxies. They still watch over your developments with curiosity, but even for them an inter galactic journey is fraught with difficulties to overcome. All “Systems” are either materialized in their own way or not materialized at all. In any case, all adhere to their own rules of life for their own unique planets, dimensions and planes, they each have their own parameters for existence, adopting suitable forms and perceptions tuned to create their own camouflage structures, their own kind of reality. You cannot project in any meaningful way, your system, its laws and rules for existence on other civilizations.

You cannot superimpose YOUR particular camouflage reality forms on others either, thinking you are the ONLY intelligent beings in the universe,,,,,,,,, it simply doesn’t work that way. So, if inter-galactic encounters are to occur at all, one or both of the travelers must be evolved and developed enough to be able to change their inherent form (camouflage) and for a limited time, adopt the common patterns and forms of the host civilization, otherwise nothing would be perceived and no communication would be possible. Words will not be used for communication of course, as telepathy, (using thought words at first), is the universal language at this level. Beyond thought words lies telepathic concept communication where an entire concept, experienced by you through a period of consecutive time, would be conveyed and understood instantaneously. This is the way you will communicate with other survival personalities like yourself or with surviving personalities still in the physical system, after transition from your present physical form upon death.

What I am trying to explain in a round about manner, is that what is alien to you is common to other civilizations, and other civilizations could not have possibly achieved the technilogical level necessary for space travel and adoption of the camouflage patterns of other systems unless they were quite evolved and beyond your fears of alien abductions. Some of these ancient civilizations are aware of you and know that they too went through this necessary training in your system. Yours is a training system where you are learning the responsible use of energy in the process of creation. Your objects and events are created with atoms and molecules on a micro level and emerge as concrete examples and proofs of your evolving abilities in the creative processes so you can see how well you are doing.

Finally, no one, no civilization has ever been visited by aliens in space vehicles from other planets or galaxies with ill intent, and no one has ever been abducted, kidnaped or otherwise exploited by advanced space beings. It is not their nature and it is not really your nature either, but you must learn through experience that requires failures as well as successes. Have you ever stopped to think that if you got everything you wanted, you would never discover that YOU and only YOU are creating your reality every day. It is only through a necessary mix of bad and good, success and failure, a system of opposites, that provide a landscape in which you can make a mistake, correct it and learn. When you see the concrete proofs of your defective creations, you will finally come to terms with the inevitable conclusion, that you are indeed creating everything in your life including your most intimate personal environment through your thoughts, emotions and expectations.

Your planet has been visited in the past and contact made, but not in your time. It will happen in the future. By the way, your feeble attempts to shoot down a space vehicle are not only ludicrous, but downright laughable. Your guns and bombs only affect your own camouflage objects and would have no effect at all on camouflage structures from other worlds, for from your world perspective, there would be nothing to shoot down. Can you shoot down a dream space ship? Can a dream alien abduct you?
I think not.

Next Article Preview: How to Create a Prosperity Garden

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


The many aspects of your life, its trials and tribulations, its successes and its failures, its exaltations and its sorrows are all of your making, so first of all, lets agree that there is no judgmental, humanistic appearing God who is sitting on a cloud watching over you with a critical eye to determine whether or not to answer your prayers or if She should punish you for so much as a lustful look at the opposite sex or other egregious sins. There is no one else you can thank for your successes than yourself, and conversely speaking, there is no one else to blame for your failures and sin only exists for those who believe in sin. If you want to thank someone else for assisting you in your endeavors, then do so, but remember, they could not have assisted you had you not created that joint reality.

Your inner self, the “knowing self” does its job well, accurately expressing your inner state into an outer representation of that inner state. That is what it is intended to do, act as the projectionist of inner states of being onto the exterior stage of physical manifestation for all to see. If your life is a mess outwardly, you can rest assured that your inner state is also a mess. As a rough rule of thumb, if your outer reality is satisfactory, peace, tranquility and abundance are yours without too much of a struggle, then you have found a psychological equilibrium which allows you to maintain a healthy balance in your life and it will show. In a very real sense, your exterior, ego oriented life is a symptom of an inner state. You are entitled to a life of abundance, but that does not mean it is automatic, and you can just as well manifest a life of lacks and discontent. In that respect the inner self in neutral, it simply creates what it perceives as necessary through the ego.

Its somewhat like gardening, in that you and only YOU are responsible for creating every aspect of your life from the seeds that you plant.The seeds that you sew are of course your thoughts. What you plant today in thought, you will reap tomorrow in objects and events, the seeds you see, are neutral, plant unhealthy seeds (thoughts) and trouble will sprout up around you. Plant healthy seeds, thoughts intended to bring happiness, contentment and abundance will predominate. You must tend your thought garden, by reinforcing it with positive rather than negative thoughts, and here there is something that you MUST understand, and it is the least understood aspect of true nature of reality.

THOUGHTS ARE REAL! You tend to associate thoughts with a nebulous, wispy type of nothingness, and I dare say, most of you would consider a thought as something that is thunk, then evaporates into the psychic atmosphere. I must admit, from your viewpoint this does seem to happen, but what I am trying to do here is to convince you that nothing is something, something quite as real as a rock, or a tree. Every thought, no matter how intense, no matter how directed, no matter the duration, every simple minute thought exists and it exists eternally. A thought with enough impetus, enough strength of purpose, enough duration, will manifest as physical matter in y our system or something else, somewhere else. A slight passing thought, will not materialize in the world of concrete objects and events, but will manifest in its own level of reality becoming something somewhere. What I am saying here, so there is no confusion, that your smallest thought, say of a “table” may not become a solid table in your system, but will, perhaps combining with other weak thoughts, manifest as clouds in another dimension. No energy is ever wasted and all thoughts are energy.

A table, by the way is an “Object Event”. The thought creates the conditions, the psychic atmosphere, the environment whereby the table will be assembled in one way or another.

Why do I mention these things? Because I want you to understand the importance of your slightest thoughts. Your first inkling of an idea, a thought coming to mind, begins the process of materialization of your thought into some reality, so be cognizant of what you think. There is NO thought that is thunk, that does not become something. What you think, you create and what you create may or may not materialize into your life but it will materialize somewhere. Either way, it will affect your life, coloring other aspects of your immediate environment and everyday events.

There is a way to point yourself in the direction that you want to go, but there are some very important rules that you must become aware of and utilize. You can become a very important part of the creative process in forming your life events and tailoring them to your liking or just adapt to what others create for you. There is no such thing as pre-destination, unless you understand pre-destination to mean that “what you think about you will get”. That, my friends, is the only kind of meaningful pre-destination and you are the pre-destinator. OK,,,I know there is no such word, but it does fit, don’t you think?

What you need to understand is the importance of even your slightest thought, especially when that thought is negative. The first teensy, tiny, infinitesimal, negative thought can be lethal to your happiness if it is allowed to continue and given enough importance in your life. It is inconvenient not to think positive, beneficial thoughts, but it is downright dangerous to think negative thoughts, not understanding their cumulative effect and the power they can exert over your life.

Here then is the secret in “DEFAULT THINKING” to improve your life immeasurably and within a reasonable amount of time. (Results should become apparent within a few weeks) First, remember that you cannot force reality to materialize by the force of your personality alone, and in fact, the more you try to force an outcome, the more you inhibit it. The process is natural and automatic and works best without conscious motivation. You must however, understand and believe that even the most innocuous thought is propelled by the creative force of the universe, and even though, you may think fleeting thoughts insignificant, this is not so. You must then, rid yourself of negative thoughts, and this is not as hard to do as it may sound. You must train yourself to close out a negative thought at its first inception, ejecting it from your conscious and sub-conscious attention. How do you do this is the question, and here is the answer.

I have done this myself and I can tell you here and now, that the resulting changes in your life can be quite amazing in a relative short time. You must create a default thought and learn to automatically substitute this “DEFAULT THOUGHT” of something you care about, something you want, something you deserve, for the negative thought. I suggest that you pick something that brings you pleasure and happiness. Pick your default thought carefully, make it something that has real meaning to you, perhaps the thought of a favorite grand child, a wife that you love, a 50 ft. Hatteras Cruiser, a New Lexus Convertible, you opening your mail box and finding it full of checks instead of bills. Your default thought must be something that is easy and natural for you, something that you can visualize, something pleasant, not disruptive and negative, something that you can recall in detail on a moments notice and use it to replace the negative thought in its infancy. This is important too; the more real, intense and emotional the default thought, the quicker it will begin to change your life.

Your job is to learn to catch yourself in the early process of formulating a negative thought and insert your default thought in its place. Do this every time you begin to get a feeling of negativity, every time you begin to think about some negative aspect of your life. Drop the negative thought and insert your default thought and you will be depriving the incipient negative event of the necessary energy to manifest in your life. That which you withhold energy from will dissipate and cannot materialize. That which you concentrate on, you give energy to, and it will actualize in your life.

It is extremely important that you understand this; a negative thought is malignant, it lingers in the unconscious, attracting other negative thoughts, accreting slowly into your reality in a devastating way, and this is no overstatement. You can very easily teach yourself not to think or hold negative thoughts, and no one would argue the benefits of that skill even though you may not totally trust these words.

It is important to remember, the human race is the only species on your planet that worries and worry never made anything better, in fact worry makes everything worse. Worrying about a mail box full of bills will never stop the bills from coming, but if you institute “default thinking” you will change the whole landscape and set up a more positive environment to receive good things in your life rather than bad things. In a short period of time, usually within weeks, you will notice a big change. What is actually happening, is that you are setting up a positive track for new doors to open, to provide the necessary solutions to your financial, health or personal psychological problems. You are preparing the way for positivity over negativity.

It doesn’t make any difference the nature of your POSITIVE DEFAULT THOUGHT even though you might think it unattainable by you at the time, it will help grease the gears of the creative power of the universe (consciousness), and the only limitations are the self inflicted limitations that you sometimes unknowingly inflict on yourselves. Unrestricted consciousness knows no limitations, so you must un-restrict yours, remembering in the inner universe of probabilities, all possibilities exist, and only you can influence the selection of the one that will become “real” in your life. What you don’t believe is possible will be closed out of your reality. What you do believe is possible, exists in probability and is available to be materialized in your future.

Next Article Preview; Alien Abductions Explained