The Probable Future For Casey Anthony
For those of you who are getting Casey Anthony weary, let me assure you that this will be my last article on good old Casey, but it is not often where there are current events that allow me to practically explain how universal concepts apply to everyday events where they will make more sense to you.
First I want to point out something that most of you already know, that whatever or whoever you have strong feelings about will be attracted to you and follow you from one lifetime to another. What that means is that you will always be with those you love though many lives may pass. It also means that you will renew and revisit relationships with those who you hate and have unresolved problems with until the problems are solved.
In this case, it is obvious Casey and Caylee will meet again and their paths will cross in another life since Caylee is no longer in a viable physical body during this lifetime. That does not mean that Casey, assuming she is guilty of her daughters death as was charged, will not experience the Karmic results of her actions in this life, but it does mean that she will pay her debt at some time before her interactions with Caylee dissolve and both can go their own way. As I have mentioned before, the Soul/Entity will see that all wrongs are righted and all debts will be paid, but there is another aspect that I want to touch on here and that is how probabilities affect personalities and their actions.
Probabilities not only affect the future but also the past and every action creates a multitude of both future and past probabilities, and we have discussed how this knowledge can help you to change your present life by changing the past and following a still existing past probability. In this case we are concerned with future probabilities and the Casey Anthony drama presents a perfect opportunity to explain the ramifications of these events on Casey Anthony's future life.
It is easy to be disillusioned when any bad event is viewed through the lens of time, since in the physical Earth system, time seems to be so limited and sometimes it appears that wrongs will never be righted. So, many relay on the over-simplistic Biblical beliefs the God will somehow get His retribution after the death of the bad guy, inflicting unimaginable punishments for eternity and maybe longer. He may even send the perpetrator to good old Oral Robert's favorite place, the lake of fire. But alas, this is just not the case as most of you well know.
In the universe that you know, there are two rules that apply to all physical systems of reality and those are the law of reincarnation and the law of probabilities. Not to get too deep into the intellectual aspects of probabilities, since we have already discussed them to some great extent, let us consider how probabilities will be a factor in the Casey Anthony case.
One of the things that is hard to understand about the law of probabilities is that ALL POSSIBLE ACTIONS/EVENTS will be experienced somewhere, sometime. No event goes un-actualized whether in the physical Earth system or in a probable world system.
Every action, every event that is materialized in your world, meaning every action or event that you actually experience is one that you unconsciously selected from a vast field of probabilities, not yet made physical, that was waiting in the wings, so to speak. Not all probable events then will be brought to the forefront of your daily experience but they will emerge somewhere. It is important to understand that even though the vast majority of probable events will not be materialized on Earth, they will materialize in other fields or dimensions.
It stands to reason that some of these potential probable events, (still psychological realities from your viewpoint, but just as real as your world), for one reason or another, just won't cut the mustard and will never be materialized in your world and will never affect you, but once created, they will materialize in another level or dimension.
It also stands to reason that one or more of these probable future events will be more probable than others and will make it. For instance, if you once thought of being an astronaut and never followed thorough with the necessary education and training to accomplish that imagined goal, there is a probable reality where you became that astronaut in a probable reality, but not in your world. You would have selected some other probability to follow.
On the other hand, there are some probabilities, some possible events that are very probable to materialize in your world because of their familiar leanings. In other words, some probabilities are very strong and some are weak, barely exerting their influence on your life at all.
The strong probabilities are then more likely to be adopted by your inner self for insertion into your life's flow as a present event. By paying attention to events in what you might call your recent past, you can trace the progress into your present life's events and somewhat predict which events will rise to your level of perception and become part of your life. Successful mediums achieve their surprising results not because they see the concrete future as it is, but they see the future probabilities and are very good at interpreting which will materialize in your future, They select among many.
In such a way, you can follow the known facts of the last few years of Casey Anthony's life regarding the murder of her daughter Caylee, and based on much information that was presented as evidence at her trial, get some idea of what her future will be like.
It certainly does seem that at times good things do happen to bad people, and they do, and I am sure at this time, since Casey Anthony does not seem to be one inclined to intellectual moral contemplation, she will assume that she got away with murder scott free. That is not the case with Casey and it is not the case with anyone else who has committed a reprehensible deed hoping to get away with it. You can fool the law, you can fool the jury and you can fool the entire justice system but you cannot fool your Soul/Entity.
The Earth system of reality is based on learning the responsible manipulation of energy into objects and events that are beneficial to all living things and this lesson must be learned one way or another. The Entity gives its personalities freedom to act in the physical world and the only real way to learn is to personally experience what you have inflicted on others. What that means is that the only true way to learn how “Not to Murder” is to be murdered. Karma always asserts itself.
In the final analysis, you can't get away with anything
I recently read about a little girl who was kidnapped as a child and raped and held captive for 2 decades... I was so disturbed after reading her account... Is there anything that one can do at a spiritual level to better things in this world? Why do Monsters in disguise live among us? Why are hideous crimes allowed to happen by ' All that is'? What form of education for the soul is this kind of suffering?
Dear Anonymous,
When you consider the worlds problems on a global scale it can be overwhelming. What you can do is to do your part in making it a better world. I do not have space here to explain about why there are so called monsters alive and harming others, but there is a reason and I will try and explain in more detail soon. There is a reason, but it is complicated,
The thing to remember is that evolution assumes progress.
Dear William,
While trying to understand the principle of karma, I get the following line of thought.
The present me in this life time is a continuation of past me in the previous life, however the present me is a different personality.I experience effects(positive and negative) in the present but not aware of the actions that caused in the past.It may be learning for the entity/soul
but as far as the personality is concerned it just experiences without any awareness and isn't it unfair? why should the present personality suffer or enjoy for the past actions of the past personality of the Entity?
Great observation, and I too have considered the seeming unfairness, but there is something you are not considering here. You are what you are in your present identity/personality partly because of what you were in past personalities. At this point in the evolution of modern earth civilization, you could not handle conscious recognition of your past selves, or your probable selves. You have enough trouble managing one personality through all of life's trials and tribulations, but that is not the way it will always be.
When you sleep, you unconsciously meet and are acquainted with those other portions of your whole identity, but you don't recognize them as aspects of yourself, as they really are.
Your earth civilization is in it's infancy, and that is the reason that the knowledge of a great portion of your past is withheld by the entity and inner self.
You, by you I mean all of earth personalities, are evolving toward a unifications with those other aspects of your whole identity and a conscious knowledge of all of your past incarnations and probable selves, but that is for the future, when you are better able to handle such knowledge.
Another thing you may consider, is that with the help of a qualified hypnotist, some of those closed off areas can be readily accessed and then you could know who you were and have a better understanding of your past life adventures. You are much more than you know you are.
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