The question as it is posed; I know I’m not the best person in the world, but why do bad things keep happening in my life? It seem like I just get over one crisis and another one occurs.
I wanted to address this question in light of the fact that many people not only seem to have an occasional unfortunate incident in their lives, but reoccurring negative events. It is hard to convince someone that they are creating the events that they consider negative because who in their right mind would punish themselves in this way.
I wanted to address this question in light of the fact that many people not only seem to have an occasional unfortunate incident in their lives, but reoccurring negative events. It is hard to convince someone that they are creating the events that they consider negative because who in their right mind would punish themselves in this way.
I have other material in this site that deals with the creative process so I am not going to go into a lot of detail to explain it other than to say that emotion, idea, desire and expectation are the propellants that forces a breakthrough of thought into physical matter. Of course, you don’t know that at this time, otherwise you would not be experiencing your life in this earth/world system. That is the main lesson of “earth” experience, is to finally learn that you are the creators of not only your personal reality but also the mass reality of the world in co-operation with all other consciousness. Co-operation is one of the main attributes of consciousness as it joins with other consciousness to form and maintain a cohesive reality that all can agree upon and experience. I realize that it is almost inconceivable that you could have reached this point in your evolution and not realize that you are actually responsible for everything that occurs within your reality.
No god imposes anything on you, so you can only blame yourself if your life isn’t what you would like it to be. You planned it, you created it and there are quite valid reasons why your life is as it is. There is some good news here and that is that if you really do create your life and its events as I have been saying all along, then you can change it. That is the lesson you are to learn, and that is to create responsibly and do no harm to others. You are not held hostage to what may be unfortunate events in your life that seem to be some sort of karmic payback from a previous life. You cannot blame some imagined god who has nothing better to do than hang around on a cloud, scrutinizing his subjects in order to judge and punish them for their sins. You can’t even blame your neighbor with the loud barking dog and you can’t blame your inconsiderate boss for firing you. The universe is built upon the premise of change, and if the universe can change, can you not change too? Nothing stays as it is, and if you can agree that change is inevitable, then all you have to do is steer the coming changes into more favorable channels in your life.
The processes involved in consciousness thrusting subjective thought into objective objects and events is as natural as it is for the physical body to breathe. In a way this exuding of reality by your inner self in response to physical stimuli can never be diminished in the same way you cannot hold your breath for very long without expiring. All consciousness naturally emits non-physical electro magnetic particles that eventually gather enough impetus, attracting others of like characteristics, swarming and then coagulating to form energy gestalts and then to break thorough the barrier from the unseen into the arena of physical materializations.
It is here where there is much misunderstanding because this process is neutral and it works to form what you would call both good and bad events and it does not judge. You create your reality whether you know it or not and you are doing it in every aspect of your life day and night. If you are already doing it automatically, you might then ask, what is the point in learning how to do something you already know how to do? And here is the answer; you are learning how to discriminate and create exactly what you want instead of taking it “pot luck”, thereby enhancing every aspect of your life immeasurably. You are learning to be a conscious creator and get what you want instead of bouncing off the wall from one calamity to another.
Everyday happenings in your life follow certain rules of this automatic creative process, which you have little control over at this time, but you can learn to gain control. Your physical reality that includes everything around you, your house, your car, your health, your natural environment, your graduations, friends, marriages, bodily health, your successes and failures are the result of this creative process carried out by yourself and your contemporaries. There is nothing that you can perceive that you do not have your part in the creative process. The problem is that if you don’t know that you are creating your reality, this process gets out of hand, runs wild and sometimes instead of getting what YOU want and create, you are influenced by and accept the beliefs of others and then they get what they want of YOU. When you don’t take assertive charge of your own life and create what YOU want, then there are countless others that will gladly create what they want in your life. In a sense you are then abdicating this responsibility to others.
These people are called doctors, clergy, scientists, drug companies and used car salesmen. Now this is not as funny as it may seem, because of one thing or another, some people have learned how to project their beliefs to change and manipulate your beliefs and the beliefs of others, either consciously or unconsciously and for this reason, they can seem to be quite successful in life. The first thing you need to do is begin the task of creating your reality for your benefit and in that way it will also benefit others. What does this give you? It gives you control. Does your life sometimes seem like it is spinning out of control, and everything that is happening to you is bad? It doesn’t have to be that way if you are willing to take responsibility for your life. You have been given the gift of the gods, in that you are a creator of your world and your environment, and you don’t even know it. You live forever, and you don’t know that either.
First of all, nothing happens TO you, everything happens BY you. You created all events in your life, both good and bad, from your perspective, but at this stage of your development, it seems like you have no control over the events in your life. Fortunately for you, this is not the case.Your immediate environment is a result of unknown processes that bring about an exterior representation in physical reality of inner state of your being. In other words, your inner reality is projected outward perfectly mirroring your inner state of psychic health. If your everyday life is not satisfactory, then you must look inward to find the reason. The concept is almost too simple in the telling, but it is true that a balanced, sympathetic, inner state of being achieves a harmonious state of equilibrium projected outward into a healthy and value fulfilled life.
Reality is a result of inner manipulations of consciousness, it is a feedback system and by observing and contemplating the relative successes and failures in your life, you can get a good picture of your inner state of being. You are the one in charge and you are the only one responsible for unfortunate things that seem to happen to you, but you created them just as surely as you created your successes. The first step is “realization and acceptance”, realizing and accepting responsibility for your life and all of its occurrences. You cannot blame some unknown force like “bad luck”, or the act of some capricious god figure, punishing you for past indiscretions. Here is the attitude you need to begin; “I created it, I’m responsible, I am going to learn from it and begin this very instant to create it better next time.” Remember YOU ARE IN CONTROL and you must learn to channel your positive thoughts into beneficial results.
Objects and events are the result of consciously directed energy, and under ideal circumstances, that energy flows freely, unobstructed by false and distorted beliefs. Energy that meets with impediments, blockages and obstructions will always produce less than perfect materialized constructions and events, meaning that the feedback system must present you with evidence that you need to make changes in your belief system. Illness is one of these feedback icons that will usually let you know that something is wrong psychically. You must remember that BAD EVENTS are bellwethers of inner problems, they are the “canary in the coal mine”, meant to alert you to inner inconsistencies and blockages of the free flow of energy. This energy will always try to replicate as nearly as possible, your inner psychological state and project it into the three dimensional physical realm. If your inner thoughts and beliefs are distorted, unhealthy or false, your every day exterior reality will be likewise and negative events will keep happening in your life.
So there is no confusion here, let me give you a few examples of the type of beliefs that could trigger bad events in your life, but I want to make clear first that religion does not play into this scenario at all and an atheist can be as proficient in creating beneficial, positive, GOOD events in their lives as the most pious Pope seated on a golden throne in Rome. The creation of reality is not arbitrary; it follows certain rules equally for the pious or the pompous.
A belief that life is pointless and has no meaning, that despite all of your hard work, in the end you will die and your personality will be annihilated can be detrimental. A belief that others are usually wrong and you are always right and you have trouble tolerating others actions can cause you problems. Harboring bad feelings about others, perpetuating hate of anything, believing that the body is flawed and less than perfect, all of these can cause negative events to materialize.
I know I am being redundant here, but this is important that you understand this one rule, a rule by the way that permeates your universe, and that one rule is this, you get what you concentrate on, colored and tinted by your inner feelings. You can concentrate on wealth, but if inwardly you believe that wealth corrupts, you will get un-wealthy. You can concentrate on health, but inwardly if you believe that the body is inherently flawed and vulnerable, born in sin, you will get unhealthy.
Basically, if your inner belief system is distorted, you will be planting the seeds for future events in barren soil and they cannot grow and form beneficial events in your life. Now, I know this is a gross oversimplification, but usually, and I emphasize the word usually, good things seem to happen to good people and bad things happen to bad people. Of course this statement is inverted and meaningless because good events are created by people who have learned to react well and expect good events and bad events are created by people expecting less than good in their life. Another general rule is that EXPECTATIONS RULE, if you don’t expect it, don’t expect it. The terms good and bad in this description are arbitrary for sure, but generally, if you are in harmony with yourself, your contemporaries and your environment, your belief system will be in a natural state of equilibrium, the energy flow will be unobstructed by false beliefs, and bad events will be few and far between. Also in this process, like definitely attracts like, and once you get the hang of it, just one good thing in your life will begin to attract other like good things.
Of course, you will find all of this hard to believe as long as you consider yourself separate from your contemporaries, your environment and its objects and events. The ego loves its independence, so it blocks out much valid information that would alert you to the connection between you and your environment and as long as you believe you are totally independent from all that surrounds you, you will tend to believe that you have little control over your life. Consciousness is above all co-operative and the statement “we are all in this together”, all including both the seen and unseen, is very true indeed. Your scientists know that elementary particles react differently when they are being observed, so why is it such a stretch to understand that there is an unseen connection between the perceiver and the perceived.
I know my scientist friend that comments occasionally will find this statement outrageous and scandalous, but I can tell you that you are connected in this complex, unseen web of consciousness to the most distant star in your universe and there is no empty space in between. What you interpret as space is an illusion and is created by a lack of perception. We will discuss this invisible connection soon.
I want to thank you for the time you spent in writing this article. I identify greatly with what you are saying as I believe I am what I think.
I've been reading through some of your blog entries today. Of course, I have yet to get through most of them but, will continue to read more.
I actually came across your blog as a result of being in the midst of an overwhelming set of negative happenings in my life. I am no stranger to negative occurances as it began in childhood with a set of parents who, themselves, created a very negative "world" in which to grow up in. However, I also recognize that in spite of my parents choices, I have also had a hand in my own rather negative set of circumstances. I came to expect the worst (by training from parental influences) and the truth is, negative occurances have plagued my life. As you have said, we attract what we expect.
I do have a question though...or, perhaps, a series of questions under one topic and would love to hear your thoughts on these questions.
more to follow
First of all, let me explain that over the past 10 months, nearly 11 now, I have had a series of negative experiences and cannot quite connect the dots as to why these have occured or how I have created them.
I have always lived my life according to the idea that helping others is "beneficial" in one way or another to both those giving as well as those receiving. I have given a lot of help, consideration, time, energy and care to a lot of people and yet, these are the very people who have been the most cruel. Several people whom I have given the most to over the years have recently walked out of my life with a viciousness that I'd never have expected. With all 4 of them, it was because I had finally realized that I was being "used" and "abused" and I talked to them about my feelings and attempted to explain why this was no longer appropriate for me. In other words, I began to draw a line in the proverbial sand and explain to them where they had crossed it. Instead of discussing this with me as requested and as I had hoped and expected they would do, they walked out of my life viciously and totally unexpectedly.
In between, my own health has been in question and I'm currently going through a lot of fear and testings, most of them, not pleasant. This would have been the time that I would have "expected" these same people who I've done so much for and spent so much time and energy on and with, to be here and be supportive of me during this rather frightening time for me. Of course, the very opposite happened and I'd never have dreamed that it would have gone this way.
More to follow
Also happening during this time, are more upsets. I lost my job due to the recession (not expected of course). At the same time, my much beloved dog has developed a cancerous tumor and vet bills have taken their toll at a time when I can least afford it. My fridge broke down (at the 6 year mark...just past the extended warranty period, of course) and I had to buy another one (again, not expected and again, at the worst time possible, financially). In the second month of use of the brand new replacement fridge, it also broke down..not once but TWICE, spoiling a couple of hundred dollars worth of food each time. (Again, not a financially good time to have it happen). My cat, who usually plays out a fenced in backyard had another stray cat, come into our backyard (after 4 years of her being able to be out there, happily playing without incident and never leaves) and attack her viciously, leaving abcesses. Another huge vet bill and a usually happy, trusting cat, now hiding under beds and unsocial to even me who has nursed her to health for a sickly 2 week old, half dead kitten. A neighbour who had been a pain in the rear for the entire 29 years I've been in my home and we were not on speaking terms, suddenly collapsed in her backyard 3 weeks ago. Guess who was there to try to help her? She died 3 days later in hospital and her family was accusing me of having something to do with her situation. A coroner's inquest was set and her death was deemed as "suspicious with foul play suspected". All that I did was call 911 and stay with her, trying to keep her alive until help got there. It was finally deemed "natural causes" (massive stroke and following heart attack which killed her). But, that was a couple of weeks of accusations and fear that I just did not need or expect in trying to help save someone's life! And, if all of this wasn't enough, my washing machine caught fire today, totally unexpectedly. I now need a new one as this one is beyond repair. Thankfully, it was caught in time before the house burned down. The list goes on but, you get the gist, I think. :)
My question:
None of this was "expected" by me. My thoughts were not on these occurances at all. They were therefore, not part of my reality or my thoughts nor, my "creation". So, in these instances, how does one deal with this? How does one attribute so much to one's own "creation"?
I'm at a loss right now and anything further happening is pretty much beyond my ability to understand and even deal with right now. I'm at my "full" level now.
Any light that you may be able to shed on this would be most appreciated as I'd love to know how to right these ongoings! I have the desire to change this for myself but, I'm at a loss in knowledge as to how to do that.
Dear Ella,
I read your letters with much interest. If I didn't know your problems were dead serious, It would almost be laughable that so much negativity could happen to one person.
Obviously I cannot solve all of your problems here and it truly sounds like there are multiple reasons behind what is going on in your life. I do not intend to trivialize your challenges, but because of limited space here, I cannot respond to your letters in their entirety, but I can perhaps offer some insights that may be of some help.
If you are from up North, you are probably familiar with what happens when you make a big snowball and roll it down a hill. It starts off slowly, begins to pick up more snow, increasing in size and mass and gathering momentum. It will continue on the same path until it runs out of snow or hill. Trends (Good and Bad), tend to keep going, usually getting stronger, until some great opposing obstacle causes them to change course. Small obstacles do not usually affect a trend.
After a while, trends take on a life of their own, become a part of what you may begin to accept as your "NORMAL" reality.
In another analogy, because of its weight a freight train starts up very slowly, gathering momentum, but once it gets up speed, it takes much effort and energy to bring it to a stop, finally put it in reverse and change direction.
You do indeed create your reality. It happens automatically, spontaneously and easily if you are doing it right. You are obviously not doing it right.
When you find yourself in a hole, digging, sinking deeper and deeper, there is only one way to stop the trend. Quit digging. I know this sounds stupid, but what I mean here is that what you have been doing has been causing your much difficulty, so quit doing what you have been doing. Turn you attention away from the digging and you will establish a BOTTOM.
There is no limit to the amount of negativity that you can dig up as long as you keep focused on the negativity. You must look away from it. I know this is hard to do under your circumstances, but it must be done if you want to stop the train.
Remember this, mankind is the only species that worries and worry is the worst kind of negative thought. A cat doesn't worry about the vicious dog that lives just down the block that loves to eat cats.
No problem was ever solved through worry and no problem will ever get worse even though you were to ignore it, in fact, it will begin to fade.
I know this is a generality, but a good one I think, if you implement it in your life.
When you are finally able to turn your attention away from the bottom, (your problems), you will begin to rob the negativity of its energy and it will begin to dissipate over time. Energy creates good and bad events equally, and the withdrawal of creative energy causes the physical manifestation to recede, just as the infusion of creative energy gives strength to the direction of its focus.
Conclusion, What you don't think about and concentrate on will go away.
I hope this short answer will help steer you in the right direction.
William Allan
William, I thank you for your answer. I fully understand that you were not trivializing my run of negative events. It IS almost laughable that so much could happen in so small a space of time to one person, isn't it? LOL
I do get what you're saying and I totally agree with you that worrying really doesn't do any good but, rather more harm as it does focus on attracting more negative into my life. Ignoring it to the best of my ability does help.
I laughed at your analogy of the cat not worrying about the cat-eating dog down the street. That was pretty humorous and had me chuckling. Thank you for that. :)
As an update, my fridge has now been repaired and to date, is still working. My cat has healed her abcesses. One of the people that had walked out of my life has since returned. The empty house next door (the neighbor who died) will be occupied for about a year by a friend of my daughter and her boyfriend (a good thing as this young woman is like a second/honorary daughter to me), my dog's tumor is holding its own for the time being and seems to be doing better after treatment, I've had one medical test (biopsy) completed and am waiting for the results and another biopsy scheduled for next month with results in October. I'm trying hard to take your advice and not worry about these as it won't change anything for the better. I'm trying to go about my life and concentrate on the good things around me instead. I'm trying hard to be like the cat who is not worried about the cat-eating dog down the street right now! LOL
Thank you William! Sincerely....thank you!
This is exactly what I needed...I feel silly posting after reading all the things Ella has been through but to each's own right. Well as a single mother trying to provide the best to my daughter on $14 an hour is hard. Moving to a suburb with a great school and neighborhood was the main goal which I mad happen. Now that I'm here I'm so unhappy with keeping up with middle class society. my rent is much higher, there are more demands and school fees etc. Everything increases when you move from a rough city to a affluent community. I can't help but think everyday man why couldn't I get my bachelors degree, why don't I have a better job, whats wrong with me? I'm so tired when i get home everyday, I look for reasons to relax and linger from the long day (i know big mistake). I look at those who are succussful and think why can't I have the energy god gave them. Why did I have a child so 30 and have nothing in savings...I can go on and on. I will try to shift my thinking and do everything possible to find new work and stay up late burning that candle to apply for better jobs and search. If there is any additional advice you'd give to me please send it...the advice you gave is wonderful enough but we all can use more..
How do I improve
Your situation is not unlike many others and I don't want to over-simplify solutions, but remember that everything changes, nothing remains static. What you have to do is make sure that your the changes that are coming are of benefit to you. The life you are living today, its success and its trials are the result of what your thoughts and beliefs yesterday. In short, you are living in the future or your recent past. Your life tomorrow will then be the result of what you think today. To the best of your ability, eliminate negative thoughts, concentrate on what you really want in your life. Take some small steps in that direction. The future is forming now through your thoughts and beliefs, so be constructive and expect what you want.
My mother was killed by a drunk driver, my husband was diagosed terminally ill, my teenage soon tried to commit suicide, we lost everything in Hurricane Katrina, we could'nt get help from the government because we were average joes, we've had to move 12 times since Katrina because of some RULE or in a chance to get a job to start over in this economy and the saga continues..... I only have one thing to say in response to your reply to ELLA-what the cat don't know.... don't hurt him. Try something else.
Your a Douche Bad and bad things happen to good people everyday who didn't plan or deserve any of it. Take your lecture and shove it up your ass!
Interesting comment,,,,,,,,,,and it represents your feelings and that is good,,,,,,,It has always been my intention to make you think,,,,and apparently I have succeeded.
i was molested from the time i was old enough to have memories which is around 3 up untill my pre-teens. then i went around life through my 20's having painful horrible thoughts on life and confusion etc, i been to psychiatrist and for years i havent gotten a diagnosis or much help..i suffered with an identity crisis, insecurity, pain, humiliation, loneliness, depression and did not know how to stop it. i did not have a choice when i was being molested. i dont have a choice being borderline personality, yet i try and change and strain my brain thinking of new ways to think etc, but still things only get worse, i see a dr. but it doesnt help, anti-depressants dont help. now im in a relationship with a man who was once so nice and giving etc, and after our 2nd kid he changed, did a 180. how was i to know this? now im dealing with deep past issues, a cheating lying emotionally abusive bf/ 2 very young kids, and borderline personality..on top of that my whole family is on my case about the way i lived and live..they think i dont try when god know its a struggle everyday just to keep sane..ive prayed intensely since i was a kid..for help, and for goodness for others, etc..and still my life keeps getting can u tell me i bring this upon myself? does anyone have a way out of this. im desperate.
Dear Anonymous,
I did not want you to think that I meant that you "consciously" bring anything on yourself, but for one reason or another, you are "unconsciously" attracting these events to you. This is not the place and I don't have the space here to address these things, which I understand are very important to you. I would like to ask you, who do you think is causing your unhappiness? You do know the answer to this, but you may not know that you know.
my life is the proverbial exmaple of this...u cant begin to about bad things, recurring hell, only trauma--12 years straight and nothing else. No relationships, no real friends only hell trauma...being tortured/tormented by abusive people, hell.. As i write this im in excruciating pain from an energy vampire draining/torturing life has been only horror/abuse/hell and nothing else--NOTHING...nothing good positive....the things ive been through i can't write here its so much and so much hell....but imagine 12 years of only suffering...negativity---it happens in patterns to matter what it..ALWAYS happens in this specific way....its happened so many 100's of times i already know....when its happening what the outcome will be with you are NOT creating it. It seems evil has taken over to try to fool people into thinking they create negativity---its the work of the devil if anything. This isnt like one bad thing happening..this is 100's upon 100's that happen every day moment experience...its non-stop hell i cant describe....why it happens to people i have no idea....but no one can understand what it really entails....
There was no question asked.
I stand by the above article.
I really don't feel like going into too much detail, but my problem is this. it seems as though everytime I do something to try and move forward in this world, I get yanked in the other direction, I feel like a dog trying to jump a fence while chained to a tree. I moved out of my mothers house because I saw the struggle it was to pay bills and keep food on the table, I saw myself as more of a burden (although) my mother constantly told me otherwise. but I'm now living on my own still attending college, my bills are starting to catch up to me because a part time job isn't enough to handle them, I can't quit my job for obvious reasons, but I can't work more hours because of school. last month I get into a car accident, it really wasn't, but it ended up LEGALLY being my fault, forcing me to have to pay to get my own car fixed, needless to say the car is still sitting smashed in my driveway. I really want to know, is it just meant for me to be stuck in the middle like this and besides more money how can I sort this out. it seems like the root to my problems is also the solution
Dear Anonymous,
Because similar questions are asked by other so often, and since it cannot be answered in such a short comment, I will answer in the next article to publish, probably tomorrow.
I will make this short. I am a 51 year single parent and making ends meet with my job. Cant seem to make things better and I wish to feel good. How can I turn this around and live healthier and happy. I need help. please.
Dear Single Parent,
As you can see from reading some of these comments, your problem is not unique. The good news is that your life can be turned around. As you can surmise, there are countless factors affecting the quality of your life, but there is one thing you must not deny, and that is, that you created exactly what you are and where you are today. You are today living the outcome of your past thoughts and expectations. The only sure way to change your present situation is to change how you think about it, and sometimes it is not easy to do that. There are three things you can do to get back on the right track.
This is of course, an oversimplification:
1. Imagine and think intensely about what you want in your life. (for 10 minutes once a week only).
2. Get rid of any negative thoughts that enter your mind,,,,expel them instantly, they can be lethal to positive progress.
3. Take small symbolic steps in the direction your want to progress.
4 Expect what you want to materialize in your life to happen within a reasonable amount of time.(results should begin to show within 30-60 days.)
Good Luck
What about diseases and syndromes one is born with that progress? Is it really plausable that I brought - consciously or unconsciously - this upon myself in utero?! I'm 22 going on 82 physically :(
Dear Anonymous,
What you are born with, you chose before birth. Of course, no one "consciously" chooses illness or disability. These are learning experiences that you accepted that are meant to lead you to new understanding. I have no idea why you were born with your illness, only you would know that, but I know that no God, no Universe, No Soul and No Satan foisted it on you. There are NO accidents, and everything has a reason. Valuable life lessons can be learned if you take the time to examine your beliefs and inner state of being. Illness is simply an outer manifestation of an inner state of being.
I've been going through numerous bad experiences. I feel like I'm being tested, and for what reason? I'm a career women mother of two beautiful young girls. Luckily my kids are safe, but as for me I'm worried. It's like being followed by some dark source. Just recently I suffered an illness that caused me to pass out behind the wheel and rash my car. Last November, I was in a head on collision( not my fault, other person was found to be the cause). I wrecked my knee. Right before this,my mother became Sick, I became pregnant unexpectedly. The list goes back several years, but the more recent experiences are getting more and more serious. I am one of the most thankful people for what I do have. I help others when I can. I work and contribute to my family. Now I feel like in a flash I could be taken from it all! Trying to stay positive. However, I'm scared of this dark cloud and what it means?
Dear Anonymous,
I wish I had the space here to give you a more complete answer, but maybe I can reassure you that you are not under some kind of evil spell or curse. There is no inherent evil or lurking black clouds following you around. The only evil or black clouds are products of the mind, or the self, and unfortunately, I have to tell you that you should take responsibility and then begin fixing the problem. What you create, you can change. I would suggest going back to the time when all of this negativity began to assert itself into your life, and see if you can discover any major changes that took place in your life then. The kind of things you mention, seem to be associated with "a holding you back" kind of thing, perhaps from something you have been fearful of doing. I want to reinforce this statement; If your physical life is not what you want, the cause is always mental. You create your reality through your thoughts, ideas, beliefs and expectation. EXPECT CHANGE FOR THE BETTER.
Anyway, I wish you well, and maybe you should make a small investment in my new book, "Why do bad things keep happening to me?" In it I give a much more in depth discussion on this very subject. There is link to the site on the top of the blog. Please feel free to keep in touch and let me know how you are progressing.
I may be a little late on this, but I would like to say that I do not believe I have brought any of the bad things that have happened to me into my life. Although I was molested as a child and my father was an alcoholic/drug addict, I grew up and made all the "right" choices so that I would not follow in the footsteps I saw as a child. Despite making the "right" choices, and marrying a wonderful man, bad things continue to happen that are out of my control, such as multiple miscarriages and a brother in prison. So I do not believe we all cause these bad things... I feel like things outside of my control continue to go wrong.
Dear Anonymous,
I regret to tell you, that you are mistaken. Please understand, I am not suggesting the you are consciously making these bad things happen to you, but you do have a hand in creating them. Here is the bottom line. YOU CREATE YOUR PERSONAL REALITY, either consciously or unconsciously.
There is no one else that creates YOUR reality. Period!
If you want the bad things to quit happening, you MUST look inwards, for the answers lie in your subconscious. Until you take ownership of the responsibility for all of the bad things in your life, you will never be able to create the good things either. You may have things surfacing in your life that are left-overs from a past life, but you are not at their mercy.
Here is the good news, since no outside agency is causing your problems, that means that you can, by changing your beliefs and thoughts, begin changing the flow of your life, and begin eliminating the negative flow of energy, If the free flow of energy is blocked by flawed or negative lingering problems or negative thinking, the result is faulty events and constructions.
The only way to change your life is to change how you think about your life.
My dad died last year & I made horrible hospital decisions for him causing him pain, discomfort & death while thinking I was doing my best to save him. After that, my mother moved in with me. She is very unhappy & aided in ruining my 15 yr marriage. Beloved pets got mauled by wild animals, hit by cars, one after the next. I saw & had to handle & cope with one thing after the next. I almost fell in love again & it just ended yesterday. I give & give but no one is there when I need them. I understand my life can be manipulated by how I perceive it, how I act upon how I think about it. But my memories of the losses & pain my loved ones endured is haunting me. I can avoid negative thoughts but it suppresses my pain that overwhelmes me in tears. I'm not sure I can take many more awful things happening. I'm trying to be strong but I can't hold up much longer.
I will respond to the above comment in my next article.
Just 2 words is enough. "Destiny" and "Luck" . Get used to it.
I lilled my mom when I was 5? I made my parents hate me to the point I was sent away at 14 to a boys home? I made them hate me so much they never call me even on my birthday? I made me so I cant get a job at home instead of over the road trucking to be home with my wife? Everything I touch turns to crap even though I think positive thoughts? I miss my mom, but I don't want her negitive energy draging me down, all I ever wanted was a normal life, I deserved my mom to raise me, I deserved to have good birth parents so I wouldn't have to be adopted by a woman who would die in 5 years, I deserved for my adopted step mom to love me and nuture me, I still deserve to be loved by her, I deserve to make enough money to take care of my family and put some in savings, i'm a good person, I love, I care, i'm glad for the family I have and am thankfull for that but that is all I have, I am tired, my soul hurts, please help, I am a positive person, all I want is for my dreams to come true.
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