Thursday, May 15, 2014


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Can heaven be for real and also not for real? Depends on your perspective!

Of course you have probably by now heard about the new best-seller book and movie, written by a young boy who conveniently happens to be the son of a minister, who conveniently believes in exactly the same kind of stereotyped heaven as his son thinks he visited during a recent emergency surgery. Imagine that, a young impressionable child adopts the same religious belief held by his father.

The boy, named Cotton, upon having what is commonly referred to as a "a traumatic experience" upon awakening from what he imagines was death, has related his experiences during his "I died and came back to life experience "in heaven.

I don't intend to repeat the young man's fanciful account of his experience, but will explain something that any regular reader of the ABG web articles already has some rudimentary understanding regarding the principles involved here. I will first mention a few things that you should already know since they are part of universal knowledge well imprinted deep within the subconscious of every human being on the planet.

Colton's father (the minister) explains that his son, after his excursion to heaven, knows things that no one else could know, but Colton's father being a minister is in the worst possible position to explain these matters since people of the cloth are severely hampered by erroneous distorted religious drama and misconceptions perpetrated by civilization on itself through the ages, mostly by organized religion.
As a matter of fact, those impressionable devotees of religious teachings are the very people who hinder true understanding and who have the least comprehension of the true nature or spiritual reality as it actually exists in the physical world and universe.

It is a travesty that ministers, priests, clerics and others of similar misguided persuasion are often given not only to teaching false doctrine to simple minded followers, siphoning off their parishioners treasures, but also contaminating the innocence of their children.

There are more corrupt priests, pastors, clerics, bishops and popes holding positions of authority in religious institutions than there are criminals in all of the penal institutions in the entire world. It is one thing to purloin your neighbor's treasure and children's innocence, but it is another thing entirely to pillage their minds.

If that isn't bad enough, through a process of regular mass indoctrination, the aforementioned systemically erode their congregation's collective common sense by preaching hair-brained magical doctrine steeped in symbolism and legend about ancient myth, children's tales, superstition and really big gods riding really big horses somewhere up in the really big clouds in a really big sky and other such really big nonsense.

Before I get too carried away here let me remind you of the one main universal rule that permeates all universes and planes of actuality. That means that in the entire universe, in countless planes, in innumerable dimensions and all reality systems, there is one main rule that is paramount and cannot be nullified or ignored and in fact is the one main cause of the existence of the universe, and that rule is;

"You Get What You Concentrate On"
You automatically and unconsciously materialize and create as reality that which you believe, think about and expect.
You are creating your reality now as you read this, you just don't know it because the process of creation is automatic, spontaneous and works equally well for good or bad results. You create objects and events as unknowingly as you breath air.

An important part of my explanation will revolve around your and my understanding of the word "REAL", and since the title of the movie and book in question states that Heaven Is For Real, I suppose we will have to agree on what is real before we begin any meaningful discussion.

The dictionary has literally hundreds of synonyms for "REAL" so maybe it would be best if we try to come to some agreement and define REAL before we begin. Real to you has many meanings, but here are a few that will get us through this article. Real would be something that is tangible, solid, opaque, hard, concrete, physical, visible, absolute or actual. But real can be much more than solid appearing things.

Real can be anything that is absolute or actual. Here is something that is not commonly known; a thought is as real as a brick. A belief is as real as an automobile. An emotion, love or feeling cannot be denied even though they take up no space and do not require time. In fact, they are timeless and they certainly are real.

Unreal would be something, well, like Heaven, mind, thoughts, ideas, imagination, emotions, beliefs and other non-stuff like wind, although we all know wind is something, we just find it hard to describe. You can't see air, but you can see the effects of wind which is air in motion, so from that you deduce that wind does indeed exist.

Since most of the people going to see this film believe in the story line, and are already firm believers in such concepts as heaven, it is not too difficult to see why they would swallow the story line hook, line and sinker.

Let me make it clear, I am not disputing that "Colton" the young boy believes what he says he witnessed, but I will try and explain why such things do have explanations that may seem equally magical but in truth, happen more often than is widely known and they don't require the existence of a hypothetical heaven.

They do require what many religious people lack, and that is true knowledge of a universe that emerged into existence even though it knew nothing of religious doctrine and had read no religious texts on instructions of how to become a universe.

Let me try to explain a few of Cotton's imaginings and relate them to true reality, as it exists in the physical system. These imaginings are closer to being hallucinations, since you actually do create them.

1. Colton talked about looking down and seeing the doctor operating and his dad praying in the waiting room. 
This happens all of the time and is so common that I have written no less than 5 articles that can be found on this site under "Out of body projections and Out of body experiences. It is not uncommon for consciousness to leave the physical body for short periods for various reasons, and in fact, you do it often yourself during your nightly sleep periods. Stress and trauma also help initiate and facilitate projections of consciousness.

Your consciousness can not only leave your body and rise above a hospital bed and observe and operation, but can quite readily, under certain circumstances, leave a building, travel across continents and oceans to very real locations if the motivation is there. Your dream locations and landscapes may seem very vivid and real because you are actually there. It is even quite possible for you to communicate with others both dead and alive who are also projecting. Remember, bodies die, consciousnesses exist forever and knows no limitations.

2. Colton relates that in heaven he met his long ago miscarried sister and a great grandfather who died 30 years before he was born, and shared details about both that cannot be denied, but communication between the living and the dead are not uncommon.

In the physical reality system (Earth), it is common for people who have relinquished their physical body to transition to another dimensional in-between reality system. THEY DO NOT DIE in the usual sense of the word. They still exist intact in a viable body (without mass or bulk), but quite real nevertheless (dreamlike), with all memories intact, and they do attempt to make contact with those left behind, mainly to reassure them that life continues after death.

Many of these attempts succeed and many fail, depending on the circumstances and spiritual development of the concerned parties. These kinds of communications are most likely to occur when one or both of the psychic travelers are "disassociated" from physical focus.

In this respect, formal religious indoctrination is an impediment since in psychic and psychological evolution of consciousness; you must believe something is possible in order to experience it. You will never experience anything that you do not believe and formal religious beliefs can stifle true spiritual growth.

In this case it is very likely that a child will find his fathers religious training and occupation quite convincing to reinforce his own newly developing belief system and surely an excursion to heaven would please daddy to no end, a mutual reinforcement of flawed beliefs.

Another thing that is not well understood is that in the physical system, time is a real necessity and cannot be ignored. In after death reality time does not exist as you experience it now. While the transitioned personality resides in the after death reality, he may experience hundreds of your years or only weeks, but contact is possible.

Those who on the Earth scale of time had transitioned many years ago sometime attempt to make contact, and this is most easily accomplished during sleep or in times of trauma when consciousness as such is under the influence of sedatives.

Your long since passed relatives, friends and acquaintances then could remain in the between lives reality for some time, although to them it may seem like only days when actually Many Earth years had passed. So, what this means is that it is common for personalities like good old Colton to meet long dead relatives, not only from this current life, but also from previous lives lived thousands of years ago.
You may find that you have better friends from the Renaissance Period than from your current life experience.

Colton also related how he saw God and how God was really big and of course a really big God needs a really big chair, which he also saw. Colton also describes the horse that only Jesus can ride and how the Holy Spirit shoots down power from heaven to help people.

This is almost so ludicrous that it defies even the most gullible imagination, but it deserves to be put in proper perspective. Now, let me see, I wonder why a young boy who just went to heaven and returned, would describe seeing a really BIG god. Did you expect Him to be little? I'll bet Colton's God looked suspiciously like Charlton Heston, a really big Charlton Heston. You think?

I'll also bet God's really big chair looked like a golden throne with 12 angels kneeling and chanting adorations for eternity.

Finally, in real life, as you are doing now, you create your reality based on your beliefs, thoughts, desires, suggestion and expectation. You do the same when you dream or when you enter a new dimension upon physical death. It works the same in a body or not it a body. When you die, if you believe in Moses, Moses will be there to welcome you to heaven.

For a limited time after death, you will see and experience exactly what you believe you will see, at least until you are shown the error in your ways.

Many lifelong held beliefs have been changed in the blink of an eye after death. People who are the most fanatical in their beliefs in earthly life are the hardest to convince that everything they believed and sometimes taught for their whole lives is totally wrong, therefore those most steeped in religious dogma are in for the greatest shock.

So, here's the bottom line on Colton's heaven. It is real, but it's only real from Colton's personal perspective. It's his own personally hallucinated heaven and to him, it is certainly real. To every other person on the face of the earth, it simply doesn't exist as conceived by Colton. When you die, you will create your own heaven, and it too will be your own personally conceived versions of heaven. There is no other person on the planet that could perceive your version of heaven.

Everyone creates his own version of heaven, unperceived by any other person, so in that respect, Colton's heaven is real, but real only to Colton. Likewise for everyone else. Whatever you believe heaven is, will be the heaven you will experience upon death, at least until you are convinced by others that your beliefs are skewed and are actually creative illusion.

I know what you really want to know, so here is the truth; there is no real objective heaven functionally speaking, which exists independently of you. As long as you continue to believe in the conventional version of God, you will be forced to perpetuate the stereotyped version of heaven. Unfortunately, you cannot believe in one without the other and that can make it almost impossible for you to dislodge a belief in one without dislodging the other, but it would be beneficial if you could.

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