Sunday, March 2, 2014


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I am well aware that this may seem to be a strange question, but it is a question that I am often asked. You may wonder about this in regards to your own survival or the survival of a close family member.
What actually happens at the time of physical death, and what is it like after the last breath is taken?

Are you still alive?
Yes....but with a different type of body
Do you lose consciousness?
No.....some temporary disorientation may occur
Do you remember things?
Yes.....all past memories stay with you
Do you see God, Mohamed or Christ? see your version of them that you create.

I have written about this subject before, but as I learn, I have additional information that I can pass along to my readers, and believe me, I am learning just as you are learning.  I think one of the reasons that I get so many questions about the subject of death and after-death is that sooner or later everyone has their chance to do it. Death does not play favorites, and I have done it many times, and so have you, and I am not alone in this adventure.

Rich, poor, genius or moron, no one escapes the day of death, so, since it is inevitable, you might as well learn as much about it as you can. I think you will be surprised to learn that you are not as un-familiar with the death experience as you may have thought you were. In a rather obscure way, that you may have never suspected, you have encountered "exactly the same" death conditions, many times in your life before unbeknownst to you on a conscious level.

It is important that you become as familiar with the death condition as you possibly can while you in the "alive condition". You have a very handy point of reference available to you to learn what it is like when you are no longer focused in a physical body, and indeed you visit it every night.........the dream state.

So it behooves you to understand the dreaming self and the dream universe that is as familiar to your dreaming self as the physical universe is to the awake self. Actually, the dream universe or dream world is more familiar to you than its physical counterpart even though you spend less time there relatively speaking. Unfortunately, you have convinced yourself that you cannot remember your dreams.

One of the hardest things I have to do is to convince you that something that you consider as not real, imaginary, illusionary, fantasy or delusion is in reality as "solid" to its native inhabitants (your dream self) as is the physical world that you call home is to you.

The dream world is to its native inhabitants, as solid and experiential as the physical world and as you are well aware, has far more freedoms than the physical world offers. I trust that you understand that we are speaking here of your dream self, which is just another aspect of your personality expressed in another dimension. You are yourself when awake and you are your dream self while asleep.

The problem arises from the fact that you are viewing the dream world from your conscious platform within the physical world, not realizing that from the perspective of your dreaming self in his own dream world, you and your physical world are his non-solid, intangible, vapory counterparts and your world seems to him to be chaotic, unstable and less than real.

In a very real way you are always suspended somewhere between life and death, partially alive and partially dead, the reason that you don't notice it is that you as a physical creature, have trained your consciousness to ignore and skip over the gaps of non-aliveness that are part of your perception of being alive.

All reality systems, yours and other probable systems are the result of the Energy of the Universe, Prime Energy, or if you prefer and it makes you more comfortable, the Energy of All That Is or God. The unbelievable vitality of self-consciousness projects energy in the form of atoms, and molecules into perceivable patterns forming materializations that you call objects and events, all creations of consciousness. The patterns, being mental creations are themselves alive with intent, form themselves into reality systems, but there is one strange characteristic of universal energy, it fluctuates, pulsates and flickers off and on, consequently, hence you flicker off and on.

What that means in simple terms, is that everything that is, including you, the world and the universe fluctuate in astonishingly swift on and off pulsations. These pulsations are so swift as to be simultaneous; your consciousness adjusting itself accordingly ignores and skips over the lapses and notices no gaps in perception. It is not that you aren't paying attention to the lapses, it's that you simply don't exist during the missing time.

What this means, is that you, the world, the physical universe and indeed all other physical universes and all physical creations all experience these lapses. Then you may ask, what happens during the lapses, the blank spaces between these energy pulsations?

You could say that the pulsations that you experience in your world and universe are the result of the positive stroke of the energy pulsation, creating the positive universe that you perceive and inhabit. Where does the energy go in the negative stroke of the pulsation? It creates the negative universe, or as it is sometimes called the "Anti Matter Universe" that you do not perceive. The reason that scientists can't detect the universe of anti-matter is that it simply doesn't exist when yours does.

As this pertains to the matter at hand, on a more personal level, it means that you do not exist for exactly the same amount of time that you do exist, so technically speaking, you are dead for the same amount of time you are alive.

Of course, your consciousness pretends that these lapses do not exist, for conscious knowledge of these conditions would scandalize your intellect. Your deeper layers of consciousness disguise this so you are kept ignorant of this period of non-existence.

The dream universe is a by-product of the physical universe and likewise the physical universe is a by-product of the dream universe. You could say that there exists a cluster of universal reality that includes the physical universe, the dream universe and the anti-matter universe that are all related and by-products of each other. One could not exist without the other.

To alien beings not centered in your home reality system, they see only the flicker of world consciousness almost as a plane flying at night sees the electric lights of the earth beneath it, and that is all. They do not perceive your materialized physical constructions, nor do they perceive your physical world.

There is another time that you are at least unconsciously aware of that which happens on a regular basis, and that is when you project from you physical body during the dream state. During the dreaming period, on occasion, your consciousness projects in an "out of body" state, traveling in yours and other dimensions. In other words, sometimes dreams that you consider especially lucid and brilliant in nature are actually out of body projections.

When your consciousness is traveling out of body, the physical form is tended and kept functioning by the small body consciousness with no overall directing self-consciousness present. This state of  "absence of the consciousness self is analogous to the same state the personality finds itself in upon physical death.

Remember, death simply signifies a more permanent nature of this out-of-body state. In death, consciousness does not cease to exist, but it does permanently discard the physical body, assuming its native non-physical astral body. This may be a good point to emphasize that at no time are you ever without a perceivable body while you are either dead or alive. Consciousness seeks to be known, so will always adopt an appropriate form.

There are other examples of situations when the conscious self is separated from the actual physical form for varying lengths of time, but I don't want to get sidetracked here so we will move on.

Nobody dies the same death and so when I speak of death conditions, I speak in generalities, and there is simply no way I can apply what happens on death to all persons. There are many probable physical systems of reality quite as real as your own earth, but in all physical materialized systems, death will always be an integral part of life so it is advantageous to become familiar with the conditions you will encounter when that time comes.  Until you evolve out of the physical reincarnational system you will always have to deal with death and that could be many physical lives. After that, death as you know it does not exist.

The more you know about death, the less you will fear death. After you die out of your present life, you will first experience a short period of confusion and disorientation during the transition. The more you know about what to expect, the less you will be disoriented.

There is an initial period of adjustment to the new environment, but usually there will be past friends, relatives or acquaintances, not only from this most recent past life, but also from past lives that you will begin to remember. Some of these past life acquaintances may be more familiar and closer to you than those from the immediate past life.

In some cases, your past acquaintances will have moved on to other lives in other dimensions and not be available to greet you, and in those cases there are teachers and guides there to help you acclimate to your new surroundings. In any case these teachers and guides will help you understand the new reality. This dimension is not a permanent dimension, but a temporary "rest stop area" necessary for learning and planning new lives.

This temporary "in-between" dimension is a place of commerce for personalities of all probable physical reality systems, so it is possible that you could meet other probable personality aspects of your total identity.

After some re-education, you will then have to eventually make choices as to your next physical life experience either on earth or in another probable system but until then, you will remain in this in-between reality dimension where you will go immediately after death. You could say that this system is to help you familiarize yourself with a new type of body and non-physical experience.

There are always exceptions to the rules, and some personalities refuse to admit to themselves that they are indeed dead, and they will try to re-activate the physical body, being unsuccessful, they may return to the same physical location that they spent their past life (a house for instance) and reappear there again and again for centuries in some cases. This is analogous to obsessive-compulsive disorder where certain acts are repeated over and over again. In this form you would call them ghosts and this is why ghostly apparitions usually appear in the same places time and time again.

Time does not exist for you in this new dimension, so what could seem like centuries to the alive observer personality, may be a spontaneous present moment to the ghostly apparition. Sooner or later they will understand their condition, make adjustments and acclimate themselves to the new reality and move on to forming a new life.

In most cases immediately after death you will find yourself a bit disoriented at first and will experience a variety of possible scenarios depending on what you expect to experience in advance of your death. You will always experience what you believe you will experience.

This is where these articles and other articles contained in the ABG site will help you to understand what is happening and alleviate any fear you may have. It is important to understand that there is NO TIME WHEN YOU ARE NOT ALIVE as a conscious functioning personality either in life or death whether occupying a physical body or not.

As you probably suspect, this can get complicated, but my main intent with this article is to emphasize that much of what you will encounter immediately after physical death will be what you expect to see, no more and no less.

If you have read some of my articles about creation of reality, you will already understand that you create your reality through your beliefs, thoughts, desires, emotions, feelings and most importantly, your expectations.

You get what you concentrate on. Your beliefs actually coalesce into the reality that you then perceive and experience. In the physical reality system, this takes some time. It's the same whether in the world physical reality system or any after death environment except in the after-death environment, you will encounter what you believe you will encounter, only in this case, instantaneously. There is no time lag.

If you believe in saints, sinners, prophets, Jesus, Mohamed, Hitler or Buddha, you will meet them. They will be thought forms created by you of course, but their appearance will be lifelike and they will be able to communicate. If you believe that you will go through a tunnel with a bright light at the end, then you will go through the tunnel. If you believe in Moses, then Moses will be there to greet you.

If you believe in Satan, you will meet Satan. If you believe in the "Lake of Fire" as the old scoundrel, Jerry Falwell did, rest assured you will find yourself in the Lake of Fire, at least for a while until a new understanding soaks in. There is a divine irony here.

If you believe in a stereotyped heaven, you may find yourself kneeling at the feet of God the father almighty, wearing a white robe, playing a harp and repeating adorations for eternity, or perhaps eating from the tree of life. All thought forms created by your beliefs, they are not realities on their own.
Obviously, the more you know about what to expect upon death, the less disoriented you will be and the easier the transition will be.

This is the area, after settling in, where contact can be made with those still embedded in the physical world, those you left behind. Once you make future life choices and move out of this area, contact will be difficult with those left behind, so this is where you do it.

Where will you actually be and how long will you be there? The assumption is that you will be in another far-away dimension. The fact is that the "After Death Dimension" exists in the same space occupied by Earth. I make this statement because it is required to help you understand, but I do not have the space here to defend the statement or explain it in depth.

All worlds, all galaxies, all dimensions, all planes of existence, the dream world, the universe of anti-matter, all exist in the same space. All space is one space, the apparent separation being one of quality perception and not distance. All ideas exist in the same space as an example. Time and space are illusions created by physical personalities to enhance physical experience and they are only relative while you are in a physical body.

In other words if you insist on distance descriptions, you will be mislead. The after death dimension is as close to you as your fingertip, but in terms of quality depth, it is light years away.

This after death dimension is a place for rest and learning, where you receive the information you will need for your next lifetime. The time you remain there could be as short as a week or several hundred years. No one tells you when to reincarnate or when to stay and learn more about your past lives and about the potential challenges that will adopt in your next life.

Here is where arrangements will be made for your next parental affiliations, and most importantly the prevailing world theme that you will chose to be born into, in other words, you will choose the appropriate time and place that best suits your future intents and development.

Regrettably, I must close, but if you think being dead is what you have been told, a state of nothingness, you are in for a pleasant surprise. There is more purposeful activity going on than you can imagine. Oh, and as a word of assurance, there is NO PUNISHMENT, no matter how many so-called "sins" you committed in life. Death is not a somber thing at all, it is quite the opposite.

If you have questions or comments about this article, click on the "comments" link below this article.



Anonymous said...

Thank you for writing this blog and bringing to us such valuable information! Its life altering!

In most of your posts you talk about giving only 10 minutes, may be each night, to think about what is it that we want and rest of the time be busy with whatever is our task at hand. So for the 10 minutes are we to do something like 'alpha mind state meditation', connecting with the earth's frequency? is it something like that?


W. Allan said...

Dear Anonymous,
Look around you, note what you see. Everything within your personal space that you see, you created, the difference being, you did it unconsciously and you did it without thinking about it.

Your present reality took some time to materialize in your life. You do the same thing in your dream state, but in your dreams, your objects and events materialize instantly.

The real trick that all of humanity is learning, is to create with conscious intent. At this stage of human development, the best way to accomplish this is to know and believe that you do indeed create your reality.

A positive attitude is important.
You cannot force your will upon reality and like most supernatural experience, the harder you try, the less you are likely to succeed.

So, here's how you create reality and get what you want.
You must really WANT what you want. Some people aren't sure what they really want. Intensity of desire is important.

Think about what you want for only ten minutes, then forget it for a week. Devote only ten minutes a week to this endeavor, no more.
Frequency without immediate tangible results, can foster doubt that the process will work.
Doubt can cause the process to short circuit and to over-concentrate mentally can cause you to believe the process ins't working,

Remember, it has worked for you all of your life. In a way, what you have to do is to learn to replicate what you do unconsciously into a process that you can control consciously.

To try and bring about positive results using meditation would be to over-do it unless you only meditate for the ten minutes per week. To bring about conditions that you want in your life takes time, could be 30 days, could be a year or more. Don't be impatient.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much! :-)