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As many of you already know, I try to cover many subjects
here, some are of this world and some are far beyond this world. I hope I have
conveyed the idea that there a amy callan.comre countless, and I do mean countless worlds, planes,
dimensions, universes and reality systems with their own species of beings
within and outside of your cozy little universe.
It is almost impossible to get even an idea of the
multiplicity and complexity of life forms and the reality systems that they
call home unless you have at least some approximation of who and what YOU are,
both in the three dimensional physical system that you inhabit while in your
physical body and in the vaster inner universe that you inhabit without the
familiar bulk and mass of a physical body.
I have talked about this in the past in limited ways, hoping
to expand on the subject as you became more familiar with some quite difficult
concepts for someone with no formal training in such matters.
What you are is truly unique in the physical universe it is
true, but what you think you are in the usual sense of the word is but a shadow
of what your individual identity is in its totality. In short, you are much
more than you know.
We have talked in the past of other aspects of your total
personality that inhabit other probable reality systems, all just as physical
and all as real and actual as the world that you know. You will never detect
these other worlds while in your corporeal body, but glimpses of them may
become evident when you are in alternate states of conscious awareness,
slightly askew of your normal focus of attention.
I realize that some of the concepts that I discuss here are
at the very edge of the ability of human ability to bring into focus other
realities that surround you and in truth, exist in the same space as your
familiar world. It may help to understand with this one small insight; it's all mental.
Everything that is seemingly hard, solid, existing within
the physical universe is exactly that, but it is more. In other words, it is
solid and concrete within your frame of reference, but outside of your
particular frame of reference, it doesn't exist.
Let me explain; things appear solid to your unique perceptions
and to the second hand perceptions that you receive from the instruments that
have constructed to enhance your perceptions, such as microscopes and
telescopes and other quite sophisticated devices.
They will never tell you different since they were designed
and constructed in the same way mentally as the reality that they were designed
to perceive and so they do that very well. They are not designed to catch the reality
that lies beneath the surface out of which your physical reality emerges. They
do well in capturing objectivity, but are not able to capture subjectivity, and
everything that is objective to your senses emerge out of subjectivity.
In a way, your race has boxed itself in by relying almost
entirely on physical perceptive mechanisms, senses, once again created in your objective
world. There are corresponding inner senses that are the source of your outer,
exterior senses. If you are ever to perceive these countless, strange alien
worlds, you will have to learn a more expansive way of perception utilizing these
inner senses along with the physical senses.
There is an unseen universe, in addition to the physical
universe that you are eminently qualified to perceive, but you tend to ignore
it as a legitimate universe even though a portion of your identity resides
there, preferring to consider it a fantasy, an hallucination or even a
chemically induced delusional state of a sleeping consciousness.
Of course, I am speaking of the "Dream Universe" which,
if you are a normal human being, you visit each night to some extent while you
sleep. Some people are better dreamers than others for a variety of reasons,
one being; they have had more practice. Children and the aged are better
natural dreamers due to inherent conditions allowing them to relinquish their
intense focus from the physical world. People, who believe in the importance of
dreams, dream better than others who don't.
If you have trouble remembering your dreams, always keep in
mind that your dreams are yours exclusively, they are your property and
therefore you are entitled to remember them.
Some people take dreaming seriously and try to learn how to
do it and teach themselves to remember their dreams upon awakening. Even they
have little idea as to the true reality behind the manufacture of dreams and
their intended purposes. These people have recognized that valuable information
can be gleaned from dreams that can be invaluable in understanding your
wakening reality.
Dreams are the lifeblood of the physical system and without
dreams and the dream experience the physical world and its inhabitants could
not exist. I don't mean it couldn't exist due to a lack of sleep in itself,
although that is important too. Waking consciousness needs to recoup it's
energies, rid itself of chemical residues, organize it's perceptions and most
important, plan future activities. This holds true both in your personal life
and in the mass experience of the civilizations of your entire planet.
The planet's populations experience mass dreams, planning in
the dream state, the realities that will be created for not only each
individual consciousness personally, but also for all the world's mass consciousness.
Half of the world sleeps and dreams of future directions civilizations will
take while the other half of the populations construct and live out those dream
dramas while they are awake.
Wars are planned, inventions contemplated, migrations
imagined, disasters and triumphs considered, even before one physical particle
or one physical thought is given to their production in the world of atoms and
molecules. Dreaming reality allows you the leeway to plan, make mistakes, make
changes and consider alternative ways of doing things before they materialize
on the physical plane.
In dreams you have access to the field of probabilities
where you can assess the practicality of the multiple future possibilities of
every possible action that you can take in your waking life. Here you can
choose any particular future action, try it on for size, discard it if it's not
to you liking and try another. Here you can stumble and make mistakes with no
real life consequences.
The human species is unique in that you live in the world of
three-dimensional physical matter; yet a third of your life is spent in another
dimension entirely, the dream universe, which incidentally, is quite as real as
the physical world. To you, the dream universe is chaotic and out-of-focus, but
to your dream self from its own perspective, the physical world appears the
same way.
In your dreams, you and the entire world population are the
architects, planners and authors of future dramas that will occur in your mass
daily lives. In your dreams, both individually and en masse, choosing from an
unlimited source of probable events, you will collectively write the scripts
for the future earth dramas.
There is not one world-event that has occurred since the
beginning of history, as you know it, that was not acted out first in the dream
universe. Only then was it fleshed out in atomic structure to emerge in
three-dimensional form in the physical world.
There are of course other reasons behind dreams, more
playful, more fantasized, great for relieving stresses and preparing the
dreamer for the coming days activities, but the real work done in dreams is the
advance planning of future reality constructions in the case of future events
and object events.
All great inventions
came from the dream universe before they were constructed in the physical
system. Some past civilizations used pre-planned mass dreams to determine the
movements of entire tribes and the spread of ideas over vast distances,
observing from the dream state, the lay of the land, availability of water and
the presence of other hostile tribes or dangerous animals.
Dreams are the psychological underpinnings of physical
reality and without them; physical reality would be impossible. All living and
non-living consciousnesses dream, from animals to trees, to rocks, dreaming from
a far different level of self-awareness of course.
The smallest particles, and in this case, limiting ourselves
to discussion of the largest of the smaller particles, electrons, atoms,
molecules and cells. All of these dream their own dreams and as a result, construct
the world that you know. The world as you perceive it does not look the same to
a cell, a worm, a fish or your pet dog.
Obviously cells don't dream about dogs chasing cats, but they
do dream about things that you would consider inconsequential. Still, if cells
didn't dream, future probabilities could not be predicted and without this
ability of cells to work with probabilities, there could be no future and you
would be locked into a perpetual repetition of present experience, a dead end
for sure.
From all of this you can perhaps understand that much of the
underlying work of reality construction is done while your physical body sleeps
and your dream body does the mental work. It would not be too far of a reach to
say that the physical world is a by-product of the dreaming consciousness. The
physical world is constructed in exactly the same way as your dream world is
constructed, from highly effective mental actions. You literally dream you
world into existence.
There is another very advanced portion of your total
identity that you do not know. This more advanced identity is your Soul, or as
I prefer, your Entity. This Entity portion of your identity has godlike
qualities and of course does not exist in the physical universe, and not having
physical form, creates you and your world in much the same way as you create
your dream world. To the Entity, your world appears as a dream, and the entity
pays about as much attention to you as you pay to your dreaming self.
All reality systems, all universes, all personalities and
all Souls/Entities are fragments or portions of something else and all are
ultimately connected, even while the illusion of separateness and individuality
is maintained. You are a portion of your Soul. Your Soul is a portion of your
Entity. Your Entity is a portion of even grander Entities, Intelligence gestalt
beings, and of course, this type of relationship extends to the One Prime
Source of All That Is.
You, as a physically materialized personality dream your
dreams, and drawing from the dreaming experience, you construct your present
and future reality. In a sense, you try it out first in your dreams, and you
might wonder, if you get to try it out first, why is it that there are so many
mistakes? Think about this; if you always experienced perfection, you would
never learn that you are indeed, yourself, creating your own reality, and this
is the main lesson you are here to learn.
It is through correcting mistakes that you begin to
understand that everything that comes into your life seems to have occurred
previously in your thoughts, imagination and desires. When you finally come to
that discovery, your earthly reincarnations are through, and you are ready to
move into more advanced and expansive reality systems.
You have a dreaming advantage. Your inner self (the portion
of your identity that lies above and beyond your subconscious), creates the
dream dramas and you live them, learning from them. In other words, your inner
self writes the script and you act it out in the drama of your life on earth.
You have been taught to believe that when you awaken from a
dream, the dream world contracts and ends, and that is far from the truth.
There is no end to the dream world or the dream dramas that
you experience. The dream world is continuous regardless of what you think of
it. Your dreaming self is another aspect of your overall identity, and it
doesn't end or die when you wake up. Your dreaming self continues, dreaming
it's own dreams, and the dreaming self's " dream self" also dreams
its own dreams. A dream within a dream, within a dream, within a dream. It
never ends.
Consciousness seeks to materialize itself on as many levels,
in as many worlds, planes and dimensions as possible, in as many directions as
possible, in as many living forms as possible. You can imagine then, that all
possible living life forms already created and existing in a multitude of other
reality systems, most of which will never be perceivable from your perspective
are as real and valid as our own.
From that statement, you can rest assured that every
possible "alien being" exists in it's own alien reality system, a
totality of which is truly inconceivable to you or to me.
To your dream self, many would seem to be lesser
consciousnesses, and that would be true, but in realizing that, you must also
come to terms that there are other aspects of your personality that are more
advanced, also existing in other systems, that would consider you the lesser
developed consciousness. To you, that other more developed self would be a
superior self.
Your other superior
self is your entity or soul and
to "It" your world is a dream
world and you are His dreaming self.
Your soul experiences you and your exploits in the physical world in the same
way as you experience your dream self.
This is not an exaggeration, but to your soul/entity, you
are the dream self and the world, as you know it, is but a dream to this
larger, more advanced aspect of your consciousness. Your Identity and your
world are materialized in His dream. You call this materialization "Earth
Here we have barely scratched the surface on the way to
trying to grasp some understanding of the "God Concept" that is truly
beyond human comprehension, but the same analogy holds. To your Entity/ Soul,
you are a dream portion of its total identity, but to greater, more advanced
Entities, your Entity/Soul is but a dream.
In a larger perspective, you could rightly say the God
dreamed all universes and all entities into being in one massive First Dream.
In that context, your world is a dream within a larger dream, within a larger
This in no way trivializes or minimizes the importance of
such an achievement or means that it is not real or valid. The dream illusion
is just that, but the illusion was created by consciousness and it exists in
many perspectives for all identities to utilize in their own unique ways,
creating countless reality systems. Earth is but one.
This next analogy was given by "Seth" the other world
Entity channeled by Jane Roberts in her series of "Seth" books, which
I have found evocative and enlightening when considering the above material,
and so I say thank you to Seth.
The analogy goes as follows,
A painter stands on a
hill with his easel, painting a landscape stretching out before him and as he
looks in the distance, he sees another painter with his easel standing on another
distant hill, also painting the landscape before him and this painter also
notices another painter in the distance with his easel, who also seems to be
painting the landscape in front of him. And in the distance, this painter also
sees another painter on another hill painting another landscape.
What we have here is a
series of painters, painting other painters and their landscapes, stretching
out into what appears to be infinity. The first painter viewing this, struck by
its relevance, turns slightly to the left and looks cautiously behind himself
only to see behind him another painter, also painting the landscape in which he
is a part.
The inference is;
consciousness creates and its creations create and there is no end to the
inwardness of it all. The physical reality system, which includes earth, is a
training ground for the expansion of emerging consciousness of which you are an
integral part.
If you have comments or questions, please go to the
"comments" link after this article. I will do my best to respond.
Hi William,
Will you be able to tell something about Matrix Reimprinting and TAT, the techniques, that claim to clean-out the experiences of our past, past lives and ancestors so it doesn't affect us in any way in the present and the future? Do they really do that?
I just walked into my into my father listening to depressing news about world going towards fuel price hike and lack of food and total disarray and killings and what have you. I walked out in a minute. Now I try to keep away from such news and focus on things I want. But with instnces like this, i a jolted back into this physical reality of economic problems and I..........don't know what to do.
Is all this avoidable? If not, how can humans protect themselves from such a scenario?
Do we believe ourselves into another reality?
What do we do?
Please reply.
Dear Anonymous,
I am sorry, but I have no knowledge of the techniques that you mention in your comment, but I can comment on your question.
There is a way to do what you ask, but it is not recommended and can be very dangerous. That would be with mind altering drugs such as LSD. It is possible to actually purge your ego consciousness and lose total sense of personal identity. Don't even think of doing it.
Your personal past experiences and experiences of past lives are meant to add to your knowledge, and don't forget that as much can be learned from what you might consider negative experience as from positive experience.
Memory of your past lives can be accessed with practice and with hypnosis. This can help you to ascertain why certain things are happening in your present life and why they are affecting you as they do. Using your intuition with some training, you can learn much about your past lives.
There is nothing to be gained from blasting past memories from your mind and much to be lost.
Memory is an attribute of human consciousness and was developed by the species for a purpose. This characteristic is not shared by the animals. The purpose of memory is to help you to change what you don't like about past creativity. You are supposed to be creating your reality, experiencing what you have create, then recreating it again, making it better as you go along. Without past memories, this would be impossible.
Thanks for the comments and questions.
Dear Anonymous,
In answer to your questions;
Is all this avoidable? If not, how can humans protect themselves from such a scenario?
Do we believe ourselves into another reality?
What do we do?
You have believed yourself into this reality whether or not you realize it. The Earth reality system is spontaneously, automatically created through your thoughts, emotion, beliefs and expectations. It's as automatically created as you breathe. There is only one way to create the reality that you experience and that is to change how you think about it.
Whether you realize it or not, you are living and encountering a reality that you and your contemporaries have created by your joint emotional and mental states.
There are many reality systems, but in none of them do the inhabitants have a guarantee of problem free experience.
You are here to learn, both from your failures and your successes, and how to manipulate your reality more to your liking.
Good Luck, and remember, you have all the tools to change your experience, and only you can do it.
About Matrix Reimprinting,,,,,,,
I have no information about the above, but I can tell you that no matter what you do in what lifetime, in what physical body or as your level of experience, any past event of any consequence is retained by the personality eternally. The less important matters will be forgotten, but there is no way to erase past experience except to deal with it and work your way through it.
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