You don't know me, and
I don't really know you, but I probably know more about you than you know about
me. I am writing to you to offer some information and my wishes for a speedy
I am almost
embarrassed to admit that I seem to be the only person on the planet that has
never seen you on television until recently, but my TV experience is somewhat
limited and from what I have read about you, you are not only well known, but
also well loved by many people.
I have seen you on TV
recently in interviews concerning your challenging times with brain cancer and
I must admit, I am thoroughly impressed with your outlook and how you are handling
yourself during these challenging times both mentally and physically.
I hope I am not
sticking my nose into your business, but these matters do concern me and I am
hoping that what I say will provide not only you, but others who are going
through similar kinds of health experiences, or should I say "lack of
health experiences", with knowledge that will bring some greater
understanding of the true nature of health in the human body. If I can help
only one person through these humble writings, then it is all-worthwhile.
I want to make it
clear that I am not a doctor. I have no degrees hanging on my walls and I have
no stethoscope hanging around my neck. My medical experience is of a more
practical kind, none! In a way my lack of medical credentials allows me
the freedom to view reality from a fresh viewpoint not influenced and limited
by formal medical education.
Let me emphatically
make this statement that I know to be true in all health problems other than
that is incurable", or to be more accurate, cannot cure itself, even instantaneously
in the blink of an eye under favorable circumstances.
Actually, this process
is commonly called spontaneous remission and as you know it happens all
of the time. Scientists and doctors cannot explain it since it happens without
a pill, potion or removal of an organ. They have yet to understand it happens
from within and not from without, but the question then arises; if spontaneous
remission is real and if it happens from within, then how can we learn to gain
some measure of control over it and rid ourselves of unexplainable and
despicable illness?
The processes involved
in spontaneous remission are spontaneous and automatic and the more we try to consciously
exert influence over them, generally speaking, the further we get away from a
satisfactory result. The answer is obviously, you can't control inner processes
since they are spontaneous and beyond the reach of the conscious mind, but you can
create the conditions where spontaneity can occur naturally.
From what little I
have seen of your interviews on television recently, your mental state is
exemplary and you are on the right track, other than a few things and they are
big ones indeed.
I should mention that
the regular use of words like incurable, terminal and fatal, are not
only counterproductive, but, are reinforcing whatever condition you may have.
This is not some Pollyanna, wishful thinking, mumbo-jumbo new age process of
which I speak, but a process that governs the creation of all matter and events
in the universe. The slightest thought reinforces that which it thinks about!
From this you can gather that what you don't think about, you rob of creative
energy and without energy the problem will fade and dissipate.
Scientists already
understand that matter is energy and energy is matter, in other words energy
creates physical matter. This is a scientifically accepted fact. You are
physical matter, energy solidified; hence you are energy in its material
form. When there are blockages of the natural flow of creative energy that goes
to the creation of the normal, healthy physical body, you end up with
distortions and misapplied energy resulting in health problems.
I have no intention
here of lecturing or haranguing on concepts that you may or may not agree with,
but would simply like to point out a few important points that you may want to
consider in your recovery.
There are some people
who have learned this secret unconsciously and simply put, they never get sick.
If you want to know how balanced a person is psychologically, look for someone
who does not experience illness. Any personality, who has a healthy body, has a
balanced inner psychological stance and will not need to project an inner
psychic imbalance outwardly for recognition. He/She will be naturally healthy.
Under normal
circumstances, countless deadly virus live side by side with other harmful
organisms within the physical body, living in perfect harmony, and are indeed
necessary for the normal bodily functions in the physical world. The source of
illness does not lie in lethal little viruses lurking around your body just
waiting for the chance to attack and maim or disrupt its functions. They live
in harmony and provide you with protections that you are not consciously aware of,
unless of course, they run amok.
Your God, whoever that
may be, did not apportion out healthy bodies to some and defective bodies to
others. In fact, whatever God you believe in, or none, "being judgmental,
arbitrary and capricious" are not His, Her or Its characteristics. You are
what you are because of you and no other will bear responsibility for your
condition, and so you must look for causes in the inner universe of the mind
before a cure can be affected on the body. God does not cause, approve of, or
use illness as some kind of beacon or punishment for indiscretions.
When you don't believe in sickness and you
don't carry detrimental mental baggage you are essentially immune to illness. Your
body, believe it or not, is provided with a foolproof immune system at birth
and it is only because of the mental degrading of the natural processes that it
lowers its defenses and allows the entrance of these pesky little virus-like
bugs or the occurrence of unexplainable accidents.
Of course it is not
all that simple, there are many other considerations that cannot be explained
in this one article.
I have read that you
have had to deal with cancer before, and this indicates that there are hidden
inner difficulties that have not been dealt with in the past, that have
resurfaced so that they can be discovered and eliminated. All illness is in
some way the result of inner conflicts that must be resolved both
psychologically and biologically if healing is to occur. There is something in
the past that has not been resolved and in this case, that something must lie
in the past before the initial signs of the first indication of caner.
Yes, doctors can in many
cases help to affect a cure, but if the inner sources of the illness are not discovered
and dealt with successfully, then the personality will simply adopt another
illness as a replacement.
I want to emphasize
that when I speak of mental blockages, I am in no way referring to religious
beliefs, moral judgments or anything to do with your ideas of good or bad when
I refer to inner imbalance, distortions and discordance.
I refer instead to
misconceptions and misunderstandings that have become mentally ingrown to such
a state that they spill over from a subjective state into objectivity, that
objectivity making itself known as physical illness, and must be first
discovered and eliminated internally if any meaningful cure is to be achieved.
You can sacrifice one
organ after another, subject yourself to one debilitating chemical or drug-induced
treatment after another, but no permanent cure will be achieved if the source
problem is not discovered and eliminated.
I will leave you with
this thought; there is nothing that cannot be cured, no matter what
anyone tells you and there are countless cases where this has proven true
throughout history.
What you believe
and expect will become real. Your reality rises up out of a bed of your
beliefs and expectations.
CONCENTRATE ON,,,,,,,,PERIOD! (And it works equally well for good or bad).
There is no other rule
that permeates all reality systems and universes since it is the rule that
results in their creation.
I do wish you a speedy
For those desiring
additional information on this subject, please read the following article.
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