How can a copy of myself exist in another universe? Wouldn't
this universe had to of been created &
copied the moment it was formed & have the exact same formation of planets
& all living things inside it? It cannot be as simple as having an mp3 on
your PC in one folder & then making a copy of it into another folder,
otherwise right in this very moment i myself exist in another dimension without
even being born but just copied like an mp3 into another universe that consists
of the same planet earth. So the moment i was born i was also born an infinite
number of times in other dimensions. How is this possible?
I wanted to respond to these comments and questions since
there is so much misunderstanding about the nature of probabilities. I am very
much aware that the complexity of this concept makes is almost impossible to
understand with the use of the trained intellect alone. If you truly want to
understand these concepts, you must also rely on the use of the intuitive
aspects of your personality. I want to mention here that I sometimes intermix
the terms "probable worlds and parallel worlds" and may do so in this
The reader hypothesizes that at the moment a universe was
created, another exact copy was also created including copies of all the living
creatures contained in that original universe. Of course, this is not the case
by any means.
The very nature and purposes of parallel universes, worlds,
identities and events is to insure that variances of the originals will provide
a platform for "alternate experience", not carbon copies or as
the reader suggests, MP3 copies in a folder being copied to another folder.
Furthermore, the whole idea of probable worlds and such would make no sense
whatsoever if this were so.
Consider for a moment
the idea of other "yous" existing in parallel worlds. These worlds
may have some similarities, and in fact, enough similarities that you don't
realize it when you and other parallel aspects of yourself are constantly
moving in and out of and through these parallel worlds constantly in your present daily experience.
All of this will be extremely difficult to grasp if you
continue to believe in the "solidity" of physical matter. This solid
appearance of physical matter is only relevant to YOU and other earth
inhabitants whose senses are tuned into the same "world frequencies".
To other beings in other civilizations, earth is invisible and does not exist,
as in your case; the probable worlds do not exist for precisely the same
reasons. To the other aspects of YOU living in these parallel/probable worlds,
your familiar earth does not exist either.
Scientists are pretty much aware that physical matter is not
really solid, but is an appearance of solid, and no more solid than a dream, an
idea or thought is solid. But to your particular senses matter is solid and
that is enough to make it practical for your use in the physical world.
When you are born and begin to become effective in the
physical world, it becomes probable that other aspects of you will be born in
other probable systems. These other you's are not you but are unseen portions of
your entire "whole identity", so in that respect, they are you, but
they are not you. They share the same psychic heritage as you do, but they are
in no way exact copies of you no more than their worlds or reality systems are
exact copies of the earth.
There will always be some resemblances between probable
selves since you will be addressing the same general problems that span worlds
and universes. I have not touched on this before, but now seems to be a good
time to do so.
You choose your future parents before birth and by doing so
you generally choose your race, gender and place of birth, but you also make
another choice that is more important in the larger perspective. You also
choose to be born into a certain time of earth experience, meaning you choose
the challenges of the era you are born into. If your identity is one that is not
particularly interested in technology, you would probably not choose to be born
into an age of vast technological achievement as in the present times.
If you are interested in artistic achievement, you may
choose to be born into the renaissance era. Your probable selves would also
then exist in a probable world where the possibilities of similar challenges
would exist. I realize that this
statement will confound the intellect, but the renaissance era still exists and
not in just a symbolic way. It may help if you consider the probable systems as
psychological systems from your personal perspective, but to those living in
those systems, they are as real and solid as yours.
Everything that is possible becomes probable. If
something is not possible, it will not exist in the field of probabilities, at
least for you. For instance, there is NO probability that you will grow wings
and fly. Probabilities become real in the field of probabilities only as they
become possible, and some events become more probable than others. In another
instance, if you had never attended college and medical school, it would be
highly unlikely that you would ever become a brain surgeon, so that probability
would not exist.
If you enrolled in a medical school to study to become a
doctor, then that probability would be created in the probability field.
The relative strength of any probable event depends on the likelihood that it
will be chosen and activated in your life.
If everything in your life leading up to you entering
medical school pointed to a career as a doctor, then the existing probability
would be strong. If, as a child and young adult, you wanted to be an artist and
just recently decided on medicine, then both probabilities would exist, both
being weak probabilities for future activation.
Probabilities gain strength or diminish as your life changes
and your intentions become more opaque or transparent and probabilities
strengthen or weaken, meaning they become more or less likely to be
materialized. This should shed some light on the obvious, that if you
concentrate your thoughts and beliefs on what you want, if will materialize in
your life. That is precisely why some people seem to have or to get what they
want and others do not.
It also follows that as your life and reality become more
complex, as it is doing now, with the expansion of technology and information
sharing experience on a worldwide basis, more and more probabilities come into
play. The cave man had far fewer probabilities to deal with in his times. His
mental capabilities could not have dealt with such volumes of data and
The sometimes-exasperating thing is that you do not have to
agree with, understand or think about this concept of probabilities to be a
part of it. In fact, you cannot separate yourself from probabilities. You do
have channels of contact open with your other probable selves during your
dreaming state, and some of your best ideas may have been spillovers from a
probable self who has already tried out certain ideas and already solved or failed
at challenges that you are now facing. These subtle inspirations come to you in
the form of hunches and urges when you least expect them, and your probable
self may not even be aware that he is the source of your inspiration or
It may be helpful if you consider all probabilities,
probable worlds and universes as psychological realties first, that become real
to the personalities existing within those worlds and universes as they choose
and perceive them with their own unique senses, they then become REAL within
those precise frequencies and those worlds then exist only to them.
In a somewhat similar way, your dreams are personal to you,
made real within the unique specifications of your consciousness and no one
else is made privy to your dream dramas. Your dream locations are as real as
your physical earth locations; they just exist on a different plane and are not
shared reality in your world.
I would suggest that you read other articles on this site
dealing with probabilities. This is difficult stuff.
Hint; since you are reading this article, a probable you
exists that has already read this and other articles on probabilities on this
As a rule of thumb, understand that every action that
happens creates every possible future probable action that could result from
the action that just happened. For you personally, every action that happens to
you or by you, a new probability is generated that will be addressed by you or
a probable self and it will in turn, generate its own probabilities. It never
To sum it up, probable selves and probable worlds are not
intended to be copies, but to provide alternate platforms for physical experience,
so that every possibility is examined and explored. No possibility is ever not
tried somewhere.
It also should be
understood, to you, your world will always seem to be the prime world and other
probable worlds will seem to be peripheral and secondary. To other consciousness
living in those other probable earths, their earth is considered the prime
world and yours is a probable world.
Finally, the existence of just one world infers the
existence of others. The existence of ONE YOU, infers the existence of
others, yet their are no carbon-copies of anything in the universe. Nothing
exists isolate in the universe. All physical constructions including living
identities, are unique and one-offs that cannot be exactly copied. You
are you, and your probable selves, are themselves, all unique identities, while
still retaining their psychic relationship with you that cannot be broken.
I know that these things are hard to understand and I am
working on a book that I hope will explain the benefits from understanding and
using the knowledge of probabilities to your advantage. For instance, just
knowing that every probability exists for every future choice that you must
make, and that if you don't make it, another of your probable selves will,
should be an incentive to zero-in on what you want and bring it into your life
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