On an infamous day last week 20 children and 6 adults, the
shooter and his own mother died unnecessarily at the hands of a very mad
individual. I don't mean mad in the traditional sense of madness as in "crazy
madness", but in madness as in "you wronged me" and I am very mad
and I am going to show you just how mad I am in as magnified way as I can. The
extent of his anger and his motivations will eventually emerge, but his intent
is clear in his choice of expression of his madness.
He did not choose a small weapon of limited killing power
and assault a small number or people because that would not be sufficient to
demonstrate just how mad he was. Instead he chose weapons that would have the
potential to inflict harm to a large number of people and show the world the
extent of his rage. Then they would have to acknowledge his passion.
This person whom we all now know as Adam--------, did what
he intended to do and now the world knows that Adam was indeed very angry at
someone or everyone and himself. His self-rage, at least in his eyes could not
be expressed more effectively than causing outrage and sorrow in his community,
his country and the world. I doubt that he had any idea of the extent of the effect
his actions would have around the world.
Over time, the reasons for his anger will surface, or maybe
not, but you can rest assured, the he had in his eyes, justifiable reasons for
his heinous acts that he has inflicted on others at random. It was not so much
that he hated others, but that he hated himself. You cannot kill others if you
love yourself. For some reason, he was unable to sense love in others for
himself and so he lashed out in the only way he knew.
He felt that he was devoid of power and guns gave him the
power he was seeking. Through guns he would show the world his power in
creating devastation and sorrow. He would show the world that he was somebody
to be reckoned with, somebody in control. In his mind, the bigger the gun, the
more killing potential, the more people would die, the more control he would
Adam knew his arithmetic and he knew that a simple handgun
available everywhere is good for killing a few people, but he also knew the
devastating effect that assault guns with their rapid fire capability and large
capacity ammunition clips and magazines could kill lots of people and that's
what he needed to show that he was the one in control. And Adam was right in
that respect, but he could hardly anticipate the effects that would continue to
trickle down from the loss of life that was incurred, and how it would change
the country and the world.
After that horrendous event the public was fixated on the
travesty like no other in recent history and the attitudes about gun ownership
will affect how the public views guns and killing for future generations.
This article is not about the event itself, but also about
the conditions that were generated by not only the deaths, but also by the
thoughts, emotions and feelings of everyone connected with the event, and I
will attempt to explain.
The recent weather in Sandy Hook has been cold, cloudy,
misty, rainy, overcast and generally depressing ever since the assault on the
school last week and I would not be a bit surprised if people felt depressed
and dejected, not only from the event itself, but the miserable weather surely
took its toll emotionally on top of the negative emotional effects of the
tragedy itself.
It is not unusual for someone to say, "This lousy weather has really got me down
today", and it is pretty much common knowledge that the weather
certainly can and does affect your mood. It is not well known that your thoughts, emotions and feelings also affect the weather on a world scale
in the case of hurricanes, storms, floods, tornadoes, blizzards and such, but
also in your cozy little neighborhood. Of course, it's much more complicated than that, with other psychic contributions mixing and merging, but the mental affects of the human race are primary catalysts for weather effects worldwide.
It is not common knowledge that your mood and
outlook can affect the weather. Did you think that this horrid event and
the cold, rainy, miserable weather looming in the background was an accident?
And before you say that it was inherent in the prevailing weather patterns, the
jet stream just happened that way bringing in the rain, cold, mist, snow, let
me say that there are always inner reasons for outer events.
The jet stream did cause it to happen that way to some
extent, but the jet stream is also influenced by the emotional patterns
generated by the populations of the affected areas, as are the ocean currents
that also interact with atmospheric conditions that eventually show themselves
in weather events.
In the same way, there is a psychological-emotional climate
that accurately affects the inner harmony of the psyche by projecting outward
into physical weather effects. In other words, what you believe, what you feel,
what you emote; will manifest itself some way, somewhere on the face of the
earth. Because of the nature of weather events, despair in one area of the
country, may show itself in other areas of the nation or world, such as in the
unpredictability of a hurricane, but in this case of SANDY HOOK, the effects
became manifest locally.
There are unseen psychic/emotional currents that prevail at
any given time affecting the weather patterns worldwide. There are personal and
mass seen and felt weather effects that result from the inner psychological
states and as a rough rule of thumb, the more catastrophic the weather events
that happen physically, the more inner turmoil and discord and despair exists
in the inner state of the mass psyche, including both the personal psyche of
each and every individual on the planet, but also in the prevailing world
Thoughts, emotions and feelings are exceptionally strong
energy expressions, and as such, they always seek to materialize into physical
constructions in one form or another. It should not be too hard to understand
that in the mass consciousness of man, a world at peace, a world experiencing
contentment, devoid of wars, starvation and oppression and such, will be
materialized as normal, prevailing weather patterns in line with traditional
seasonal effects on the landscape.
On the other hand, a world at war, living with hatred and
contempt, with killing running rampant, countries in revolution, populations
starving and general despair prevailing will generate destructive and
depressing weather events that will be experienced by those affected and those
in distant lands.
This is supposed to alert you on a physical level, that
there is something wrong with what you are doing, or as I have heard said, "There is something fishy in
Consciousness always attempts to express itself on the
physical level in a way that is appropriate. It does not play favorites, it
does not seek to punish or to favor or not favor one section of the country
over another. It is just what consciousness does naturally.
That which is "inner" will always seek to become
"outer", subjective will always attempt to objectify in direct
proportion, or as accurately as possible, to express it's inner reality in the
world of physical phenomenon as weather events, whether or not they materialize
in your area, across the oceans or beyond the distant mountains. Strong
thoughts, emotions and feelings will always seek to show themselves and be
It is good to remember when you notice that the weather is
affecting your mood, that your moods in aggregate with the moods of others also
affect the weather in like manner. Everything is connected and on a larger
scale of events that is hard to grasp, your slightest thought materializes
somewhere and others in other alien worlds look into their heavens and see not
your thoughts, but whispy clouds, not realizing what lies beneath those
constructions. No energy is every wasted, but permeates all reality systems.
For future generations, there will be entire populations
practicing directed mass meditations to purposely create what you now create
naturally and unknowingly, sometimes reaping less than desirable results. This
directed thinking would be used to vastly increase the quality of your lives.
The sun will shine again in Sandy Hook as the sorrow
dissipates and disappears.
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