Sunday, May 8, 2011


 To many people the world is a dangerous place, a place full of pitfalls and challenges with danger lurking around every corner. To them the world is a place of many perils, a world of survival of the fittest and one is in constant danger of falling prey to any number of dangerous individuals, organizations or hostile countries as well as those pesky little viruses on a more personal basis that are everywhere just waiting to attack your health.
It sometimes seems there is no time to relax and let your guard down without leaving yourself susceptible to any number of such attacks from countless sources. In the course of a lifetime you will no doubt experience many of these, weather the assault and emerge better for the experience. There is no system of reality, even the most sophisticated that is devoid of challenges. You might think that as you evolve and advance in your psychological and spiritual awareness, your life would become better and better, problem free, have perfect health and a complete understanding of the universe and all that lies within, but that is not the case.
Healthy, wealthy and wise. Not so much. All of these will to some extent become more attainable in succeeding lives, but for even the most advanced entities, there are always emerging challenges, new problems to be solved, new realities to be experienced and new worlds to explore.
As you progress, learn and become more aware and gain knowledge, you might think that you will some day arrive at a perfect state of being. Not so, even though accumulation of knowledge and progress is the purpose behind the evolution of consciousness, to become more aware of your total identity, learn to operate in a multi dimensional universe and hold your own stability while being involved in many events simultaneously, experiencing many realities while never losing site of your true identity.
Reality never ends and there are those who have gone before and shown the way, but even the Godlike entities do not know everything there is to know and are seeking at their own level, as you are seeking at yours. God itself is not in what you would understand to be a state of perfection, and you should be thankful that that is the case, because “perfection” presupposes a goal already attained, a journey completed, a state of being done, and All That Is, is never done. When what is now considered a “state of completion”, a “state of perfection” is reached, another pathway appears and a new journey begins, for gods and men. And because this is the case, there can and will be no end to the universe and your world.
Although problems and challenges are the driving force behind all realities in your dimension and others, you do have certain areas of your consciousness and your physical life that are untouchable by unfortunate events of a certain kind. Each person creates his own reality and participates with all other consciousness, which incidentally includes all living matter, plants and animals, in creating the mass environment and events of the worlds civilizations. In all of this creative abundance, including what you might consider minor personal events and mass events that you would consider as cataclysmic, there are special areas that you maintain as personally unassailable, areas that in a way will always be protected by you against any onslaught, physical or psychic.
These protected areas of course are different with everyone, but if you examine your life as it impinges on all aspects of your everyday experiences in the temporal world, no matter how bad some aspects of your life may be, you will find there will be one area, maybe more, in which your goals and expectations are being met satisfactorily. These will usually be areas that you don't notice, that you rarely think about since they do not rise to the level of conscious attention precisely because they present you with no problems.
Let me give an example; You may have financial difficulties, friends may desert you, you may lose your home, wreck your car, you may get divorced, but you will always enjoy perfect health. I don't need to carry this any further, but you know what I mean and you can look at your own life with some discernment and discover those areas that you hold dear and and free from life's difficulties.
In a sense, in those areas that you protect, your beliefs are in line with your inner self, your inner being, and you are operating in a kind of psychic cruise control. You may lower your guard and accept seemingly negative challenges in other areas, to the point that you seem to be inundated with bad luck, karmic payback, attacks from friends and foes alike from all corners of your personal world. You may feel like your life is a disaster in some areas, but take notice, “you will protect yourself in at least one area”. Check it out.
There will always be this one area in all of your life which you hold dear and protect against all assaults, both physical and psychological, and you will be surprised how easy it is to identify that area. Consider; What in your life are you happy with? What part of your life experience operates so smooth that you rarely give it your attention because of its existence usually operates below your conscious radar?
You could say that your temporal life is a symptom of your beliefs, a result of your inner state of being, so you can rest assured that in those areas of your life that are positive and productive and where you meet with success and fulfillment, your beliefs are in concert with the rhythms of the universe. If you take the time to consider what I have said here, it can be of some value to you in other aspects of your life to discover that area that you have unknowingly protected, sometimes for longer than you would like to recognize. The realization alone that you have such an area, should lead you to the conclusion that if you have done this in one area of your life, you can do in other areas too.
There are countless reasons why you made the unconscious decision to hold one “protected area” as a refuge against all adversaries, real or unreal, physical or non-physical, and we shall discuss these reasons in other articles. The main point it that when you realize that you did it once, you can apply it to other areas of your life and do it again. There are NO LIMITS TO CONSCIOUSNESS except the limits that you “Self Impose” on yourself. There is no god, no entity, no soul that places limitations on your consciousness. You do accept some limitations and impose them on yourself before your physical birth, but those do not apply here.
You live in a world of opposites, at least you believe you do, so you have trained yourselves to expect bad as a natural result when good has been recently experienced. Because there is black, there must be white, because there is up there must be down. There simply is no requirement for you to experience tragedy just because you have recently experience exultation.
Your experience may seem utterly convincing to you as being true reality because your reality that you encounter day to day seems to prove it out, but you are experiencing your BELIEF about reality and not reality itself. That is why it is so hard to change your life when it seems bad, because when you look at your life experience, it presents itself pretty convincingly as the true reality, when what you are experiencing is your belief ABOUT REALITY made real by your beliefs materialized in atoms and molecules. And why shouldn't you, since you create your reality in the first place and then experience it.
There is one way and one way only to make lasting changes in your life and that is by changing how you think and what you believe about your life. If you believe everything you see, you must keep repeating the same thing over and over again. You have protected one area without knowing it, but now you can begin to use this knowledge to improve other areas of your life.
Remember this! What you experience in life is not necessarily true reality, but your beliefs about reality made physical and they just could be distorted or flat out wrong beliefs. So, change what you think and believe and you will change your life.


Anonymous said...

Fantastic! I wish I knew how to apply this practically... Are there any simple exercises to train your mind, to get in touch with your soul at this level?

W. Allan said...

Dear Anonymous,
I wish I could tell you that there is a simple way to enlightenment, but as I have said many times, reality is not simple, but is very difficult to understand. When you reach a point in your life, where your current beliefs aren't working for you any more, then you can begin your journey, and that journey begins by seeking knowledge. You will be drawn to material that you will intuitively be drawn to. I know this will seem strange, but Knowledge wants to be known, and once you begin to desire knowledge, you will be drawn to it and it will be attracted to you. Read, read and read more, everything you can get you hands on. Your inner intuitive self will help you discern what is true and what is dogma. I might suggest that you begin here on this site,,,,,,,,,,do not trust my words alone, but what your intuition tells you is valid,,,,,,,,, intuition cannot lie,,,,,,,,,you will find your way,,,,,

Anonymous said...

Thanks William. :)

TessG said...

If we chose our existence here on Earth, knowing full well the limitations that would be imposed upon us spiritually, why should we care about pursuing enlightenment at all?

If the goal, here, is to become enlightened, why didn't we just choose a more "enlightened" environment to be born into? I'm having trouble reconciling the idea that we seem to start out in the spiritual world much more capable than what we end up with on Earth. It's like trading in a Ferrari for a Corolla. ;)

Thank you for all the interesting topics of discussion. I always enjoy my time here.

TessG said...

Also, what is your take on Stephen Hawking's claims that there is no life beyond this one:

W. Allan said...

Number 7,
I am pleased to see that you are thinking. Your question is interesting and like others, cannot be adequately answered in this limited space, but I will give it a shot. First, there are NO limitations of any kind placed on you in your Earth existence. All conditions for your new life are chosen by you and your soul. In a sense, you live not only for yourself, but for you soul/Entity. You are living in this time and place since you chose to because it presents a particular type of environment that you desired that would be conducive to the development of your personality in certain areas where you were lacking. In each succeeding life, you gain knowledge and enlightenment, but that progress is usually focused along very specific lines. As an example, you may gain intellectual knowledge at the expense of emotional development. In your next life, you may choose a life of mental deficiency in order to focus your development along emotional lines, thereby learning compassion for your fellow humans that you were not able to express before. In order to do this, you would temporarily, for this one lifetime purposely forget the intellectual development which is still yours, but not apparent in the current life. The goal is to become a well rounded personality which cannot be achieved in one life experience. The rule of thumb is increasing awareness. This is known to the personality before embarking on a new life and sometimes causes some concern to the personality preparing to embark on a new life, requiring setting aside previous knowledge and entering as a "clueless" new fetus. What had been previous learned is not lost, it becomes latent, held in abeyance until all is brought together when the reincarnational cycle is finished and a well rounded personality emerges and is ready for more advanced worlds. At this time, you will be "consciously" aware of all of your reincarnational selves, probable selves and simultaneous selves, those other aspects of your personality living NOW on the earth, (soul mate selves). These are all various aspects of the same identity which is YOU. Your automotive analogy is valid.

W. Allan said...

Number 7,
I read the same article that you read and have planned an article addressing his comments. I will say this, there is not doubting Hawkings intellect, but the human being was never meant to put all of his eggs in one basket and relying on the intellect alone in the pursuit of physical facts while ignoring the source of the facts, the human psyche, will only result in frustration. Physical facts alone can lead you far astray of the true nature of reality. Hawking says science will always win, but that is far from correct. Science can dissect hundreds of corpses and will never find the mind or the soul. A scientific cat scan will never detect an idea, a thought, an emotion and we all know that they exist and they are what create the facts. Watch for the upcoming article for a fuller explanation.

TessG said...

Thank you for addressing the questions, William.